
4 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Honestly I just jumped to Lemmy after dndmemes sent me this way and it feels like I'm delving into early internet forums back in the day, fresh and new and full of excitement for the future

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Y'all realize that saying things like "You've just lost a user!" or "Deleting my account!" or "This is now the worst instance on Lemmy!"... you sound like a Karen telling the kid at the register in CVS that she's leaving a bad Yelp review... right? Y'all seeing this? Am I going crazy here?

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Well, at first I was doing it completely manually, following the installation guide, but I'd get so mixed up in the soup of it all with all those new terms and actions that felt completely foreign yo me. Then I found mention of the simple archinstall command which the guide either hadn't mentioned outright or the mentioning of it got drowned out by all the other words.

It took me a long minute to play around and work out how that worked, but once I finally figured out what was what and all that, I would finally start the install and it would get stuck.

It would get to "Waiting for systemd.timesyncd to complete" but it never would (and I gave it the benefit of the doubt at first, and just waited hours the first try.) On googling, I'd get a lot of approximate answers and explanations that almost but didn't quite match, and the solutions never worked. I'd give up for a bit and then go back to trying it, googling, and I started just trying to troubleshoot it on my own despite really not knowing what I was doing and just throwing random things at the wall and seeing what stuck.

Eventually though, I got the right keywords in the right order on google and came across a reddit post of someone with my exact issue. The solution after that was really, really simple. They had solved their issue by editing /etc/systemd/timesyncd.config, where multiple things were commented that shouldn't have been. I did the same thing and went into the .conf and lo and behold, the entire thing was commented, so I fixed that and boom. Working.

Honestly I'm actually glad that I had to go on such a wild goose chase to fix that little issue, because as frustrating and, in the end, useless that whole struggle ended up seeming, I learned a LOT while struggling. I've edited lots of .conf files, I love modding my games so I'm not shy to dipping my toes in and changing basic values, but did I know what the term "commenting" meant in that context, or even how that stuff worked on a deeper, technical level? Nope. Now I do! Now I know how to do some menial tasks via the console that I hadn't used before. I know better how the disks work, I have a better understanding of partitioning, etc.

I think I much prefered this experience over the one where I just popped in Linux Mint and everything was a-ok from the get-go.

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I mean, this is kinda just an internet problem in general, but it's just a prevalent here on Lemmy as anywhere else, so it does count as something annoying Lemmy users doing. And that's just general aggression

It seems like saying anything is a great way to get someone downright furious with you. Again, that happens everywhere, I just wish there was less of it on Lemmy. I think FOSS topics are a great example. Just in this thread alone you can see people already getting just... really worked up on both sides of the FOSS subject.

People get really aggressive about what qualifies as a good meme, ffs. And there also just a general culture online (it's died down recently, I think? It was really bad starting in 2016, imo) of humorous aggression, where reacting in really aggressive ways just as a joke is really common, which leads to misunderstandings and causes people to get actually mad if they aren't in the loop of the joke in the first place.

On a bright note however, I have noticed there's a lot less bigotry being treated as acceptable on here. Transphobic memes and stuff of that nature would show up in random communities on reddit a lot more than should ever be acceptable, and they would occasionally (not always) get more support in the comments than they should. Here on Lemmy it seems folks are a lot more proactive in shutting that stuff down before those types get a foothold here. Hopefully it stays that way.

I am transgender. Have been my whole life, but I realized it at 12. Socially transitioned at 14, physically transitioned at 16 (because you can't physically transition before then because doctors, shockingly 😲, fuckin' know what they're doing). The things I struggled with, mentally, before i began to transition at all, caused me to make attempts on my own life. Lots of teens succeed, because people won't allow them fucking find peace in their own bodies. Teens. Children. Killing themselves. Because of stupid rehtorics like the one you've just spouted. Fuck off with that same old bullshit paranoia and fear mongering.

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I think that sums up my views on money and capitalism. It's VERY necessary for equality, like your example. With money rather than simply trading goods, the cobbler has the ability to have a full pantry as often as the shopkeep who has more to provide far more frequently. But it's also extremely flawed, and also make inequality really, really easy. The cobbler can only make and sell so many shoes in a period of time, but a general goods shopkeep has lots of things to sell all the time, and he doesn't have to make those goods himself, so he's bound to be wealthier than the cobbler, unless the cobbler raises his prices, at which point fewer common folk would be able to afford his shoes, giving them less options for shoes, and/or less money to spend on other necessities. If only the world could be a little simpler sometimes.

It's the vodka and the siberian winters, I imagine

Not physically or emotionally abusive, doesn't leave me... doesn't exist...

I think the answer is 7

Domestic cats are actually a very social species, I read a couple studies on it, despite what the stereotypes make you believe. They're just very aloof and picky with who they choose to bond with. I've had cats who desperately needed other cats, and I've had cats who really don't like other cats, but those cats are extremely clingy with people instead.

It's also why feral cats are found in colonies and most vets and shelters will recommend having at least 2 cats because they actually need the companionship. It's pretty interesting!

I have disgraphia which makes hand writing really friggin difficult (and even painful!) for me, and makes everyone else's day worse if they have to try and understand what I've written. I need computers to be able to write shit.

Why does he look so.... lopsided?

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Downvotes: Misinformation, bad-faith arguments/blatant hate speech, fearmongering (I suppose that's part of misinformation though), rude/uncivil things that bring nothing (comments that are just straight up insults, for example)

Upvotes: Fact-checking, sources, educational content, productive discussions, political views i believe in (note: i do NOT downvote ones i disagree with, as long as its not a bad-faith argument or blatant misinformation) helpful positivity, solutions

Ignore: Things I don't understand, things that are neither productive nor unproductive, things im unqualified in, things I'm unsure about, opinions and statements that i just plain disagree with. And anything else that doesnt catch my attention or interest, or doesnt have anything to do with me.

Okay, that got a snort from me.

Just recently discovered Raw Black and I like it a lot, is it even possible to go thinner? Lmao

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Surgery was not done on me as a minor. I was put on HRT as a minor. I could not, LEGALLY, get any kind of surgery before I was an adult.

Yo what

Holy smokes

Oooh that's some pretty friggin bud

As logical and helpful as youtube tutorials can be, I just don't like them. Which is entirely a self-imposed problem, for sure, and there's lots of times where I'd have solved a problem quick and simple with a patient sit down with a two minute video. I think it's one of those ol' ADHD and/or Autism quirks, I can never sit still for tutorial videos and I intentionally avoid them because I get stressed thinking about watching them, which is definitely silly, but the human brain is often a silly thing...

That being said, I fully recognize the fact that it's absolutely my own fault when I run into issues like this one, so I never blame the software I'm fucking with lmao, just assume I messed up or am not being patient enough. Hence why I sat and stared at "Waiting for timesync to complete" for roughly 3~ hours before deciding that, yeah, it definitely wasn't completing this go around. And then three attempts later I decided to let it sit while I went to sleep, in the hopes that maybe, just maybe... (Spoiler, it did not complete while I was asleep, to no ones shock but my own)

I get a lot of "work smarter, not harder" advice... never seems to stick, clearly... It's fun though. It's mentally stimulating, if nothing else. Like trying to solve the worlds easiest rubix cube while running on -72 hours of sleep and zero caffeine. Infuriating to watch, but hard to get bored!

They told r/dndmemes to stop posting goblin porn so someone posted a link to the fediverse.... and I made an account. Simple as, really.

It makes sense, I suppose. maybe I'm just a bit jaded about villain writing. I just feel like a lot of the time villain motivation seems to come after the villain themself. Like the villain and their methods was created, and then a motivation for that was created to make it make sense. Rather than creating a motivation and then designing the villain off the motivation. Not all villains, of course. there's some pretty complex and fantastically written ones out there. But sometimes, there's a lot of villains where it seems the writers just REALLY needed some kind of relatable motivation.

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I used to scroll through youtube shorts a lot, and there was a guy who made skits about the "average reddit user" (total snob, actually just a regular nerd despite thinking they are somehow superior, extremely pedantic) and it was... so painful. So accurate. And so painful.

They didn't defederate from them at all, they blocked the communitieson dbz that SPECIFICALLY had to do with piracy. dbz is not defederated from world

Well, a lot of people who don't have good reading comprehension tend to be neurodivergent people, especially autistic folk like myself. I tend to approach things with a benefit of the doubt attitude but I'm more or less "high functioning" and some people have an even harder time understanding social cues via text. I use /s just out of mindfullness of folk who struggle with those kinds of thing.

On steam alone, Skyrim. Oldrim at 1500+ hours, SE at 600+ hours. Then theres Skyrim on consoles, played on PS4, xBox, and Switch... probably easily doubles that number.

It doesn't only bother me for villains, I just had villains in particular on the mind. I get it though. I was just watching TV and Aquaman came on and I've seen a bunch of other superho movies on TV lately, so I was just thinking a lot about the tropes I see a lot, and that particular example was at the front of my mind.

I'd also recently scene Age of Ultron, where the twins had, in my opinion, a really questionable reason for siding with Ultron.

I also love writing fiction myself, and I have a terrible habit of disecting just about every plot point I encounter in media to see what "makes them work", or not work, to see what I can learn from them for my own writing. Makes me awful overly critical of some things.

"average person shaves 3 ants per year" factoid actualy just statistical error, average person shaves 0 ants per year. Ants Georg, who lives in cave & shaves 10,000 per day is an outlier adn should not have been counted