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Joined 11 months ago

The new voice actor for Mario and Luigi in the next game, Kevin Afghani, afaik a cis man has ... drumroll please ... he/him pronouns in his twitter bio. They're literally whining about a cis man using male pronouns.

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(I know this is probably impossible, but it would be so funny)

Tell a knock knock joke, but only the first part. Don't reveal the punchline, just pass out. So they work extra hard to keep you alive, because only then will they hear the punchline.

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I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, but I think anything related to animal rights and eating meat will probably be controversial in the future. We can lab grow meat, but you still choose to kill an actual animal for food? Canceled in 2050. Rightfully so I'd even say.

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I keep blocking any communities mentioning Linux on my feed, yet it still never stops.

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Yeah. Barbie Was not the good guy in the Barbie movie, right? Like, even in the end they admit that they will not give the Kens true equality, just enough that they basically won't revolt again. People here calling Barbie a feminist icon, what movie were you watching?

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The engine? No. The breaks? Maybe :)


         u           c


Wait, what does fanny mean in America?

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Honestly, the facto that he could have had dementia and still could access a gun is not really the better option, is it?

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I think international users are just less likely to post local stuff outside of designated communities, because even if there are more international users then they know, 99% will not care about their local issue. For example a swede is less likely to share swedish news and meme, because it is either inaccessible or irrelevant for non swedes, whether they are American or not. But english speaking content is likely to be accessible to most non swedes and swedes.

Americans however mostly don't share this consideration and just post America specific stuff everywhere.

Giving Gold supports the contributors you love

Is... is this implying the person who got gilded gets a cut? Huh?

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I don't think this these numbers include work at all. Because none of the articles the graphic is based on mention work at all, nor do their sources it seems. And also, the sources talk about "time spent connected to the internet", so streaming would count, but not TV, which is also a screen. So average real screen time could be even higher.

Yeah. I would not take it that literally. I'd say it means they're gonna do to Kens what "the patriarchy" and many people who support it do to women. Concede rights when they absolutely have to and begrudgingly accept them for the sake of avoiding bigger problems, but still believe in their own supremacy and acting one way while publicly pretending to be accepting of feminism. Then they will say, see, you have all this rights and equality now, no need for "Keninism" anymore and slowly start to backslide and undermine those rights when they feel like they can.

They're rather copying the spirit of real world patriarchy than just plainly introducing the same laws as it

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What is fat bear week?

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I've got a competent and authoritative voice. People frequently assume I'm the most qualified in a group when I'm really objectively not as soon as i start speaking. Whatever I say or decide rarely gets questioned and people just keep letting me do stuff. When something is my word against another's, people believe me.When I say something is needed, it's done. When I make a proposal, that's usually what's agreed on and done without me really trying to push it.

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A full size electric blanket (by full size I mean big enough to lay on it completely, like the size of a single bed mattress. I love mine

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Cats are ambush predators though. Jaguar gets the first bite before the Gorilla even knows what's happening. If that goes to the throat, bingo.

No way I'd sign up for ever being a child again. That shit sucks even more than adulthood.

Maybe some of them, but some people are just legitimately stupid beyond repair in a neurotypical way. It's not their fault, it's not a moral failing and they deserve empathy and respect. It's just very unfortunate in today's society.

At some point you got to start believing that Musk is still pissed they forced him to but twitter, so now he's trying his best to destroy it.

Idk. I don't think this particular phrase would even enter my mind as something to chant, and I am German. That's not the first time he chanted that, I'm sure. It is taboo for sure, but it's not in the cultural consciousness a lot, there's more "popular" nazi slogans. You'd either have to search your brain for something specifically Hitler related or be very familiar with the old anthem (aka singing it a lot aka being a neonazi).

I do not agree that this is the "most" Hitler thing though. There are so much more famous things, hut they wouldn't fit the situation though.

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I agree, if I subscribe to a community that has 2 posts a week, I wanna see those posts, eben if they have no comments. I wonder if a lemmy equivalent to a multireddit could also help? In a multireddit you could group communities into one separate feed (like just create a multireddit "cats" and add all cat related subreddits to this multireddit, and then you could see all cat related content within one feed.

Its not as good a solution as to have the algorithm push it, but maybe there's a lemmy functionality I'm unaware of that could already emulate this process.

I think it will be within a generation or two.

I know, grandpa eats real meat, that's not nice and i don't want you to do it, but he grew up in another time, so we have to make allowances.

I think it really depends on the place you're working. My company honestly encourages us to take all of our leave in one chunk, because it's easier to plan with. At least you should take one week at a time. I personally don't like it though. I like looking forward to having a few days off every month. Having a whole month off and then working troughout the year is not for me.

Oh God, that reminds me of that ncis scene when they're getting hacked, so two people start using the same keyboard to be quicker to defend against the hackers.

And then in the end someone just unplugs... something? The might even just be the screen, who knows, and that fixes everything

How does that work? Gorilla kills man? Gun kills Gorilla? but what's the man/gun outcome? Because gun also kills man

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I think the weather where I live now is not bad enough to move as the only reason, but if I was looking to relocate anyways I would for sure take it into account. I do not well in heat, especially humid heat, but cold doesn't bother me that much. So somewhere north would be great.

You can upload mp3s on deezer (website, but once you're uploaded them you can Listen to them and download them in the app). So if there's something particular that's missing and you have a mp3, you can add it. I've personally never had problems to find things on deezer, but I've been using it a lot and it definitely shaped my taste.

I'm not an anything person. If anything, I'm a "please don't show me any OS related content in my feed at all" person.

Sorgerechtsverhandlung für Elsass Lothringen 2024?

For all you know, you could be, but they haven't broken up yet

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Dumb question: is this referencing the color in the toilet bowl, when diluted with water? If so, how much water, because different kind of bowls can have very different amounts of water. Or pure?

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I second your motion

It's part of the fun

I don't really know what 6 months more or less is gonna do in this case, but ok I guess?

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I'm not super sure what it is for me. I'm able to code switch pretty easily, and I don't speak obvious dialect unless I explicitly mean to (I'm not a native english speaker, but it applies to english as well). It's generally a great thing to have. I know a few people who struggle with being listened to, and honestly, it looks like it sucks.

The only downside I've ever seen is that you have to be super honest to yourself about what you can and can not handle, or it can spin out of control quickly. Sometimes others assume you're capable of anything they ask you to, and you don't correct them because you think you might get away with it. But when you can't pull it off, they will be disappointed and not very understanding. So it kinda becomes your job to point out your shortcomings to others early and frequently, which takes some mental energy, and I struggled with it when i was younger. I was very insecure on the inside, while seeming very confident to others. But I learned that if you do it in a competent voice, it just makes you more trustworthy because being honest about your mistakes and shortcomings when other people already think you're capable is seen as a mature and responsible thing. So it works out in the end.

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Who's asking?

Idk, maybe. I listened to the audio, and to me, it did sound like someone who speaks German well. The pronounciations and emphasis sounded very natural. And fans do travel for events like these. Of course it could be an American, but somehow I still doubt it. Is this phrase known in the US?

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All plural nouns are not female im german.

They just happen to use "die" as their definite article when they are nominative, which doubles up as the feminine article for fem. nominative. But they by no means "change" their grammatical gender. Within the german declination system, articles are very often reused for different cases. That does never change the gender of the noun.

Just like saying "der Frau" in genitiv singular does not make Frau a masculine noun, saying "die Männer" in nominative plural does not make Männer a feminine noun.

Hosius of Corduba better be watching out, transphobes are gonna come for his ass