Anyone else feel that Lemmy just *isn't* addictive? to – 675 points –

Or at least less so than Reddit. It's good, but, I can't put my finger on it. Even when the content is good, the servers are up, and I'm getting notifications responding to comments, it's never come to me doomscrolling for hours.

Edit: Guys, guys, I'm not trying to say Lemmy should be addictive or Reddit is better because it is. The opposite. I thought being addicted to something was always a bad thing? I was just curious as that I rarely ever see the content droughts people talk about, so I can scroll for as long as I want to with no interruptions, but unlike with Reddit, I don't, and I would want to know a reason why. Is it psychological? Something behind the scenes? The type of people here?


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It definitely would be to me if there was more diverse content, I usually stop scrolling after seeing the same news articles reposted over and over again, posts that have been in my feed since yesterday, and one too many posts about Linux/FOSS or whatever.

I still love it for what it is, but it can't keep me interested for as long as Reddit did yet.

Too many nerds here with a hard on for FOSS. Really makes the front page extremely biased.

Maybe I gave the wrong impression, I love FOSS and Linux, I'm also a huge nerd.

I just wish there were more people with different interests here, it gets tiring to interact solely with other tech nerds.

It literally says right in the side bar:

A community of privacy and FOSS enthusiasts, run by Lemmy’s developers

I'm talking about the entirety of Lemmy, not just your instance

I also love the privacy/FOSS content, it's just that Reddit left a huge hole for me with normal people content that I hope to see more of here in the future