
1 Post – 145 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I will not federate with any meta products.

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Unique concept? It was a clone of "Helicopter Game" that was from like 1990

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So google manufactured a (possibly false) security risk to force users into updating to manifest v3 software?

Ahhh, the truest sign of a company in decline, cutting costs by firing talented people.

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They dont know what happened? That pilot used a crop dusting plane to do a strafing run, realized he was headed nose first into some palm trees and yanked up on the yoke. He sheered the wing straight off his plane and died for the mistake.

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I would bet good money the attack is backed by people who want their old content offline, but dont want to been viewed in public as the bad guys.

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I would be much more impressed if he an account where he pretended to NOT be a child...

LinkedIn has become business-casual facebook.

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Oooohhhh shiiit. Took a solid minute to see it but daaamn

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We've gotten better at reporting them

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So it isn't really linux's birthday....more like the anniversary of the pregnancy announcement

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A Child is advocating for a Back Surgeon who has made a General Call? Am I reading that right?

I cant imagin how many 3.5 cables I'd have ruined onstage....they are simplynot stromg enough.

In college I had a coat hanger in a picture frame with a little sign that said "in case of emergency break glass"

The electoral college was created at a time when faster-than-horse communication didn't exist. It made sense then, but has not grown with the times.

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I learned how to not poop for three days

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Welp, time to disable TWO keys on my keyboard.

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I learned this the hard way when a tequila-soaked me decided to dive onto what looked like a very soft and fluffly snow-covered headge. I neglected to remember the inside was made of tree. I went on to attempt to remove the hedge with a saw, and had to have several friends hold me down to stop my act of revenge.

Depending on what you consider technology:

I have several firearms well over 100 years old in perfectly operational condition.

Quite a few kitchen appliances from the 70s that will never die.

And a working Apple IIgs.

As far as use on a daily or near daily basis, I have a 1974 Fender guitar amp, and a few other speakers and musical instruments that are vintage that are also going to outlive me.

There are many reasons these may be pacakaged this way: from lowering the possibility of accidentally taking the wrong pill to anti-theft.

It would be cheaper for the manufacturer to just put them all in a bottle, so rest assured they wouldn't do this if the benefits didn't outweigh the costs.

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Yes, but what is the distance from the blast to perfectly cook a frozen pizza?

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Russia wants NATO and other nations to feel that they could invade so the countries will start focusing on thier own defensive positions and stop giving aod to Ukraine. Expect to see a LOT of fake news and propaganda about this.

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Did Hitler stop at the sudetenland? Did he stop at Poland? Putin is following his playbook play by play, why would he stop?

Of the examples they give, half never moved there in the first place, several are moving elsewhere in Texas, and one is going to Arizona. Very misleading title.

Congrats on your new doggo!

Those mountains? Nah, that place needs mining!

Probably the largest factor is cost of overhead.

What that means is, while the products themselves cost the stores the same amount to buy inventory, it costs them more to actually provide them to customers.

Rent is higher, both for retail space, and storage space. Labor is more expensive,because workers living in cities need higher wages to live. Transportation is more expensive, because railways and large trucks are more difficult (or impossible) to use in downtown areas. And lastly, the owners need to make more to live in these same conditions.

Not to mention the halberds are ceremonial. They have MP5As strapped on their backs.

Are we giving a murderer advice on how to dispose of a body?

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Never done this. Now I have to do this.

This seems like like a perfect opportunity to visit your competitors website!

I have a lawyers business card in my desk, that could make this game very interesting...

I've slept in jeans many a time. Never while sober, though.

Must be at most 17 years old to participate.

I feel like DnD is really geard toward small group combat...i feel like epic battles of armies would feel very out of place in the forgotten realms

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Because the rich can afford to stop them.

This is, unfortunately, a sentiment that has worked out rather poorly throughout history

Theyre gunna be rented out as props in a forthcoming "Top Gun" prequel.

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Looks at framed certificate of pilots license...cries a little.

I have an in-window AC that runs on full blast at night in the summers on top of my whole-house AC. 58 degrees FTabsoluteW.

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