
1 Post – 442 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Insufferable FOSS/Linux nerds are ruining Lemmy.

America is such garbage lol. You guys should really focus on the important stuff.

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I got banned for telling someone it's important to check for cancer, on a post about a sports person that died from rectal cancer, and I was banned permanently for "harassment".

I appealed and lost.

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You would like it if you had slow internet, or you hosted a website.

My website turned 5MB images into 100KB images using webp. My website now loads instantly, saves you bandwidth, and me costs!

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Neckbeards fighting about Linux. No girls in sight.

Like Lemmy.

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Sorry. I'm just trying not to get evicted due to living in a country with the highest rent, internet, food, and data plan prices.

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Imagine throwing away your life because a different party is rightfully elected. Your wife is gone. She's not staying around, because in 17 years you will both be different people. Your kid is gone. You will never know your kid, even when you get out.

It's stupid, because presidents promise so much, but do so little. You threw away your life for pretty much nothing.

Fucking idiots lol.

Since when do brands want to be known on Reddit? Isn't the entire point to make a bunch of fake accounts and post positive comments about said brand, to make them look good?


Queue the thousands of totally not brand accounts posting why said product is so perfect and you'll never buy any other brand again!

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I edited a page for a new OS update that was coming out. The page was FULL of misinformation, and I cleaned it up, linked official documentation as sources, etc.

My edits were reverted by some butt hurt guy who originally wrote the page full of misinformation, 0 sources, and broken English.

I reverted back to mine.

He reverted back to his.

He spammed my profile page calling me names, and then reported me to Wiki admins. I was told not to revert changes or I would be perma-banned. I explained how the original page was broken English, misinformation, and 0 sources were cited. They straight up told me they did NOT care.

Stopped editing wiki pages, and stopped trusting them. They didn't care about factual information. They just wanted to enforce their reverting rule.

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Being a climate activist is important.

Being malicious to others is garbage behaviour and you're doing nothing but making sure people actively want to hurt the environment out of spite.

These people also give genuine climate activists a bad name. Reminds me of when extremists ruined the word feminist. It's hard to explain to people that you want women to be treated equal, but you don't hate men and want them to die.

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I'm a straight biological male and love rainbows. Colours are pretty! Not sure why anyone would get upset about rainbows. You know, the NATURALLY occurring thing?

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I dropped off because I am unbelievably sick of seeing the same thing posted across 20 different communities. No matter which sort I am using, my front page is CLUTTERED with the same crap.

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Canada doesn't even give people on disability enough to afford rent, let alone groceries, power bills, car insurance, etc.

Maybe start there. Help the disabled survive.

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And they're doing nothing wrong.

Texas, the American State, is wrong.

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My old landlord refused to fix our water heater, the leaking roof causing mould and water damage, the outlets that were falling off, the broken light switches that didn't work, the ceiling light that was flickering and and literally hanging by the wires. All for $2000/month + utilities. Then he kicked us out because he wanted to sell the place, but now he can't sell it because no bank will touch it with the amount of water damage it has lmao.

Oh ya, can't forget the 5 times he's banged on our door threatening us with his lawyer because he stole $100 from us, we asked for it back, but he refused to answer our calls, so we had to wait 12 fucking months before our lease was up and we started paying month to month for us to subtract the $100 he owed us for 12 months from the payment.

Once a company wouldn't stop emailing me despite unsubscribing. I sent them multiple emails with no response.

Then I heard that if enough people mark a sender as spam, Google starts automatically considering them spam for everyone. I emailed them to let them know this, and told them if they didn't remove me, I would mark them as spam which would affect them majorly.

They replied to my email within minutes and told me I was unsubscribed and would never receive another email from them lmao

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I just downloaded Sync for Lemmy. Something Reddit doesn't have. Stay winning, though, I guess?

Realistically probably not getting one for less than $160CAD.

At that point, might as well just buy a used Dell optiplex or something. These boards are absurdly priced, and you'll never get it for MSRP.

Even with the added power consumption of the Dell you'll pull out ahead lol

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Unpopular opinion: Anyone who refused the COVID vaccine should be banned from getting this.

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I don't hate subscription based services if they're priced fairly and make sense.

Paying monthly for a service that then starts giving you less, adds more premium plans, introduces ads, etc. is garbage.

Paying for a game, then having to pay a monthly fee to play (WoW, for example), is garbage.

Paying for software, but then having to pay monthly to use the software, is garbage.

Paying for software, but then having to pay monthly to be allowed to contact support (Blue Iris), is garbage.

But paying for things like Spotify, where you get access to pretty much all songs as they release, have no limit on how much you listen to, and it has a fair student pricing or family pricing, that's fine. Way better than paying per song.

I mean shit, if I paid for every song I have in my library on Spotify, I'd owe $1430. My Spotify is $17 per month, spit between 4 people, so I pay $4.25. I can either pay for every song in my library and not add any more, or pay for Spotify for 28 years and continue growing my library..

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Linux/FOSS Bros are ruining it for me more and more every day.

Not even with my comments, but others. I'm so sick of seeing basic comments extremely downvoted because "ThaTs NoT OpeN sOurCe".

Like a post a was reading a few minutes ago about Microsoft Paint being updated, and someone said it was Windows 11 exclusive, and the other guy said Windows 11 isn't half bad. The comment is super downvoted, because Linux best, Windoze BAD!

You're going to drive away people who just want to have a conversation if you guys don't learn how to be normal, holy shit. I'm a tech bro and you're driving ME away.

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Lmfao, no one is dropping YouTube. You'll be back one way or another.

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People use prime video? I find that half the shit I click on, it tells me it's not included with prime and I have to buy it..

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I hate people that text and drive. Pull over.

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You'd be correct!

Oh not even that. Back when I used Tinder in 2019, and you were a guy, you pretty much had to buy Tinder gold or whatever it was.

Tinder limit your swipes, intentionally showed you dead profiles, and some other shit I forget.

Same with older people. If you're older, Tinder costs more.

Tinder is a predatory app. They benefit from you NOT finding a match.

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It more so pisses me off when I buy a really expensive item and Amazon is trying to sell me a second one.

Like ya, maybe I'll consider getting another pack of pens, but I think I'm good on the GPU.

Government. Not liberals or conservatives, but the government as a whole. Canada has had many years where both liberal and conservatives were in charge, and nothing changed.

Canada doesn't allow competition. We have 3 main internet providers, 3 main phone plan providers, like 2 grocery store chains, a couple airlines, etc.

When other companies attempt to come in to break up monopolies, they lobby, and get them shut down.

I mean where are we going to go? America isn't really an alternative, as much as Americans think it is. Our healthcare, gun laws, etc are things that make Canada really good. We could move to some European or Scandinavian country, but that's not as easy as it sounds, especially when you need to learn a new language, get accepted, move your entire life, and live in such a different culture.

So people in Canada just accept it. Maybe one day monopolies will be broken up, but there are no parties that are going to do that now. Left or right leaning.

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In Canada my girlfriend was exposed. She called the testing places to tell them, and to book a test. They told her no, and to go away.

When I realized the already small percentage of people that are trying to use this system were being denied, I disabled it. It's actually useless.

I think that's the worst part. It just looks like an untrustworthy clone that is trying to steal your info.

Seems weird not to build your own identity, especially when torrents aren't always safe.

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All browsers make it easy. In fact, Chrome on Android is quicker.

Settings > Search Engine > and select which one you want.

Currently you can pick between;

  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Bing
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Ecosia

That's not the point at all.

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I was forced to move (landlord sold house) and when I got to my new place, I just never got around to setting up any of my smart home devices. Thermostat, cameras, lights, assistants, sensors, monitors, etc, and weirdly enough I am somehow happier now.

The random issues, glitches, delays between asking an assistant/pressing buttons before an action went through, fixing integrations, fixing Home Assistant, fixing random unpairs, etc. was driving me nuts. Especially when you have invested hundreds/thousands of dollars into premium devices.

Worst was when you'd ask assistant to do something, and it somehow misheard you and does something else. Fried an aquarium thermometer that way. Turned on ALL lights when everyone was sleeping, despite me asking to turn OFF a very specific light..

The only thing I truly miss is being able to turn off my bedroom light when I am in bed. But the stress I save is worth getting up and turning it off.

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Lmao 2 years?

My ex back in like.. 2015? Bought a Motorola phone. It PROMISED the next version of Android, aka, 1 singular update. It never got it.

Everyone was so pissed, Motorola made an announcement that it was going to stick to their word, and then over a year went by and I think they released a beta to a certain country, and then never actually fully released it.

So they didn't even give 1 year of updates that they promised on all of the marketing material. Good luck with 2.

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I've started playing Vintage Story and you really realize how empty Minecraft is.

Minecraft is still extremely polished, even with the bugs, and for some reason literally no other game can touch how smooth Minecraft feels to play, but it's just so empty.

It's wild they never added mobs like the Mo Creatures mod did like a decade ago.

They then have mob votes, but then take months and months to implement 1 single mob, and then half ass it anyway. Every single mob they've added via mob vote feels extremely half baked. Like the sniffer having TWO plants? TWO???

And then when you beat Minecraft the credits are over an hour long. How can you have so many developers but somehow develop slower than when it was just Notch himself?

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While the apps we have now are really great, I think that number will go back up a bit once boost and sync for Lemmy are released.

I find myself missing so many features I would consider super basic from Boost. Things that would make my Lemmy experience so much better. Even if the apps we have now do those things, they feel clunky and not as good.

Even features aside, the UI makes a huge difference. There are a few Reddit apps I personally couldn't get into, because of font sizes, spacing, contrast, etc. I'm feeling the same way with Lemmy. I'm tolerating the app I currently use, only because I know Boost is on the way.

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Old CEO of Twitter is involved.

Usually when something turns to shit, and the original CEO leaves to create a similar product, people follow. With games, software, even hardware.

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You're honestly turning this into a weird negative thing? Better security by having two people review the code vs just one is a bad thing to you?


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I'd have to have an always listening Amazon device in my house to try, and that's ridiculous.

Just cost me 1K to replace 3 NICs, 1 router, and 2 switches to freaking 2.5Gb.

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Never stopped wearing them. COVID never went away.

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How to make people envious of your amazing Apple product: tell them it wouldn't work and caused an inconvenience for everyone.

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