0 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What Typescript drama is there? It's fantastic. It's been an industry standard for years. In my anecdotal experience the only people that hate it are juniors who did pure JS at their bootcamp and seniors that have refused to learn anything for the last 5 years.

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I agree with you, but you may be missing the point - this recommendation is sponsored, so likely it wouldn't have been recommended unless the artist paid.

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Despite being a techie myself, I'm frequently irritated by how much technical conversation there is on here. I seem to see comments all the time that use some unrelated computer programming concept as a metaphor or a similar non sequitur. It reeks of intellectual elitism and is just a reminder of what a small community we still are. I kind of miss the amount of 'normal' people on reddit with more varied interests. That said, generally speaking the quality of conversation on here is really high which is amazing.

Ultimate Guitar Tabs. After spending years getting a community to contribute to one of the best music resources on the web, they turn around and lock all but the most basic features behind a pay wall.

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RoR will always have a special place in my heart, but yeah... DHH sure does have opinions. What possible justification is there for removing it when it's already there? Guess someone could just shift the types out to DT.

Edit: So I read his blog post about it. He's dropping it because he just doesn't like it and he's allowed to not like it. Okay then 🤷

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We judge ourselves by our intentions, but others by their actions.


Are you sure? 'nonconsenusual sexual contact' sounds like it could cover more than penatrative rape.

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Old one for me, but as a kid walking home with friends from school, I realised there might be a better route that would significantly shorten my walk and make little difference to them. I mentioned it and was fobbed off. So later I pulled up the route online and actually measured it. Not only was my suggestion a better route for me, but it was actually shorter for everyone else too! I triumphantly took my findings to my friends who to my surprise and disappointment really could not care less, and a little part of me died because they were not my friends.

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Honest question; why does this have to be a volunteer role? Is there any room in the Open Collective fund to pay towards renumerating someone for something like this?

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For anyone who hasn't checked their Spotify subscription for a while, I recently discovered a new basic tier created underneath the premium one that is a little cheaper simply by not including the 'free' 15 hours of audiobooks. I've never used it and don't intend to. YMMV.

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What's the issue? Are people just randomly accepting notification permission requests all the time? 😲

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Even alone I find it indespensible. I find it's mainly useful for writing code correctly the first time around.

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"I went to see a doctor about my headaches today."

"Oh good, what did X say?"

Anyone that doesn't use 'they' here either has more information than I provided or is a bit sexist.

From what I read, they didn't shoot at the unarmed suspect but at their own cop car. Stable geniuses. I can understand why the sergeant's actions were deemed reasonable though, as she was trusting that her partner was in a life and death situation and not hesitating to back him, the truest of idiots, up.

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You do you, but no ECMA6 stuff? I don't use a lot of ECMA6 either because JS is at ECMA14 and continues to change. I can't imagine reinplementing stuff on every project you work on, though perhaps your work is very different to mine. That said, treeshaking has really brought down the cost of imports and there are few occasions where using a custom solution over a reliable third party library is a good option. Curious to hear your thoughts.

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I genuinely can't understand it, like I can't even come up with a single plausible way these people could think this way. How could you live in France, in the EU, intend to continue to live there because you obviously like it, and think that your home country needs to do something different?

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This is something that really bothers me about this law. Are they making maths... illegal? What's stopping me from encrypting a message before sending it in a messaging app manually? And if that's illegal, what if say I just sent something base64 encoded, or with a ceaser cypher for some treasure hunt game, am I now breaking the law too? What about a child talking in code to avoid their parents knowing something? Will that be illegal? It just seems so general.

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I can really relate to this. I remember a weird night in my teens where I must've spent at least an hour staring out of my bedroom window at the moon, because really for the first time I'd had the exact same thought. It's right there. It's so easy to get desensitised to that and to just think of it all as an image projected on the sky. The thought has never really left me and even now I still linger on the moon every time I see it and try to acknowledge that it is a 3 dimensional object lol.

I feel completely opposite. I love chromecast and was so disappointed to find that they shifted to the Google TV crap and added a remote like the Fire stick, Roku, etc. IMO those remotes and the accompanying interfaces are what get in the way. Having one remote (ie my phone) feels great to me. I have a number of casting sources around the house and it's great.

That said, AppleTV as mentioned elsewhere is a really nice responsive interface.

I'm sure we're going to see all sorts of behaviour here soon if we aren't already. The Reddit attitude I hope we avoid as much as possible is that pointlessly aggressive tone though. Not just in arguments but responses to posts from people who seem to have only just learnt the word fuck and use it to add an extra condescending slant to their weirdly celebrated rant about how someone misread a paper or something.

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Quick FYI to Europeans who want to boycott Nestlé: Häagen-Dazs is not owned by Nestlé in Europe.

100%, the comments have been infuriating to read. This is the obvious interpretation.

I'm 8 years old. For some reason I'm out the front of the house with a friend and his mum on my bike. Again, for some reason that makes sense to children, I insist on showing them how 'far' I can cycle, and go off around a corner a little way from our houses to find some kind of loop back. Not important.

I find myself going down this fairly tight alleyway when a girl, maybe around 11/12, starts coming down the other way. There's just about enough space for us both to fit, but I'm not a very experienced cyclist and lose my balance, instinctively grabbing her handle bar to avoid falling into her bike. We're going slowly enough that we're both absolutely fine. I apologise profusely and remove my hand from her bike and back to mine, when she grabs my hand and forces it back into her handlebar. She loudly shouts 'DAD!!' and my heart absolutely sinks.

This big guy comes round the corner. He was fairly tall and muscular, with short hair and a tank top. The main thing I remember is that he had terrible teeth, something I'm about to get a good look at. The girl informs him that I am 'bullying' her. He is immediately aggressive, detaining me in this narrow alley and interrogating me about what I'm doing. He shouted directly at my face, letting me feel his spittle and see his black teeth clearly. Her mum comes round to see what's going on. She asks how old I am, and I say that I'm 8 and just trying to ride my bike. She says "8's very young to be bullying" as if there's a more acceptable time. I insist I'm not trying to bully anyone but they have none of it. After 5 minutes or so the dad asks me where I live and as some sort of self-preservation I say through tears that i "don't know". They let me go and I cycle off wiping away my tears.

I get back to my friend and essentially just say 'haha! I went a really long way', and that's the end of it. I never tell anyone for fear that they won't believe me, and I feel terrified that that girl or man will find me for the next year or two. Arseholes.

Congrats, Americans! It's a long time coming but still a huge deal and I'm happy for you all 😁

Ah sorry, you're right. I misread the article thinking they were all at or in the SUV.

It's tough for me to accept that these poor people still exist haha. I remember back in 2005 or so clearing upwards of 5 toolbars from various relatives' browsers, but not so much since. I suppose notification management is the modern equivalent.

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Ugh their firm grip on the pet food market endlessly pisses me off. I paid for a fancy B Corp certified cat food brand for years before realising it had been bought out by Nestlé

I wasn't going to say it, but yes, 100% 😂

As far as I understand it, there are political interests too. Not just the obvious, ie a city council wanting to see economic movement within the city. Any regular person with a pension likely has money tied up in real estate. Ensuring those pensions maintain value is a concern for governments.

Red Dead Redemption 2 taught me once again to slow down and take all the time I want with these huge games. I've saved a ton of money since.

In relation to skill, playing a ton of the original Halo on Xbox at my friend's house while being only a PlayStation owner got me really good at using arbitrary controls.

Really great comment, thank you for the effort you put into this. That said, I can't say I feel convinced by the reasoning. Are you suggesting that gender in these languages was an intentional decision to solve the problems you raise? Because as other comments point out, it seems it's still very possible to have an ambiguous sentence making this seem like an overly confusing addition.

Secondly in your example of gendered language assisting in derivation, surely this ends up with the same problems given that the language only represents a limited number of genders? I do not remotely know Portuguese, but how does this derivation quality help with the word for an apple seed? I presume the same logic can't apply?

Thanks for your time!

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This as exactly my thought. It's not crazy to imagine this when I know for a fact systems exist in supermarkets to calculate optimal prices in different stores, based on the size of the store, the demographics of the area it's in etc

Not OP, but that's what we did in the UK too... I'm honestly confused reading the post and the comments calling California out on this. I must be misunderstanding something because we did the same thing and it really, really worked. The UK led the charge on the concept of 'nudges' like this and it's been successful and widely praised. We still have thick plastic bags that you buy for 10p, but most people really do keep some on hand for most situations so plastic dumping has been significantly reduced.

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Thank you for answering, and for the work you do. I will increase my donation amount :)

Me neither really. I don't love this, but I think a lot of people misunderstand what the analytics tools are mainly used for. It's not often that much to do with advertising, and it certainly isn't about farming your unique information in a clandestine way. It's about what's happening with the app, what features are being used as an aggregate, and most importantly for tracking the crash rate of the app, and why it's crashing.

That's fair, thanks for your well thought out comment. I imagine most Europeans knowing your language can create a feeling of superiority.

The brexit arguments were pretty broad as well in terms of what the EU would do for us, so I suppose there may have been a pipe dream of maintaining the right to travel and remain. Ugh I don't think I will ever not be angry about the outcome.

We use reusable nappies for our toddler, and the washing machine is powered by solar so I only really need to feel bad about any excessive water use. But then we still have to use disposables when they're at their nursery for a few days a week, or the staff don't smell anything and they get bad rashes we spend all week dealing with. At the very least though the nursery deals with nappies as a specific form of waste that they process separately, though I'm not sure to what end.

In the UK I feel like we've come out of a huge price hike. Things are relatively affordable now. Now though there's also more cinemas that offer a premium price for a more premium service - IMAX/Dolby Vision, big reclining seats etc that I happily pay more for.

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