Reddit users who switched to Lemmy, what is the most annoying thing you have seen about Lemmy users?

Prethoryn to Ask – 300 points –

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Super opinionated people who are completely blind to the thing they're discussings shortfalls.

See: anything to do with Linux.

It literally feels like a blast from the past. I remember being on forums in the 90s and early 2000s hearing all this Linux evangelism. Then I say "the second a user has to touch a command line, they're out" and everyone acts like this isn't a reasonable take.

Thankfully though, Linux has evolved and ChromeOS and Android have shown how lower needs users and limited platforms like mobile can use Linux and not have to deal with the complexity of old-school Linux.

You have NO IDEA what you're talking about


I daily Linux and have not had any issues other than not being able to run Affinity Photo

My games like Stray and Geometry Dash run fine under Proton though

And I really like KDE Connect. I'm on XFCE but it works fine