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Joined 1 years ago

I actually didn't care when there was an ad in the beginning of the video or what not. It was when I had to start watching multiple ads in the middle of a 10 minute video as well. Like come on, not even broadcast TV is that annoying.

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Alexei Chernykh of Russia's anti-corruption police was killed while doing garden work

Must have been Russia. They dislike anything that is anti-corruption.

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Clearly the solution to start owning wolves.

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Did they get Sidney Powell?

Yes. Counts 1, 32-37 according to the pdf of the indictment.


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Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) today announced a 7% increase in .com prices to take effect on September 1, 2023.


Under its agreement with ICANN and the U.S. government, Verisign is allowed to increase prices by 7% per year in the last four years of every six-year contract term. This will be the third hike of this contract term, and the company is expected to increase .com prices to $10.26 in 2024.

Would be nice if ICANN changed the agreement a tad .

Probably not alot of secrets about that aircraft left . The Russians probably got a good look at the one that was shot down in 1999.

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I found the OP on reddit . They state that they beat the cancer.

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I have fond memories of Slashdot's mod system . Members randomly got 5 mod points to up or down vote sometime . Votes were categorized .And that was it . Then metamods would vote on the quality of the votes. I wrote in the past tense but I guess /dot is still around .

I don't have W11. I have had my taskbar at the top of my screen since the 90s. W11 doesn't allow this ?

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You can't just search for your processor in a database I mean fuck that would take them at least an a couple hours of their precious time to set up and they have only had a year. How do you fix it?

This page tells you how to get your CPUID:

Then search for the CPUID here:

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Buy bitcoin.

The thing with reddit is that it loaded with stuff that is easily searched for on search engines. I know if I search for something, i'll be ending up at the big R. I have been going out of my way asking relevant questions on Lemmy communities instead of using a search engine (much to the annoyance of the 'Did you do a search first?' crew) I'm hoping this helps build communities here.

New Mexico mostly eliminated cash bail about seven years ago but there was still issues . I hope Illinois learned from our mistakes when they wrote their law .

How horrible. Who's bright idea was that and were flying chairs involved?

Now I can uninstall Liftoff . Sync's interface was Reddit for me . And now it is Lemmy for me . The custom theme base colors are great for keeping my different accounts visually separate .

It was previously available behind the counter but a prescription was not needed .

How is it fraud ? seems to still be federated

Two M's, so:

Linux supremacist and the wannabe commies are pretty annoying.

OS/2 Warp 4 life!

That is dangerous childs play . Look up anvil launching/firing . Heck, here you go:

Sure . I normally buy top of line flagship phones used. Except for my most recent purchase, they all came from ebay . Most recently I purchased something 'renewed' from Amazon.

Make sure the description says the battery is good and that the photos show the screen in good order . I don't care about scratches/cracks on the back because the thing is going into a case anyways .

NYS's legal dispensery license roll out has been a shitshow . Contrast that with New Mexico's and it looks even worse . NM and NY legalized recreational about the same time . NM went with a more free market approach and (don't quote me on this) has close to one dispensery per 2000 residents at the moment (data at How NY messed up so bad is beyond me .

That was my first thought from the thumbnail but farther viewing makes me think there is an underwater flashlight adding the illumination .

Well heck, that looks like me. I was thinking about running back to Fidonet.

Trump can be elected again. Holding that office is another thing.

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Passenger could have been being quite thorough. Filling up all the lavatories.

I post to my own instance where I have a single community about a single soccer club. No bots though (yet). lol

According to Kelly Blue Book you are correct:

Barring an unexpected last-minute change, every mainstream car available for sale in the United States for the 2023 model year will come with standard air conditioning. That’s a first.

The last holdout was, unsurprisingly, the Jeep Wrangler. For the 2022 model year, buying a brand-new Wrangler without A/C is possible.

If you live some place in a drought, water is an issue when planting new trees.

I was able to login with 2fa 30 minutes ago .

Even though you say you suck at sleeping on the go, maybe the airport you are at has one of those sleep pods.

. Or they could have added a little bit of code to their CPU ID utility that says "yupp your processor is effected by the flaw".

That is a fair point.

This is blatantly false. The 14th Amendment prohibits it.

Quote the part of the 14th Amendment where it prohibits someone from being elected to an office. I'll link the Amendment here:

If you read what i said, i differentiated between being elected and holding office. Careful when you say something is "blatantly false". That sounds like you were accusing me of lying, and that can create a toxic community.

Low latency? Starlink has ADSL tier latency.

What distance are we talking about for the latency? When I look up the latency info for comparisons, no one ever posts where the end point is. Without that, there is no way to make a proper statement on what kind of latency any service has.

I don't know how fast it works. According to their posts (I feel really creepy reading their history), their first round of chemo was started around Dec 23 2022. On Dec 30th they reported that their tumor has shrunken 1/3 since the first round. By Feb 3 of 2023 they had completed three rounds of treatment.

On April 15th they reported that tumor was no longer growing and thus the tumor was beaten.

16 months before this incident, they had another kind of cancer. So it is infuriating that their doctors didn't run tests till it was almost too late. They state they are Germany, so maybe the doctors there are extra conservative with running test.

Please don't make me feel old.

I totally missed that back then. Go figure.

Who cares he has 47 weapons. You only have 2 hands. What you think he is going to do? Strap 30 glocks to his leg?

Well he is from Cali, so yes. NY reload due to mag capacity issues.

As to why, maybe in case an instance goes down.