Which side are you? Javascript or Typescript

mastermind@lemm.ee to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 535 points –

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Even alone I find it indespensible. I find it's mainly useful for writing code correctly the first time around.

Some people think better with typing information explicitly written out. Some people don't. In my opinion it is a creativity thing. Some people like to make art that is photo realistic, some people like to make abstract art.

I understand both viewpoints. In my free time I vastly prefer late bound, dynamically types languages with robust reflection engineers built into their interpreters. For work, I heavily prefer late bound, strictly typed with reflection optional or minimal.

Different people think differently.

I think that's fine if that's how you like to work on your own, but I'd challenge anyone to do that and write better documentation while also getting a team or whole business to do the same. A huge strength of TS is that it gives people no choice but to document their work.

I didn't say JavaScript... and I certainly wouldn't choose TS for a personal project because I personally feel that its organization is terrible but I would choose TS over vanilla js for work projects because it does produce better group work and is easier to maintain long term because of the structure imposed on it.