
3 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

As one of these employees, I'm very very pissed off. Then this article hits the day I get back from a nice vacation. Fuck it. My resume is already updated. Time to get out of here. I have less than zero respect for this guy. So much for nearly a decade at AWS.

5 more...

Fun side story. My first job as a developer, I was working in a small porn company in downtown Chicago. We had just hired a few people, so being the only techy in the company it was on me to order a bunch of hardware from NewEgg.

It was supposed to be delivered days later. But no, they had an employee, just like a regular dude, hop in his car and deliver the order on the same day. This was probably 2006, so same day delivery way NOT a normal thing.

I rarely get to tell this story because I don't want people to know I started off my (somewhat long) software engineering career in porn and because who cares about this in today's world.

However, OP mentioned NewEgg, so it fits here.

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Or using any plugins that are privacy/ad-blocking related?

I mean.... Of course.

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That's very fitting.

US here. Also sounds good

Welcome to the club. Your lan port is over there. (Insert broadcom chip joke here)

One of the many reasons I will always set profiles to hidden anytime I create an account somewhere. My visibility should be null by default.

Oh I definitely remember this. Completely forgot about it

As a wise Arabian parrot once said, "Why am I not surprised? WHY am I not surprised!?"

I miss 3.1. the blue background was a specific blue and the gray taskbars were gray. What a wonderful time.

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Same. Keep up the good work.

Pretty sure I saw somewhere the devs took inspiration from Boost for their UI

When you're in VSCode with 10 different red squiggles, who can be bothered?


It won't. I'm in my late 30s and olives are still the fucking best thing ever.

There's a joke here about using echo "some python code" > main.py in here somewhere but I can't find it. Imagine I did instead.

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It shouldn't be a surprise, but I also came out post that statement.

Edit: Also, nobody is ever allowed in that chamber. Just can't be.

Re: peanut butter jelly time - my 8 year old picked it up somewhere along the way and is one of his favorite songs now.

You been to the St Louis zoo yet? It's not quite San Diego but it's damn good - and free! (Paid parking tho)

Get out of here with your sensibility!

^kidding, ^js ^via ^ts ^is ^my ^life.

The amendment makes a very clear distinction between things we create and things we don't and only deals with the latter. So, those projects would not be lumped into what gets released to the public. I'd sure like to know why our government has spent millions upon millions on these things if they don't exist. It's our tax dollars paying for it!

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Can I come with? I need to jump ship too.


That's right Schumer, let's get your amendment passed in record time please!

I'm sitting in a hotel at Disneyland as we speak. I haven't seen anything about evacuating. Park is still open it seems. But it is raining a loooot.

Edit: it was also my kid's first earthquake. They thought it was super cool.

ADHD here, but based on autistic friends, I strongly suspect that for me as well. The said not meant one is a big bother for my wife and I. I just CANNOT read into the secret hidden meaning hidden between the words. Just say what you want. I'm happy to help or whatever, but I don't do hints.

Just noticed that! So, installing as we speak.

Yep, pretty much my exact thoughts.

Bainbridge! I love taking the ferry over there!

  1. lemm.ee for the first, then realized programming.dev existed. And, since I'm a programming dev, it made sense to sign up there. So, here I am.

We've got a bunch of glass ones. Probably has puppies in it or something.

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Shall we work on writing the algorithms to making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? That's always a fun one to explain the concept.

Yep, at work I'm the shit when it comes to putting out fires. I'm really good at it. I cannot stand most of the day to day, but when things break, guess who the first person they call for finding answers is. Hint, it's me.

I really want to love the "everything is an object" of power shell but I just have zero uses for using a shell on windows. Granted, my windows usage is like 15 minutes a week most of the time, but still. I also can't be bothered to use it for work because it's exclusively Linux/linux-ish over there so it's not worth bothering.

Either way, I like the idea, can't really justify figuring out the details.

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But ... I like Seattle people.

Oh, you know what they did.

My child had 2 chips with about 4 large spoonfuls of cheese on them today. Guess what color our skin is.

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I am near Seattle, but prefer infra/frontend for the most part. Most of my career has been full stack, but I love me some ops and UI work.

Murica. Yeehaw.


There will never be someone as cool as Kate awkwardly dancing and saying "it's menus a-poppin today on windows tips"

Leo Laporte was the bomb.

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I don't know about the meeting part, but the rest of the stuff in the article is correct. Can confirm.