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Joined 1 years ago



where is the dog tax, OP?


raises hand slowly

my pixel 7 pro uses grapheneOS. been using it for ~2 years now. loving it a lot.

1 more...

I have a cracked PS install, and the generative fill works just fine for me, and its got all inbound/outbound connections blocked on my firewall.

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legitimate question; how do those work?

do you do something like, punch a hole thru it, and stick a candle in its place, or what?

I've only ever seen pumpkin lanterns, and the turnips here where I am are about the size of a small child's fist.

(broken link BTW) damn, really? feels like 2 years for me lol.

guess I've just got a shitty memory then xD

I am the very model of a scientist salariaaaan

wait, you can?????? I haven't seen any way to

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Be exhausted constantly.

seriously, devote as little energy as possible to caring about shit. it works.

hell, I shower once a week, when I'm not doing manual labor like, say, construction or weightlifting. (which I then shower immediately after.)>

I don't smell at all by day 6, but my hair gets mildly greasy, so I wash it.

live at 6273ft above sea level, in a "high desert plains", acccordig to google.

YMMV, obviously.

worth noting that I've also been noseblind since birth, and the only feedback I have in my scnents (or lack thereof) has been my family's noses, and my partner's nose.

honestly, I'm stuck between staying here, and moving to japan. on the one hand, weed.... and in the other, a -very- predictable political situation...

stability, or drugs... the age old question :P

holy shit I found it