
1 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There are enough mundane explanations for why a satellite can, in fact, burst into 100 pieces.

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For the last time: these language models are just regurgitating what people have said. They don't analyze or reason.

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Soon hundreds of churches will claim to have a genuine fragment of his fidget spinner.

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In case you don't know, Cloudflare already controls a massive amount of websites, have access to their unencrypted traffic and are making the web inaccessible for people who use tor or noscript. They are a threat to the open web.

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The Google Play Store has long been the bastion for safe and worry-free app downloads

It's nice that the article starts with this blatent lie, so that you know everything that follows is just regurgitating Google's marketing.

Even ignoring that most of the apps in the play store are unreviewed proprietary spyware sending all their data back to Google, there have been many instances of obvious malware being distributed through the play store. It seems like they are trying to sweep that under the rug.

"Gen Z simply uses technology more than any other generation and is therefore more likely to be scammed via that technology."

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It seems like this order is rather limited and the IA can continue almost all of their work.

RCS is walled off by design, so that users are dependent on Google and their phone carrier. If they wanted an open standard they would have adopted something like XMPP.

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A lot of people seem to have forgotten this, but the American constitution was actually written by god and passed down by Moses over 2000 years ago.

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The real question is do you encrypt-and-sign or sign-and-encrypt?

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That's not accurate. Copyright and trademark are two different things. The name "twitter" is also just a combination of preexisting characters and the word was probably in use before the company was founded. You can still trademark existing things because trademarks are about preventing consumer confusion, not protecting original creations.

Musk does have a problem with copyright if it turns out this specific design was made by someone else.

The biggest privacy problems are Google location services, G play services and G analytics in other apps. This approach doesn't fix that.

Law is more complicated than quoting bits of text that you like. You actually have to consider other texts (the fourteenth amendment made the bill of rights applicable to states) and case law (Everson v. Board of education confirms that states and school districts can't support specific religious activities).

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Expressing an opinion while queer = virtue signalling?

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The scenario you describe is so far from reality that it's hard to take as something other than a creative writing exercise. Israel is not existentially threatened at all. The IDF is far better equipped than all the other countries in the region and Israel was just in the process of normalizing relations with some of its neighbors, including Saudi Arabia. All the military support from the USA isn't saving anyone, it's just funneled there to keep the military industrial complex happy and kill Palestinian children as a byproduct.

It's slightly different. Your shell will see the /* and replace it with all the directories under /, e.g. /bin /dev /etc /home etc. So the actual command that runs is rm -rf /bin /dev /etc /home etc.

You can, but other servers will not recognize it as the same server.

There are however ways to run your server on a subdomain and make it appear as if it's still the original domain. Is that what you're looking for?

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You're unironically arguing that "might makes right" lmao get fucked techbro

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Someone didn't read the article

You can't just compare the file sizes without looking at the quality. Each will have different quality loss depending on the exact encodings used.

It's what the ePrivacy directive says, yes. But some get around this by claiming that it's necessary for the operation of the device/service (doubtful) or that it has limited effect on privacy (depends on exceptions created by member states)

It's not. Image hosting sites have existed for decades. Websites are not liable unless they have actual knowledge of illegal content and ignore takedown requests. Stop fearmongering.

Put the source code in the bag and nobody gets hurt.

Swiping left should reveal the community sidebar in my opinion. In the web interface the sidebar is also on the right side and it's the same behavior that various R*ddit clients had. The current way of accessing the sidebar is awkward.

If you turn the fan up high enough it will blow the heat from outside into the house. Trust me, I'm a scientists.

Never repeat anything 👍

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Do you have experience with Spanish employment law?

What is "southern Ireland"? Do you mean Ireland?

Unit tests or integration tests?

That's not how the law works, silly. They just arrest the guy and then find something to charge him with.

If you forget all the death and destruction caused by this war, then yes. I'm sure it's very profitable.

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The EU doesn't enforce the GDPR, it's the member states (or more specifically, the member state where the controller has their main establishment). However, individuals can also sue controllers directly.


It's nothing personnel, kid

*except the identity function 🤓

Aha Mensch, ja


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Ng4, his knook is trapped

Communication network providers in the EU generally aren't liable for illegal activity of their users.

The grand passant