iByteABit [he/him]

@iByteABit [he/him]@lemm.ee
8 Post – 217 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's ok, americans don't have healthcare so they can afford to wage wars all over the place

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I don't usually judge by looks, but you can just tell that Brendan Eich is an insecure fragile person with many mental problems.

I don't know what's worse: The whole anti same-sex marriage deal or inventing Javascript.

Probably Javascript..

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Maybe public opinion will change now that there's white victims of the genocide too

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This statement alone works better than any advertisement they could have made

Try reading a book for 5 hours in the city surrounded by your devices, and try doing it in nature with no devices around you. We didn't change, but our world did and we adapt with it. Of course, things wouldn't be so bad if there weren't people getting unimaginably rich by trapping your attention.

I love how conspiratorial republicans get when the state is threatened with welfare and humanitarian measures, but when other republicans make insane claims no one asks for a source

Your cock is mine now

I'm dying

First off, thank you for this awesome platform and for being my first real experience with contributing to FOSS, I learned quite a bit and I had a lot of of fun! I really hope Rust ends up becoming the new standard in web backends instead of Java with Spring/Springboot.

The only question I have that hasn't already been asked is about the legal side of things:

What are you responsible for as the developers of Lemmy, and what are you responsible for as the owners of a Lemmy instance?

Do you have to take certain measures to keep the platform clean from illegal activities and CP/gore? If so, what has been done?

The same question applies to GDPR rules for Europe.

Thanks for doing this :D

Damn, I missed it :/

Seems much nicer than the Reddit one

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People here are way to eager to get into political arguments out of nowhere, usually in bad faith. The front-page is covered with doomscrolling content, being here too long makes me miserable and hopeless. The rest of the content is mostly tech stuff, which can only be interesting for so long.

What I miss from Reddit, is the variety of diverse communities, people having fun and polite conversations, a sense of humor, and a lot of happy content or stuff that's interesting but not limited to tech.

At this point, I feel like the technology is much better and the user base much larger, but the user group is so extremely specific.

I wish people from all political spectrums would engage in a civil conversation here and not reduce it to mockery and attacking. What's the point of discussion if no one leaves with something new to think?

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If a kid is truly over their head with a book, it won't be long until they get bored and quit, unless they're just trying to impress someone and aren't interested in the book itself.

Kids should be allowed to unlimited learning and curiosity, this spark you have as a child is very powerful if you let it happen and nurture it instead of trying to fit all students in an iron cast thinking that you know what's best for them.

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I'm not from the USA, but all sensible people from there that care about living in a non fascist state should be panicking right now. Your "democracy" is now in direct threat and the people need to rise up and show that they won't let this shit pass. Besides voting, get out in the streets and protest. Do everything that needs to be done to show that the loud minority is just that, a minority.

To keep fascism from rising up, you need to be intolerant of the ones who show no tolerance. Your enemy has no moral bounds and will do anything to achieve their hateful goals, if it comes down to it then violence is not immoral if you're violent against someone who gets off on people suffering, it's self defense.

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  • Γαμώ το σπίτι σου (literally: fuck your house) I guess this basically means to fuck your whole family
  • Γαμώ τη Παναγία σου (literally: fuck your Saint Mary)
  • Γαμώ το Χριστό σου (literally: fuck your Jesus)
  • Να μου κλάσεις τον πούτσο (literally: fart my dick) I guess this means "I'll fuck you from behind"
  • Πάρ'τα 3 μου (literally: take my 3) The 3 is implied for balls, and they're 3 instead of 2 because it's more manly I guess lmao
  • Κλάσε μου τα 3 (literally: fart my 3) A combination of the previous two
  • Αρχίδι (literally: testicle) You can actually call someone a testicle in Greek
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The "ch" affricate (which is t͡ʃ in the IPA) is a mix of a voiceless alveolar stop component and a post-alveolar fricative component. Because "y" is palatal, you end up getting that post-alveolar fricative component through coarticulation.

People have been speaking out a long time about the shit education system we use in most countries (of the West at least), and pretty much nothing has been done, it's still the same assembly line "education" that pumps out kids that are good at memorizing and solving problems without knowing what they are actually solving.

Social media has also had a terrible effect for people's attention spans and analytical capabilities, and no meaningful restrictions have been put in place.

People have stopped reading books and long/difficult content, because there are much easier alternatives nowadays that their brain naturally goes for due to instant gratification. Also because of having less time and energy to devote after working and being stressed out for the most of the day.

The future is scary indeed, but it's important to note that we led ourselves here by constantly shoving our problems under the rug.

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I actually am, usually companies force their shit down the consumers throats and they happily gulp it down, buying their new products when they come out as well. This is a pleasant surprise to me

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If the Great Filter theory is correct, climate change will most likely be our Great Filter.

Our species is simply not equipped with the ability to deal with the problems it created. Many people can, but they're not powerful to do anything, and there's too many uneducated people for the masses to rise up about this problem.

We think so short term, it's impossible for some people to think about the future and accept that we'll need to change the way we live now so that we can keep living then. They're hung up on Chernobyl because it was a big bang that killed lots of people at once and it was televised everywhere that has a society and TVs, but they are unable to see that in the long term coal and gas have killed and are still killing way more people than nuclear accidents, because it's a process that's continuous and kills people in indirect ways instead of a big blast.

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Many people have clarity over what's going on, the hard part is dodging and outsmarting human trash like Piers while still making use of their platform to spread the truth and counteract their propaganda.

That's the really hard part and the reason why I respect him immensely for this.

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I really like Kotlin, I would much prefer using it at work instead of Java

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You say that about "woke" people and lgbt (for some reason), but I've seen so many conservatives who can barely put together a sentence.

What you may be noticing is that younger generations in general are less literate and use way more slang both irl and on the internet, that's not limited to "woke" people and different sexualities than yours

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The amount of posts I relate with here are making me wonder again if I have ADHD to some degree lol

Great work, this is the biggest issue that Lemmy has a the moment, I hope the admins will be able to set this up easily and start to take back all the preventative measures.

What's the point of even "modernising" task manager?

Normies that would care about task manager being too ugly probably don't know it even exists.

There goes the last dependable program that Windows had to offer

This is quite a relevant question for me. In Greece there isn't a lot of innovation and the government doesn't really give a shit to fix the root problems, all young people that can change the scene leave for better countries.

That leaves us with very few companies that do something respectable and are worth working for, and a ton of gambling companies that feed off of the uneducated people. Those gambling companies are making huge profits and doing very well in general, so working for them is usually a nice experience from what I've heard of.

It's often tempting, but I can't justify participating in this disgusting industry to get more money, benefits and time. It would never sit well with me, but it always feels unfair how many jobs there are for that industry compared to anything else.

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Fuck Nintendo, jesus

I am biased saying this, but I really don't think Lemmy is bad behind the scenes. On the contrary, I think it's revolutionary from a technological perspective, not only because of the Fediverse but because of the way it's implemented and all the great new technologies used.

Keep in mind that this is a FOSS project, and there is obviously no budget to be hiring moderation teams for CSAM like software giants do.

CSAM was an obvious problem from the start, but when it comes down to it, it's a moderator job and not a job for the actual software to do.

Thankfully there are new tools now to help moderators deal with CSAM that are possibly going to be incorporated to Lemmy afaik.

TLDR: Don't blame the software for people being shit

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I know there are well meaning marketing people out there, but marketing departments, managers, investors, HR crap, and the rest of the corporate parade are exactly what most open source devs want to avoid by working in OSS projects

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ELI5 how this works?

I wish it didn't but historically and logically speaking, there's no other way. The unethical stone cold people rise to the top, and the few who are powerful yet maintain their morals are not nearly powerful enough to fight the rest. Critical change has always come about with revolutions, either violent or technological. And I don't think technology can improve anything for us at this point, if anything it will make things harder.

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It used to be something good back in ancient Greece, before we had the need to make a supershow out of fucking everything and each time trying to one up the last in pyrotechnics and gimmicks

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The jokes used to annoy me when I was younger, but now I appreciate the ice breaker they provide and just do a fake laugh and move on

Maybe exorcists have a point after all

Chaotic Good

Please read history and tell me how often that happens between oppressors and the oppressed. That relationship is broken time and time again by violence, I'm sure you have a ton of examples to give out of the history of your own country as do I.

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The south. It's always the south.

The question is: does it flip after passing the equator or is the law universal for both halves of the globe?

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you can have it with a topping of penicillin

I think I know why you're constipated


Oh wait..

It definitely would be to me if there was more diverse content, I usually stop scrolling after seeing the same news articles reposted over and over again, posts that have been in my feed since yesterday, and one too many posts about Linux/FOSS or whatever.

I still love it for what it is, but it can't keep me interested for as long as Reddit did yet.

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A variety of Linux live USBs, you never know when you might want to convert someone

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Hopefully not a live action Cyberpunk 2077

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