
2 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Okay Satan

Even out of context, this shit goes hard

Of course they're going to wait until they need (re)elected. I'm almost positive the whole student loan thing will happen before the end of this election cycle

"Hey, program that is basically just regurgitating information, how do we do this incredibly complex things that even we don't understand yet?"

"Here ya go."

"Wow, this is wrong."

"No shit."

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For real, God forbid we keep the actual safe, clean nuclear plants running

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This should be everyone's fear, it feels like just anther witch hunt.

14 more...

Basil pesto is the only correct pesto

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Ah yes, I can't imagine how these could be used for evil... /s

This is just how it seems to go, before reddit there was Digg, after Digg went down, everyone went to reddit, now that reddit is going down, people are migrating to alternatives, with Lenmy being the most prominent one right now. I think Lemmy's ability to have multiple instances will help cement its popularity though

Damn I forgot about Kik. I wonder if it's still used

I didn't chill the dough, though the recipe didn't tell me to and my wife said I didn't need to, so I'm thinking I over mixed it

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I'm sorry, but what do people who move to the Middle East expect? I wasn't allowed to wear my Saint Christopher Medal in Kuwait, a country where being Christian is legal. Do people really think they won't enforce these laws?

In all seriousness, what has having these laws repealed done? I'm asking because I don't know.

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Wow, such baking

Not to be a dick, but the people on the US's National Cricket team do love the sport and deserve a shot at winning as much as anyone else

Ford did just cancel all their sedans, and while Ford said the same thing, "sedans aren't selling as well" is kind of a silly excuse considering they're still the second best selling body style in the US and the best selling vehicle in the US for the past 20 years has been the Toyota Camry Sedan. I think car companies want to increase profit margins, and they know they can charge more for a crossover than a sedan while the cost to build will be similar for either body style.

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Riverdale. It had so many chances to end well, but it just got more and more ludicrous until they just had to reset everything for the last season.

Context seems to be largely ignored when your argument sounds so great

"A cocktail of problems"


I don't get it, why try to keep him from running? Especially if you're a Democrat, letting Trump run would split the Republican vote and almost guarantee a Democratic victory.

11 more...

That's a great resource, thanks!

It took me to another post that says FIFA suspended him

J.K. Rowling, amongst others, have given away so much money that they've lost their billionaire status.

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Some might call that trauma bonding

I can't speak to everyone's experience, but I did my 4 and got out in 2020 due to a physical injury. While I was in it wasn't great, but my wife and I collectively made about 100k/year with her as a teacher, we lived pretty well.

Since I got out, I attend school for free, receive a housing stipend, don't pay property taxes, receive free healthcare, and I'll receive about $50k this year in tax free disability. My kids and wife will have tuition if they decide to go (back) to school and they all receive free health insurance.

I don't think there's a lack of incentives at all, but simply people don't know of the benefits they can receive. No one sits down with them and explains it all and we end up with vets with PTSD on the streets because of it

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I saw this coming from a mile away. We will now have to set standards for what's considered "made by AI" and "Made with AI"

To be fair, I can get a bottle of D.O.C.G. Prosecco from Costco for $7, and most people consider it to be fairly good prosecco

It's already happening in some states

This is a perfect example of something unethical being lawful. Should we break unethical laws?

I just got here so I'm not sure yet

No, not that I'm aware of

Most of them were fine, these were more like pralines or lace cookies though, and they are delicious like this

I did not, they were in there... I should've used more though

From what I've heard, it's all about the he says, she says bullshit

I want to go out on a limb here and say that pretty much nothing is permanent, be it on the internet or the lifespan of our universe.

"Someone has a dissenting opinion it must be ASTROTURFING AAAAAHHHHHHH"-You for some reason...

It doesn't have to be

I have one of those KitchenAid mixers, that's what I used. I'm wondering if the butter didn't melt after the fact while it was sitting in the bowl since these were the last ones that I made

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The best tasting burger I ever had was at this tiny restaurant in this small town called Salado

The best burger I ever had was when my now wife introduced me to Whataburger on our first date (technically second? it's kinda weird...)