Have you ever been in an argument where you absolutely objectively proved you were correct?

setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 101 points –

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Old one for me, but as a kid walking home with friends from school, I realised there might be a better route that would significantly shorten my walk and make little difference to them. I mentioned it and was fobbed off. So later I pulled up the route online and actually measured it. Not only was my suggestion a better route for me, but it was actually shorter for everyone else too! I triumphantly took my findings to my friends who to my surprise and disappointment really could not care less, and a little part of me died because they were not my friends.

What if they liked walking longer to spend time with each other or possibly some place they wanted to see on the way. Sometimes it’s the journey and not the destination

Thats what I thought too. I have definitly used longer paths before just to spend more time.

The shorter paths is not necessarily the best. Maybe they just like that path