96 Post – 637 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I mod a worryingly growing list of communities. Ask away if you have any questions or issues with any of the communities.

I also run the hobby and nerd interest website

The allegories are coming out of the walls man.

I am viewing from intention as written, when written for the films. It seems plausible that "Darth Jar Jar" or something similar could have been an original, but abandoned intention.

Tim Cain is a creative guy. I would rather he spend his time developing new things rather than revisiting old.

I personally want a Fallout 1 remaster/remake, but I don't see what value is added by Tim Cain being part of it. He already gave his input, somebody else can riff on it. (You know, hypothetically, since God Howard has declared his holy rays will never illuminate a remaster).

Cool story, now get in the fucking robot.

I'll put it there so I don't have to argue that the crowd isn't full of people stuck on layovers.

You know what, if the Circle is owned by the airport then you've got me in regards to it being owned by the airport. However the terminals are across the street, the Circle is open to simply walk into from the street.

To get to the Circle from the airport terminals you must take your bags and can not reenter. Nobody in the photo stuck on a layover is here unless they are willing to leave the airport and go through security again.

There were locals because as soon as the game ended, they dispersed down the street and also I took the picture while being invited by locals to watch.

Is there some secret internet community of Willie haters?

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It is across the street from the airport.

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If it’s right across the street, why are there signs pointing to the different terminals in the building

I don't know what you think you're seeing, but the airport is on the other side of the street.

Now I’m kinda glad it’s mostly just a bunch of travelers waiting at an airport that would otherwise miss the game

It isn't a bunch of people inside an airport, it's across the street from the airport. These are locals watching.

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Counterpoint: "War has changed."

I know this a joke theory (mostly), but given how much Star Wars rips from classic scifi works, I think looking at the Foundation books makes a good case for this being viable as more than a joke.

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The console and PC versions of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter are entirely different games, and personally I think the console version is more fun. It emulatable.


I have never had patience for anime that goes on and on for hundreds of episodes. I find a lot of modern anime to be annoying in how flat and boring the presentation is.

That said, I have recently enjoyed both SpyXFamily and Dungeon Meshi. They both have quality to the art and as of yet feel like the are going somewhere and not intended to go on for 500 episodes.

I was never great at RTS games, but I always liked expanding my base. I'm happy at the expansion of the "colony builder" subgenre which scratches that itch to make things and is more exciting than a SimCity type city builder, but isn't all in service of combat like an RTS.

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It's very heavily inspired by the original Fallout game designs. Very heavy on having lots of types of character builds and options to complete quests. I'm probably going to restart soon because my first character wasn't a great build.

(That's the joke.)

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No but they are both in my wishlist. Right now I'm playing Colony Ship, which is coincidentally about a generational colony ship, but the game itself is an RPG.

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Brendon Fraser's funeral?

Tony Soprano holds irrational opinions. (That's the joke.)

Yuggoth, Great Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, Yog-Sothoth, R'lyeh, Nyarlathotep, Azathoth, Hastur, Yian, Leng, the Lake of Hali, Bethmoora, the Yellow Sign, L’mur-Kathulos, Bran, and the Magnum Innominandum…

Abe Simpson throwing Homer under the bus for the attempted murder of Mr. Burns.

Also possibly Abe Simpson shooting down a German airplane. If he actually did it. (In 1994, not during WW2)

Edit: Oh and I guess Abe Simpson cheating on his fiancé, getting the side woman pregnant, giving up the baby, and keeping everything secret from Homer and his other son until he thought he was on his deathbed.

And then when Abe Simpson told young Homer his mother was dead and never came clean until she showed up again.

Man, Abe sucks. It’s a wonder Homer didn’t stick him in that crooked home he saw on 60 Minutes.

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You go to a shelter and pick one that wants your attention.

To the people who want Lemmy to be more active, if you want that, you have to be part of it.

The internet adage is that on any forum 10% of users comment, and 1% post. Lemmy needs to break out of that paradigm, and users should be disproportionately active compared to user/activity on Reddit.

People like posting in places where other people are already posting. It’s a snowball effect. That’s why meme communities have managed to take off; the 1% of users can pump out a huge amount of memes in a short time and make the place feel more lively than it actually is, which in turn kickstarts it and makes it lively for memes.

I make posts mostly in non-meme communities because I think Lemmy should have that too. Some posts are just links but a lot of them are original content. I think it adds value but I simply cannot, as one person, post the kind of volume that memeposters can. These more niche communities need people to post.

If you are subscribed to an interest community, I strongly encourage posting new threads there.


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Desert Bus was released as a protest game. In the 90s video games were demonized for being nothing more than violence simulators. Penn & Teller took that as a challenge and had some developers make the most non-violent game they could think of.

It was made as a novelty. The people who made it knew it was boring, that’s the joke. The main group that still actually plays it is a charity group who suffers through it while getting donations for Child’s Play charity.

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Often times news upsells what’s happening in their title or with vague language in the article. I’ve become instinctively skeptical of outrageous headlines.

I went and checked the text of the bill itself. Wow. It’s exactly what it says on the tin of the news article. Not even an attempt to vague it up in the bill’s language. There’s no wishy washy way to think it means anything but the biblical Ten Commandments, in straight forward language. The bill wants them posted in every classroom.

This obviously violates the Louisiana state constitution and the U.S. Constitution.

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Big Costanza energy.

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Too bad. They’re getting copies of Burger King’s Sneak King and they’re going to like it.

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Feels kind of dead

The frustrating aspect is that it isn’t dead here. I’ve been on dead forums where you make a post and nothing happens. On Lemmy I’ve posted on seemingly dead or near dead communities, and received a flurry of response in the form of votes and comments. There are definitely people subscribed, and willing to comment, but very few people posting threads. It is a bottleneck to have users all waiting for somebody else to post something.

I hope anybody reading this comment understands that in a smaller ecosystem they can’t just passively wait for content to fill the feed. There needs to be more contribution in the form of posts, and hopefully posts that go beyond just memes (memes are great and fun, but Lemmy desperately needs posts that go beyond just that) or arguing about politics (politics are important, but exhausting). More activity on interest, and hobby communities, especially with original content adds uniqueness here.

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With airsoft, it has to be the fascination with using lasers. There's no such thing as a totally eyesafe laser, just "less harmful ones" and I know that many of the ultra cheap lasers on places like aliexpress are totally lying about their ratings, using lower rating stickers on more powerful lasers. Which is a problem as it's easier to make a brute force amped up laser when you want something bright to appeal to airsofters. The teens buying these lasers have no idea what laser ratings are in the first place anyway, they just buy whatever appeals to their Call Of Duty addled brains.

In addition to being inherently unsafe, which is full stop reason enough, lasers tend to be pretty useless especially in outdoor games. It is very annoying to be in the woods and randomly get swept by a lasers from somebody far away who doesn't even know where I am. I have literally heard people explain that they find where the laser is pointed by looking for it with their magnified scope. Which is completely insane logic.

When the topic comes up, laser users claim that they never aim at peoples' eyes. In a game, that's a completely impossible promise to keep. Also some people do intentionally aim lasers at faces for an advantage, and since it's impossible to avoid this whole mess, lasers should be banned entirely.

(And before anyone mentions the laserbox on my airsoft gun, it's fake. It's a hollow box where I keep the gun's battery for easy access.)

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Another hobby, though I haven't been in a few years is SCUBA diving. I learned how to dive under people who took all of the safety limits and procedures quite seriously. I was always diving in a pair with a person I knew, and we always had a comfort level of communication and teamwork based on familiarity with each other.

I left that constant diving life, and later to scratch the diving itch I decided to go do a recreational dive in the US. I showed up to the place and got on the boat. On the ride out to the dive site, I was expecting a pre-dive meeting where details would be gone over, and I'd be assigned my partner so we could interact at least a little bit before getting in the water. That never happened. I was waiting and waiting for the meeting to start when the boat just stopped, the people running it announced we were at the dive spot and just started pointing to pairs of people to be "partners" basically as they were jumping off the boat. I'm used to doing an equipment shakedown with a partner, but my assigned partner was some guy who just hopped in the depths and was gone before I could do any of that.

This was a simple dive to a flat sand bottom. People were mostly looking for trinkets down there. That said, the lack of organization was shocking. When time was up, people just started shooting to the surface. Nobody else was doing safety stops on the way up, and because of me doing it I was the last person out of the water. It was very scary sloppy and I did not go back to any open-to-the-public recreational dives after that.

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The redundancy is somewhat the point. While one instance may have a dominant version of a community which is visited by people of numerous instances, other instances having local versions promotes decentralization, and helps smaller instance form their own culture.

The decentralization is good because it ensures a single power mod, cabal of mods, or crooked admin situation can not unilaterally ruin everything. Users can just jump ship to a different community that is run by different admins and mods.

Smaller instances having spaces where their own memes and in-jokes is good to create a culture for that instance to help give some different flavor and helps that specific instance grow. This feeds into supporting the variety of smaller communities on that instance, allowing them a chance at traction rather than existing in a void.

If you want both communities, just subscribe to them both and let them appear on your feed.

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We DO NOT plan on moving away from Lemmy as a software platform at this time.

At this time


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