18 Post – 143 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The article became increasingly redundant as it continued. The crux seems to be Google isn't their employer. These workers work for a subcontractor, Cognizant. Cognizant performs services for YouTube Music.

Cognizant is refusing to bargain citing the ongoing relevant litigation* between its employees and Google.

  • I'm not sure what the legal process is called for union claims.

Some of the employees are striking for 1 day.

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I have no follow up questions.

E: I have no follow up questions I want answered.

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This is in c/lemmyshitpost. What sort of high brow content did you expect?

Also, this isn't explicit. She lost her library card in the mud. You choosing to sexualize an otter is pretty weird man.

Edit: I appreciate you watching out though. We need strong citizens like you.

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Crazy, out of touch billionaire has a crazy, unrealistic idea. Fucking stop the presses.

Absolutely not. These should not be posted in any library. Do not print them out and tape them next to the elevators.

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y'all is second person plural. First and Second person aren't gendered. Therefore, I is also woke

Trying to not saturate the market.

What is this? The Final Final Final Final Last Warning before the Last Final Final Final Final Last Final Warning?

They have a video ad first that doesn't transition to the headlined video clip. The clip is at the bottom, and it sucks. Here's the article.

Ted Cruz rages against non-existent Biden beer limit in viral clip The Texas senator engaged in a beer-swigging on-camera stunt this week in response to a made-up federal policy limiting alcohol consumption.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz railed against the Biden administration earlier this week for imposing a strict limit on Americans' alcohol consumption in a now-viral clip—even though no such policy exists.

The saga began when Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy asked Biden's White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre if the president planned to "limit Americans to two beers a week." Jean-Pierre, who appeared baffled by the question, laughed and declined to comment.

The question apparently came from comments made by Dr. George Koob, director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, during an interview with the Daily Mail last week, in which Koob said the U.S. might change it's recommended weekly alcohol intake to two drinks per week. Current recommendations advise men to limit themselves to two drinks a day and women to stick to one.

For Cruz and the conservative mediasphere, however, these comments were enough to conjure the right's latest hand-wringing, they're-coming-for-your-freedoms moral panic.

"What is it with liberals that want to control every damn aspect of your life?" Cruz raged in his Newsmax interview. "Now these idiots have come out and said, 'drink two beers a week,' that's their guideline," Cruz continued, before reaching for a bottle of beer and taking a drink on camera. "Well, I've got to tell you, if they want us to drink two beers a week, frankly they can kiss my ass!"

Cruz cranked the top off a Shiner Bock beer and chucked the cap on the ground in theatrical defiance before taking a swig. Behind him, a huddle of men dressed in cowboy hats and plaid flannel shirts followed suit, drinking their beers.

On Wednesday night, the senator posted the clip on X, formerly known as Twitter, repeating his own lines from the interview in the caption for his 6.1 million followers. "What is it with liberals and wanting to control every damn aspect of your life? If they want us to drink two beers a week, frankly they can kiss my ass."

Cruz appears to have stepped up his misinformation game on X in the past few weeks: Wednesday's nonsense diatribe against a non-existent Biden beer limit comes a few days after the senator reposted misinformation about the southern border wall, presenting a Trump-era policy as a Biden-imposed change. About a week before that, Cruz shared a well-known fake image from 2011 of a shark swimming in California floodwaters.

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Yes. The dental assistant insisted to the dentist after I started writhing. Flexing my leg muscles serves no function, but at that point I was doing anything to center myself.

Got more Lidocane. Felt better, continued procedure. They make the crowns in house, but by the time it was done, so was the second dose. They said I shouldn't be in pain, and they couldn't give me anything more. The final bit of drilling on my tooth-nubbin was excruciating and the UV resin curing was unexpected - it burns.

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You need to adhere to the sign policy. These rules are in place for you protection.


Edit: Fine you can WHISPER

Huh. That might explain the last two weeks. Dental pains. Lot's of tylenol. And why I feel much better now.

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The summary did that thing like when FBI agents find a 800 TB harddrive containing a possibly CSAM photo and the media says they found 800 TB of CSAM.

Did he take a conversation with a sub-18 year old to a sexual place? (or not excuse himself from an email gone sexual with someone under age?) I literally mean yes he did take it sexual or no he did not take it sexual or It was not clear from the messages.

There is a difference from acknowledging sex is a thing and propositioning a teenager for sex, but at this point, I don't care. If you are a man or a woman, etc., just devalue the experience of younger people and don't talk to them. They'll be fine with it eventually.

That says removed. That means someone else removed it, but not the user.

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Consider posting a drink policy to keep your many fine papers dry.

Everyone gets y'all. It fills the dumb gap in English where the plural of you is you. Now if we could only get a singular neutral 3rd for people that isn't also the plural.

E: Or we could start pronouncing They singular like latchkey, for a thee sound. So we can get fun words like they's (thees). It will also make English even more confusing for newbies. What's not to love?

"an inverse vaccine"

Oh good, at least they didn't choose a name that's gonna cause confusion.

TIL you can wait until you have the disease to take the vaccine. So if my kid gets polio, I'll give them the vaccine then, but I don't want to risk anything bad happening so I'll wait. I'm glad I did my research.

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You misspelled doo.

I log on about one a week. I forgot why I showed up. I replied to replies and then started scrolling.

Goddamn it. I came here do do something. Fuck.

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Show us what you think a sublemmy is.

NSFW ::: spoiler spoiler


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It should have been that all along. Nature is healing. E: /s

created by creator

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Here take a few of unused quality ones. I think I've had enough for a while. I'm gonna touch grass.

From Middle English wolpak, wullepak, equivalent to wool +‎ pack. 
A bag of wool, traditionally weighing 240 pounds.

TIL, Thx

Oh, in a world of humanoid otters, are regular otters on leashes pets or pets?

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I was about to admonish you asking for a link to a linked article, BUT the author linked to a link aggregator.

I went through all the linked article's "abstracts." Nothing.

I went through a few articles. Best I found was the WHO recommending an overall less sweet diet.

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It's annoying how most Lemmy users strut around like they have flavorful, pristine cocks and/or meaty, robust vulvas. Stop being so constructive and fight me.

I was dual wielding.

What? No. Stop. Don't make this a fetish thing.

These are normal otters posed in normal positions in the clothes they normally wear.

The lidocaine being insufficient for the task is something I just have to deal with. Dental visits for me will always involve toe-curling pain. I require more lidocaine than is safe.

The real secret is to mask my pain until it's unbearable, then get the second dose. I listened to the dentist this time and spoke up whenever I was in pain. Well, that meant I got the second dose too early, so the last 30 or so minutes in the chair were raw.

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I managed to skip that one in middle school when it dropped. I was not so fortunate with 3 guys 1 hammer.

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Speaking of fricken weird. I use one of the posts to make a template to use up some of the weird otters I had set aside. It's lame if the format is all the same, but it's quicker.

I didn't need a study to tell me that. See, back in 'nam there were no studies, no lettuce, no cars. We did what we did and we knew what we knew.

From Bing originally. It carries a CC license.

I prompted, edited (like extra ears, strange helmet accessories, logos being off), printed, assembled, and added/changed details once it was glued to a board.

I've given up on trying to decide if AI images are mine. Otherwise, have at it.

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You uncultured swine. Ain't is a contraction of am not. Am only goes with I. I ain't going to accept illiteracy.

Does aspartame cause cancer?

In general, the American Cancer Society does not determine if something causes cancer (that is, if it is a carcinogen), but we do look to other respected organizations for help with this. Based on current research, some of these organizations have made the following determinations:

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has concluded that “the use of aspartame as a general purpose sweetener… is safe.”

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has stated, “Studies do not suggest an increased risk associated with aspartame consumption for… leukaemia, brain tumours or a variety of cancers, including brain, lymphatic and haematopoietic (blood) cancers.”

Though research into a possible link between aspartame and cancer continues, these agencies agree that studies done so far have not found such a link.

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Oh god why? Is this a highschool-college or non-usa country thing?

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