1 Post – 280 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

This is a hard question.

Israel was magicked into existence not very long ago(1948), immediately started breaking agreements and compacts... Displaced millions of people from their homes and has killed thousands upon thousands more... Many innocents. It is run by an extremist religious military organization.

Hamas is a brutal, far right religious extremist movement that kills indiscriminately, even it's own people.

Objectively they are both in the wrong.

Israel has stolen and murdered the Palestinian land and people for decades while continuously lying about their intentions.

Hamas is a shit show of an organization that is probably objectively worse... But their actions make sense when you realize that their families and property have been stolen when murdered for the last several generations. The only life most Palestine people know is one of suffering and loss... And this is directly Israels fault.

In your Russia/Ukraine scenario, Israel is Russia (mostly foreign invaders) and Ukraine is Palestine(natives fighting for their land and freedom). But it's not quite as simple because Hamas is so objectively horrible...

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I know this is a meme, but just in case someone doesn't actually know. CI saves literally thousands upon thousands of dev hours a year, even for small teams.

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My God is American internet awful

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Waaaaat? The Texas power grid is price gouging again?!? Who could have foreseen this??? After all that work they put into the power grid after the last time this happened? It's almost like someone should regulate this power grid or something.

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I think it's important to remember that people aren't becoming more LGBTQ+, it's that previous generations were so oppressed that coming out was impossible.

It's common to see these kinds of graphs used in some twisted ways. People are being allowed to be themselves. We have a historical president for graphs like this with left handedness. Once we stopped murdering, beating or ostracizing people for being left-handed, we saw "huge spikes" of people being left-handed.

Be yourself. Be loved. You aren't alone.

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To be fair, the image in the middle is how we should think about Hippos. Murder Bois for sure.

I have a brother laser, cost me 80bucks. Had to replace my toner once, after about 4000 pages. Cost me 34 bucks to get a new toner. Another 2000 pages in. It just doesn't stop. Unplug it. Leave it unplugged for a month or two. Plug it in, wait a couple minutes, wireless print 50 pages with no driver installs. Unplug.

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21 days of lurking.... And this is what you start with? God damn.

This might sound weird but there are a lot more assholes here than reddit.

On Reddit you can expect some percentage of the people to be assholes because some percentage of the population are assholes... but here, heaven forbid you go against the grain of the narrative.

As opposed to reddit, where most of the people are nice and some are assholes, here only some are nice and the majority are assholes.

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Also Go: exceptions aren't real, you declare and handle every error at every level or declare that you might return that error because go fuck yourself.

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Lol. If you have access to scene releases that aren't on a private tracker you will probably get an immediate VIP slot.

If this makes you upset I would reevaluate your position.

I personally hate seeing tens of hundreds of articles without replies. If I wanted an RSS feed I would get one.

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People will want to download chicks or parts of the torrent, you should leave them separate.

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there are no other Jewish places to live

This is such a weird stance. What even is this position that is nonchalantly thrown into the argument as if it even matters.

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You can add the even-cooler-stuff as another remote repo(like origin) and grab those changes and branch off of one of is branches then you can make pull requests to even cooler stuff from those branches.

I'm pretty confident the reason GitHub isn't allowing you to fork the even-cooler-stuff repo is that technically they are the same repo... And multiple remotes should do the trick.

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Wow. I'm honestly surprised I'm getting downvotes for a joke. Also, no. It isn't. It really isn't.

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It is important to recognize that this is going to happen regardless of if it is right or not. Palestine is probably going to cease to exist in the coming months. The leaders of the western world have decided to back Israel in this conflict... This doesn't mean it's right. We should absolutely call it out... But this is happening.

Now we have to decide if we let the civilians live or die.

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I only disagree with you in that for an application, the application designer should choose what an application looks like.

The argument of if applications should be deployed via web browser is an independent discussion.

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Not very based.

The British fucked up a bunch of things when they divided up political power as they abandoned their territories... Israel/Palestine and India/Pakistan...

What discourse? A bunch of people spewing debunked myths that align with their personal beliefs yelling at a bunch of people with thought out positions based on research?

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Even if we grant you your invalid position, you are still wrong. So close. You claim the unborn person has rights, but so did the mother.

In no legal jurisdiction in the United States is one person ever required to give up their bodily autonomy for another. This the mother, according to your argument, is under no legal obligation to provide the other person, according to your argument, the mothers body for any reason. If the mother wishes to discontinue the use of her body she can. If the other person dies as a result of this decision, the mother bears no responsibility.

This is well understood case law and common law.

GTFO with this terrible argument.

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Wow... You think it's the anti-billionaires who are the MSM enjoyers? Not the billionaires bootlickers? Fucking nuts.

I can't even imagine not having a ci pipeline anymore. Having more than a single production architecture target complete with test sets, Security audits, linters, multiple languages, multiple hour builds per platform... hundreds to thousands of developers... It's just not possible to even try to make software at scale without it.

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Everytime I hear about someone or some agency asking for a lie detector, I know that they or the people running the organization are full of shit.

Your home feed is only things you are subscribed to...

Then block it and stop complaining

GDPR and pii reasons most likely. It's a nightmare keeping track of why certain data is on certain accounts. This can vastly simplify the GDPR compliance mechanisms. If your GOG account is merged with your PR account, there is probably significantly more "sensitive" data (CC numbers, addresses, etc) in the GOG account. This probably exempts some data that either cdpr or gog tracks from deletion or retrieval requests.

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It's only "left" in American left. Otherwise it's quite conservative.

California also has more homeless than other states.... Reasonable weather and they don't get thrown in jail? Homeless people migrate here for those reasons.

I also wish we did a better job... It's not that California doesn't spend money on the problem... It's just the money we have spent has been ineffective. If we could get more housing first options maybe it would be better? It sucks though to go downtown sometimes.

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I think the confusion/difficulty is the mistake that the PDF rendering is happening client side. I don't know this for certain since I haven't spent any time trying to break it, but based on the solutions I have found online leads me to believe that these view only PDFs are server side rendered and what is sent to your browser is only an image.

PDF is a weird file format... It is sometimes just a bunch of jpeg images of pages (scanners that don't do ocr generate PDFs this way) And the PDF isn't anything more than a collection of jpeg images... Or it can be a fully text based document using a proprietary rendering language that needs to be rendered to be viewed... Or it's a series of printer commands that would tell a printer how to print it...

In any case PDF viewers are super complex (basically they need to know how to render all of those different kinds of instructions into a standard document for viewing) and often times they are implemented as image generators (because basically that's what they are, it's also why some PDF viewers don't have text search or form filling, and it's part of why PDF editors are so complex). The result of this is that it's possible that the Google view of the PDF isn't a PDF document... And only the server side rendering of it which means that when the view only option is enabled... There is no PDF to download. You aren't looking at the PDF file. You are looking at the rendering result of the PDF viewer running on a Google server.

In this case you can't download the PDFs... Your best option is to take screen capture of the pages, and run ocr on them.

Basically Google servers are printing the PDF to your screen. You dumb scan it, which generates a PDF that is a collection of jpeg images, then you ocr it, which generates a text version of the PDF.

Those js script snippets literally are a dumb scanner for your screen... That make a PDF from a collection of jpeg images.

Kinda nuts.

It obviously isn't. You can see it sparking in the video as it energized the wire. If it was to ground those minor sparks would have been massive arcing and that wire would melt.

In the United States, I find the Zionist argument to mostly be a racist Christian push to remove Jews from the US.

I recognize that people may believe it without that racism... But it's just a crazy argument to me... And I think the way you originally presented it is the way that is normalized by extreme Christian organizations in the US which is why I called it out.

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I am going to second making your own. Most electrolyte solutions are only sodium chloride, potassium chloride and sugar.

Morton's makes a thing that is literally this without the sugar. It's called "lite salt".

Any "lite salt" should do the trick. You will also need a multivitamin/multimineral as well but if you are just looking for an "electrolyte" replacement drink... It's just lite salt, water and sugar. If you want to get fancy you can add magnesium and calcium.

Is it salty? Yes. It's salt. Electrolytes are salts.

How do I make it not salty? Add sugar.

Why are the things like propel bitter? Fake sugar + salt tastes bitter to some people. Most Gatorade/propel blends also need to be low cal so they use fake sugars. Gatorade originally had like 60grams of sugar in a bottle. That doesn't sell well anymore. You, however can go nuts and use as much sugar as you like.

Is there electrolytes that don't taste salty? No. They are salt.

What other options do I have? Pills. But if you aren't eating you might not absorb them well.

Edit: after reading some other posts I am going to add the following.

Gatorade is potassium and sodium salt + sugars, artificial sweetener and flavors. You can check the nutritional facts. It only provides sodium and potassium... No calcium or magnesium. Gatorade is literally "lite salt" plus sugar, flavorings, artificial sugar and water.

Monk fruit, stevia and the like all have bitter aftertastes.

Personally my favorite artificial sweetener is erythritol. Incidentally it is the only artificial sweetener that doesn't cause an insulin response. Monster zero energy drinks are sweetened with it for a flavor profile.

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And yet, somehow there is still a bug in the datetime implementation.

Question, can we configure the nginx to return cached responses for all non-logged in queries for predetermined periods of time? (1min for example?)

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Exceptions don't exists and ask errors must be handled at every level. It's infuriating.

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I was this person. Most people who do this are what people would usually call travelers. People who do it voluntarily, like I did, usually had enough money to get to another interesting place or buy a meal anytime they are hungry. Many people have odd jobs in remote places that preclude housing (I have had these jobs too). Some people are also begging as they travel. I never begged. I worked whenever I needed money. Generally speaking, living like this without facing extreme difficulties is exclusively a white male privilege from a country with a strong passport. Non-white people are routinely arrested. Women are routinely raped. Weak passports get deported.

Non-consecutively I spent a little over 4 years living in a tent or on the ground in some capacity. The longest period of time I lived exclusively in a tent was 14 months consecutively.

I hiked backcountry trails, city streets and traveled extensively through a number of countries. I rode a bicycle for some of those years as well. In total I walked somewhere around 1500-2000 miles and rode between 3000 and 4000 miles. The farthest I have ever walked in a single day is 30 miles. The farthest I have ever cycled in a single day is just over 120 miles. The longest period of time I spent in a single national forest was 5 months, but I worked in the back country there for 3 of them so I don't know how to count that. There are thousands of people who work in the back country for many many months on end doing things like trail maintenance throughout the US.