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For people lacking context, Boeing split off and sold their division that became Spriti Aerosystems. The theory at the time was that Boeing's core competency wasn't building airplanes, it was managing relationships with other vendors. In particular, the actual plane manufacturing part of the company was undesirable due to perceived poor "Return on Net Assets." The theory they pitched to shareholders was they should sell off non obviously profitable divisions so they reduced asset liability while keeping the same or better profits.

That was their explanation, of course it was a terrible idea.

Title worried me for a moment that they were dropping Steam Input; happy to see they seem intent on the opposite.

This is almost entirely misdirected. The success of Wikipedia is from its human structures, the technical structure is close to meaningless. To propose a serious alternative you'd have to approach it from a social direction, how are you going to build a moderation incentive structures that forces your ideal outcomes?

Federation isn't a magic bullet for moderation, alone it creates fractal moderation problems.

Well this is a tremendous step in the wrong direction. The economic problem is the ad supported model in the first place, no matter how it's run. This is the same thing Google does, they keep user data to themselves and sell the ad placement. So now Mozilla has the same economic incentives as Google. Unfathomably bad move.

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This is a classic problem for machine learning systems, sometimes called over fitting or memorization. By analogy, it's the difference between knowing how to do multiplication vs just memorizing the times tables. With enough training data and large enough storage AI can feign higher "intelligence", and that is demonstrably what's going on here. It's a spectrum as well. In theory, nearly identical recall is undesirable, and there are known ways of shifting away from that end of the spectrum. Literal AI 101 content.

Edit: I don't mean to say that machine learning as a technique has problems, I mean that implementations of machine learning can run into these problems. And no, I wouldn't describe these as being intelligent any more than a chess algorithm is intelligent. They just have a much more broad problem space and the natural language processing leads us to anthropomorphize it.

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People complaining about the promotion of FOSS on a FOSS powered site. Lemmy amd Mastodon are a golden opportunity to get people onboard with FOSS, no shit they're going to evangelize it. Not to mention the early adopters were obviously FOSS devs.

It runs great now. Most importantly, it supports extensions like ublock.

The moment that shocked me was when printers, network cards, and even motherboard integrated Ethernet didn't work on Windows without driver downloads but Linux was plug and play. Full reversal of the situation.

Codeberg is run off of donations, they have no service contract revenue. Nobody, much less a volunteer, wants to commit to a 5 or 10 year service plan like that, it's not sustainable for a small project from a non profit.

Note the versions, none of the results give you the official operators page for the current version, 16. They give 9, which went EOL in 2021.

After doing some Meta/Facebook VR development in my job the lack of popularity made increasingly more sense. In brief, they're both incredibly incompetent and transparently greedy.

I'm honestly baffled how they could spend so many tens of billions of dollars and have such bad software, it is completely bug ridden. You'll hit a bug, research it, and find out it's a major know bug for literal years they haven't fixed. They care so little that they couldn't bother to update the Oculus branding to Meta for over 3 years in various software tools and libraries.

Their greed might be more salient aspect preventing adoption, though. They transparently wanted to be the gatekeepers to everything "metaverse" related, a business model that is now explicitly illegal in the EU after years of being merely very sketchy. They are straight up hostile to anyone else trying to implement enterprise or business features. Concrete example: fleet management software, aka MDM. There are third party tools that are cheaper and much more featured than Meta's solution, but in the last year they've pushed hard to kick those third parties out of the ecosystem.

I could go on, but in short nobody in their right mind would build a major business on their ecosystem. They'd rather let Meta burn billions in R&D and come back later. Besides, not even Meta is able to make money in the area now.

If I'm understanding this right, and this basically an API that lets you pick which app store administers an app, that could be quite helpful, not harmful. I currently have fdroid, play store, and Samsung store, and I assume they try to update apps by the fully qualified name, as multiple stores show and try to update a single app instance, sometimes with weird results.

It's not really special treatment. Generally, it's understood that the defendant will use a bond company and put up a fraction of the cash. They are trying to balance the defendants appeal rights with not postponing the judgement forever. He's actually tying up significantly more money this way than he would with a bond.

The actual judgement, should he lose appeal, isn't reduced.

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GNOME always seemed like an odd choice considering how little customization is available. It feels like a prescriptive approach, you will use your computer the way GNOME feels is appropriate, whereas KDE tries to accommodate however you want to use your computer.

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Sideberry, its like Tree Style Tabs but IMO is much more configurable and refined. It's honestly changed the way I use browsers, being able to bookmark entire trees of tabs, toggle between tab sets, and manually load/unload trees and groups. I legitimately worry about the extension api changing and disallowing it.

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The idea that "it's ok cause we'd do the same" is ridiculous. There is no comparison: China is an authoritarian government and the parent company is practically an arm of the state. There are legitimate criticisms of American tech companies obviously, but they're ultimately subject to the market and democratic governments. We shouldn't be doing any business with authoritarians in the first place, much less inviting them to control a significant social media app in the guise of a legitimate business.

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A major caveat I've noticed some people misunderstand: it's corporate CLAs that are problematic. The Apache Foundation also requires contributors sign a CLA, but it's to provide a legal fail safe and a way to update to say Apache 3.0 if need be one day. Apache's non profit, open source mission aligns with respecting the rights of contributors and the community. Corporations, on the other hand, not so much.

Wonder how we should interpret the country "XD" being on the list. As far as I can tell its never been used for any real country.

While it sounds absurd, between travel expenses and needing to maintain residency in the state and the very expensive DC, $174,000 really doesn't stretch very far. Instead of just paying them more, a housing and transit stipend might be prudent.

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The headline is pretty misleading. The full quote states this being the studios debut game made several factors major problems. UE5 as the engine, a highly competitive genre, and a new IP made nearly insurmountable obstacles. For comparison, Doom Eternal, their obvious AAA competitor, was from a veteran studio with a legendary IP built on literal decades of custom engine experience. On the other hand, a game like Ultrakill can compete by having an incredibly tight scope.

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I visit some technical subreddits and many of them, particularly open source centric ones, kept up the blackout long enough that people went elsewhere. It's difficult to discern between having a slow week or the active posters moving elsewhere, though. Popular subreddits are mostly back to normal, but the more niche ones, whose diversity and quantity were the draw of reddit for me, are far from business as usual.

CLAs can be abusive, but not necessarily. Apache Foundation contributors need to sign CLAs, which essentially codify in contract form the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. It's a precaution, in case some jurisdiction doesn't uphold the passive licensing scheme used otherwise. There's also a relicensing clause, but that's restricted to keeping in spirit, they can't close the source.

Forgejo is my go to, I ran it in a GCP micro instance, which has 768 MB ram and a piddling processor. One of my friends works for a company that had all their devs run a local instance in addition to the main repo, it was that light.

Gitea is the former go to, but gitea was hijacked and stolen from the community by a for profit company. Forgejo is currently a drop in replacement fork, but with added privacy features, future federation options, and a reputable parent organization.

Have you tried recent models? They're not perfect no, but they can usually get you most of the way there if not all the way. If you know how to structure the problem and prompt, granted.

Have you used it recently? Previous versions I would've agreed, but 5.0 was a huge improvement. If I didn't know, I'd likely have assumed it to be a native feature.

I'll take a look at Vivaldi's approach though, I've heard good things about those features previously.

Normal people don't, but when you get into absolutely massive enterprise archiving there's no rival for the density and cost effectiveness. It sucks for general purpose storage, but for write once, hopefully never read use, they're ideal.

Compression is actually a mathematical field that's fairly well explored, and this isn't compression. There are theoretical limits on how much you can compress data, so the data is always somewhere, either in the dictionary or the input. Trained models like these are gigantic, so even if it was perfect recall the ratio still wouldn't be good. Lossy "compression" is another issue entirely, more of an engineering problem of determining how much data you can throw out while making acceptable compromises.

The original UE5 seemed slightly premature, the 5.1 and 5.2 updates were significant and non trivial to update to. It also seems like a tool that gives you enough rope to hang yourself. Unlike Unity, everyone gets ready access to the full engine source code. Fortnite runs UE5, so the performance isn't inherently bad.

So this is probably another example of Google using too blunt of instruments for AI. LLMs are very suggestible and leading questions can severely bias responses. Most people using them without knowing a lot about the field will ask "bad" questions. So it likely has instructions to avoid "which is better" and instead provide pros and cons for the user to consider themselves.

Edit: I don't mean to excuse, just explain. If anything, the implication is that Google rushed it out after attempting to slap bandaids on serious problems. OpenAI and Anthropic, for example, have talked about how alignment training and human adjustment takes a majority of the development time. Since Google is in a self described emergency mode, cutting that process short seems a likely explanation.

This must be pandering to shareholders, no company in their right mind would want to compete when Meta is selling their first party headset at a giant loss.

Them using Google indexes anonymously isn't intending to solve the problem you think it is. It's more about incentive structures. Google's "free" search optimizes for ad revenue now. The API access doesn't as much, and Kagi certainly doesn't have an ad incentive. So privacy is a nice bonus, but the real benefit is a customer serving incentive structure.

3 or 4 years, including on Nvidia machines. I'll admit it took fiddling to get working awhile ago. Nowadays I use my desktops AMD iGPU as the main display driver and offload the rendering to the Nvidia card for intense programs or games, best of both worlds.

If you read carefully this is actually very similar to the Steam news. I doubt Valve or GOG care, but generally the games are "sold" by the publisher as non transferable licenses for you to play them. So the part that matters isn't up to them.

Curiosity, back around 2010 before I was a teenager. No clue how I heard about it, but the concept of replacing the entire operating system was fascinating. I figured it must be really good if it was such a well kept secret.

A few years later, when I started to learn programming, Linux was the obvious winner. The online course taught C in a Linux environment, and I was amazed that the default Ubuntu build at the time had everything built in, whereas a Windows equivalent required visual studio and licensing adventures.

It really stuck as a daily driver after Windows 7, where a clear trend emerged: Windows got in my way, Linux got out of my way. Simple as.

Recently got a Onyx Boox Ultra and it's incredible compared to my previous Kobo. Basically, its 10" with stylus input and a keyboard case. The special sauce is it running Android, complete with the Google store. The display tech is advanced enough that normal apps, for instance Connect for Lemmy, work fine. I have mine setup with Syncthing, Home Assistant, Obsidian, it all just works, mostly. I'd recommend using a 3rd party launcher and not touching the Onyx account, though.

I've had great experiences with Kobo, though. I literally went through 4 models because they kept upping their game. They're less sketchy than Onyx and are very open; you can load your own books of nearly any format and modify it as it runs linux. You can even completely replace the OS.

If you want vertical tabs with the ability to organize them in trees I suggest the Sideberry extension. It legitimately makes me nervous that the functionality would ever go away, it improves my productivity so much.

You can bookmark trees, collapse them, search them, load/unload them manually, I could go on. It makes it easy to organize dozens or hundreds of tabs. I have some trees for emails, news, forums, projects, etc. When I'm done just fold it up: the top tab bar can hide tabs that aren't in the active tree you're using, so you can still navigate the tabs normally.

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I use Kagi, they provide access to all the main models in a chat interface and have a mode that feeds search engine results to them. It's mostly replaced search engines for me. For programming work I find them very useful for using unfamiliar tools and libraries, I can ask it what I want to so and it'll generally tell me how correctly. Importantly, the search engine mode has citations. $25 a month, but worth it.

I use netdata, it's very good at digesting thousands of metrics to sharing actionable. The cloud portion is proprietary, but you can toggle off the data collection. I did turn on the cloud portion though, I get email notifications when something breaks. Might sound counter to the self hosted mantra, but a self hosted monitoring system isn't very helpful when your own systems go down.

I think about it like a tree structure for both. With a gui you have to move your mouse around to various places, with a cli each character branches off into another tree. Mathematically you can handle more options faster with a CLI.

Architecture emulation for current gen games is exceptionally unlikely right now. At a fundamental level, wine/proton doesn't change the instructions the code describes, rather it translates the input and output. It's a reimplementation of the same instructions in Windows. For architecture crossing you'd either have to create virtual hardware, which adds tremendous overhead, or recompile the binary. Recompilation is theoretically possible, but for x86_64 to ARM64, for games no less, it's beyond the realm of mortals. It's like how some jokes can't be translated between languages; the structure and vocabulary is just too different.