What happens to my Corpse if I die in a Forest?

Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 153 points –

I was just randomly checking out what Funerals costs and was shocked how expensive it was! €3.500 to €5.500! I live in north Germany, and we have here some very deep Woods. So I was thinking what would happen if I just die there. Let’s say no one ever finds me. Are Animals just going to eat me, and will I just be gone in a couple of years?

EDIT: If someone knows what happens step by step I would be really curious to know :D


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Are we giving a murderer advice on how to dispose of a body?

No this is sound financial advice for anyone under 30.

If so, it's bad advice. Walking into the forest and becoming dead leaves pretty much all the evidence

Like it's not hard to find cause of death when a skull is found in the remains of an exit bag