
2 Post – 283 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Before you ask, the accent varies based on diet.

This is 100% the fault of shitty advertisers spamming us with literal scams, malware, and spyware.

18 more...

American here: Shit, I'd like to see our own veterans get the care and benefits they're supposed to be entitled to.

Some vets have been getting screwed over for literal decades after being forced to kill, suffer injury, psychological damage, lose good friends, and regularly risk death all supposedly for our country.

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That's funny because according to other experts you should sleep with your door closed in case a fire breaks out: Keeping the door closed can help keep (or at least delay) death from smoke inhalation.

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What a stupid fucking rule, guess immunocompromised people are just supposed to die?

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If swifties were a pokemon, they'd be normal type.

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Oh no, are we beanposting again???

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No eye contact? Milk? Asian food? Are these things conservatives think people get upset about? Does this guy just have spicy tism? What is happening?

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Gotta be trolling, right? Right?

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Trump is one of the least Christian people I can think of, then again that holds true for his "Christian" followers so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

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Guess I'll never buy a Roku TV then: Get all the way fucked!

What's he need a bond for? Isn't he a billionaire?

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@zuck@threads.net - Your company is cancer, please excise it from the Internet to prevent further METAstasizing. Thank you!

LPT: Don't microwave plastic, even if it claims to be microwave safe.

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[autistic hyperfixation noises intensify]

They probably live in the Bananas Stand.

There's always money in the Banana Stand.

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I hope he does, that would be hilarious. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing him get his ass handed to him in court.

Does all your base even are belong to us?

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Always nice to see a bigot lose


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This is the kinda job I like to get just to fuck with management.

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The worst was when we had an evil clown show up in the White House. I think it was one of the first, sometime in January.


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It is patterned for some people: Freckles, moles, vitiligo, etc.

There are patterns we can't even perceive too.

For the purpose of answering the question though, I'd want chromataphors I can change at will!

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On one hand, I want to downvote this because nobody: is a shitty meme.

On the other, the rest of it is still funny so, fuck it, I'm upvoting.

I hope you have enjoyed this peek at my internal monologue.

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IDK about final but Framework has a pretty strong possibility of being my next laptop.

Wait a second, if this is Albanian why can I read it?

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Yeah, a party that did all the shit republicans exaggerated about the democrats would be pretty popular

Kinda weird since Trump is basically The Anti-Christ: Dumbass Edition

This man has won capitalism

American here: I find this offensive. This is clearly not an actual, functioning firearm, very unrealistic.

This is obviously not a real Cybertruck, the doors line up too much and the wheels aren't stupid as fuck.

That would never happen: These brave 2A champions have completely banned firearms from these conventions for security reasons.

Oh, ok.

So, you're going to resign now, yes?

It feels more like... a... bag... of sand.

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Huh, I always figured it was the other way around.

How about Edge!?

4 more...

Well I laughed.

See you in hell I guess.

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Fits pretty well if you ask me...

What are you talking about? I don't see anything.