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Joined 12 months ago

Gardenscapes is the original match 3 and build a mansion and is still my favorite. There are micro transactions to get additional power ups, but the fact that they are constantly updating with new seasonal events and you never run out of levels

I walk around barefoot in the house. Thr moment I get home I take of my shoes, and when I'm comfortable somewhere I'll then take off my socks. If I need to go outside to take out the trash or something I'll use flip flops and if I need it go somewhere in the car I'll put socks and shoes back on but the shoes never leave the foyer.

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I'd love to know too, cause I'm actually for lowering it. If there are 15 year Olds working jobs at fast food restaurants or wherever, they should either a) be able to vote, or b) not have income tax taken out. No taxation without representation.

Even as a young teenager, I was building my own computers. If my parents wanted to use the computer, they had to use mine. They had the gall to install a cybernanny program on it to keep me from 'the bad stuff'. I quickly figured out a backdoor through it and made it obsolete. The worst thing is I knew my dad was watching porn on it cause he clearly wasn't browsing in private or clearing the browser history when he was done. Goddammit and I was supposedly the immature one.

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Anything Trump family related if it sounds normal it's not true, and if it sounds insane it's probably true.

... the one on the right is correct.... that's a jank ass calculator on the left that doesn't know how to do order of operations 8/2×(2+2) 8/2x4 4x4 16

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Thanks I hate it.

It's the same reason people thought Stephen Colbert was a champion of conservatism until he moved to the tonight show.

Jokes on you, I take my Adderall with my energy drink.

Kid would walked free if he threatened his fellow student with a gun

Yeah... all it takes for me is one missed exercise session to kill my routine and put me back to baseline.

When the Apocalypse comes. They want to be a Negan-like warlord who takes everything others have stockpiled by force.

It's not even the lowest so far, it's the third lowest. Unity and Rogue where rated lower, and I get that. unity was a buggy mess on launch but is my personal least favorite even after they fixed it, and Rogue was basically a black flag expansion, which was fine. I don't think that deserved to be so low cause I found the story great, an assassin defecting to the Templar was exactly the sort of story the series needed to show, that not everyone sees the assassins as the good guys.

Mirage so far is.. ok. I've done a fair share of exploring the map and I can say it's probably only the size of one of Valhallas expansions, which is fine, we paid a fraction of the price they charge for a full assassins creed game. Some assets are reused from Origins, which is fine, we're in the desert again. I'm not sure if it's just the shock of going from a fully leveled Eivor to a skilless unequipped Basim, which I experienced the past 2 games, or if this is generally harder than previous entries. Thr fact they brought back notoriety mechanic that was missing from valhalla, and also brought back the mercenaries hunting you from Odyssey, AND the fact that when you die your notoriety doesn't reduce, and while they brought back the stupid wanted poster mechanic, they are few and far between to rip down, and you need special tokens to bribe the town criers.... I'm liking the new challenge, keeps me on edge, makes me really think about whether I should kill a guard or sneak by.

As a Trans woman, unfortunately my very identity is a political issue nowadays and I can't not be politically active.

Well, if you do want to play on pc, KOTOR is an amazing game, and if you can't get past the old graphics, there are upscaling mods https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1302?tab=files

I'll agree with that. W seems like an all together great guy, but a bit simple. Most of the bs that came from his presidency was Cheney pulling his strings.

I loved his 'Bushisms' where he'd just make up words.

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When I'm not playing baldurs gate 3, I'm stopping in on baldurs gate 1 which I didn't play back in the day(I only had 2), The original kingdom hearts, a second playthrough of final fantasy remake in anticipation of rebirth, outer worlds, midnight Suns, guardians of the Galaxy, star ocean the last hope, and thr ever present vampire Survivors and Binding of Isaac. I've been hopping games frequently recently.

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#1 seller for me is the fact that the bumpers are better replaceable cause they're attached to the joystick board not the button board. That was the ibiggest pain for me cause when they stopped working on my first deck I had to send it in, and they gave me a new one wiping out all the software customizing I had done. I can feel the bumper going on my current deck a few months ago, it only works if you press it a certain way and one small jostle could make it stop entirely again and I'll need to RMA AGAIN.

How the f do these people get off saying straight people are oppressed. Besides being the vast majority, without straight people our species would die.. like, who is that dumb to believe this horseshit?

I mean, the guys quadraplegic. They have this computer controller you can control with your mouth, but I'm sure just thinking about moving thr mouse and the mouse moves is far easier.

2100 Binding of Isaac Rebirth

Similar, I bought a pair of Bose earbuds 8 years ago. My dog gnawed on one of the earbuds when he was a puppy. 8 years later they still work and I still use em. Granted, only mobile device I have now with a headphone slot is my steam deck. Used to use them for my phone but they weirdly stopped making phones with headphone jacks.

I found Waldo! Granted I looked at literally everything else first....

All those 'I did this' stickers are really paying off now.

My brother who is a pastor said flat to my face I was going to hell, but he loved me regardless.

Actually, Alfredo is an amazing name for that little goi

Hold America's collective beers.

Don't forget the mortgage insurance for several hundred a month if you're not able to put that 30k down to pass the 20% thresshold.

Hi Gay, I'm Dad!

That be Binding of Isaac for me. I have 1000 games installed so it's even harder to get lost.

37, Eastern PA. I CAN drive a stick, but I don't like to. It's another distraction I don't need while driving. Can pay attention to all the other idiots on the road when not worrying what gear I'm in or when to shift.

I mean, valhalla did have every weapon under the sun, sure, but before unity you couldn't even permanently switch your weapon. Swords and hidden blade are all you had, other than utility items like maybe a gun or bombs. In some earlier games you could disarm your enemies and use their weapons, but other than that it was Swords. So with this being a 'return to classic AC' it's actually chill that there's only a couple different Swords and daggers to equip, rather than an arsenal. It's just not what this game was going for. Combat does take a bit to get used to coming from valhalla but I wouldn't say it's 'janky' it's just far more tactical. In valhalla or Odyssey you could murder entire fortresses of dudes like it was nothing in your combat gear, but this is going back to stealth. You wanna take out guys stealthily cause combat is much harder. You need to do your strikes precisely, parry and dodge at the right times, choose which envies to attack in order of threat and ability to take them out. I like it.

The Supreme Court that is comprised mostly of conservatives half of which he put there? I'm sure it'll be a fair ruling....

Wtf they just raised the price last November by a lot too. I bought a 1 year plan locked in at the old rate before it did and it's the only streaming service I've had this past year.

That sounds... very pleasant.

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What the... I use the 30% coupon and buy the big Mac bundle box which has 2 big macs, 2 cheeseburgers, 2 large fries, and a 10 pc nugget in it. Always too much food but super cheap at $16.

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Ditto :o

Tales of Phantasia, Far Cry 4, Control, Divinity 2, Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster.

Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster is like, the 4th version of FF1 I've played and the most polished. Would definitely recommend.

I like the setting of Far Cry 4, but I think I was more engaged by Far Cry 3's story.

Divinity 2 is way different than any other game in the series, being a 3rd person action RPG. It's ok. Nothing to write home about.

Tales of Phantasia I'm playing the PS1 version translated from Japanese. It's the first game in the long running Tails series, and is absolutely wonderful. I'm near the end and just found out that the best version is the PSP copy that comes bundled in Tales of Phantasia X Nakiri Dungeon, the sequel, and has full voice acting(albeit in Japanese). The only version that made it to the states is the far inferior GBA version, which I own a physical copy of, but I am currently WAY further than I ever got on GBA.

Control is absolutely one of the best games I've ever played. Thr rich lore, superb game play, relatively glitch free, full sense of progression, metroidvania-like in its design, plenty of side quests, diversions, and collectibles. 10/10

We steam vacuum the carpets... wouldn't that help for that?

Doesn't that mean games like Genshin Impact and Honkai by Chinese companies like HoYo will be banned then too in the states?