10 Post – 320 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Big Pimping Big Rofling.

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Did you take that from a Child in a Scottie Pippen Jersey?

My guess would be "YOUR WHOLE CARPET FOR ONLY 99$"

Exist? Okay sure, why not.

Bomb a Population to a pulp? FUCK NO!

And thats why I will NEVER vote for any of these fucks again! My Party won't make it into the Bundestag? I DON'T CARE! Because the other Party's won't represent me anyway, so I can easily vote for my small Party which at least represents me!

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QUICK! Ask them before they perish if they condemn HAMAS! /s

  • Tells customers to go fuck themselves
  • They leave
  • They stop paying for advertisement
  • Twitter/X makes no money from advertisement


9 more...

Good Job! You make my experience of Lemmy continuously better! You cleaned that CSAM up with the speed of light (I've never even noticed it), you managed the Piracy Community Troubles very well and now you made an well thought through decision about Lemmygrad. Well done Mods! And thank you all very much!

27 more...

This is just vile. I don't even know what to say. An Adult attacking Children. He should get his fascist Ass to the Frontline and get brutally murdered. I hope that the Police finds this disgusting POS and locks him up. And I'm terrified that this is happening here in Germany.

Fight on, Ukraine! You have my support till you get the last cm² of you Country back.

Can we finally ban this anti-democratic, Russian-psyops-spreading POS of a political Party? I fucking hate the AFD with a burning passion you can't imagine. Everyone who votes for these fuckers just need to fucking cope that the war is over. Democratic Germany best Germany! Get rekt fascist keks.

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I see so much support for the Hamas here in Lemmy. And I dont know why. I dont really no much about middle east conflict but everything I've ever heard about the Hamas was terrible and crule. Maybe its Propaganda but then things like this happens. Even IF it was a Soldier and not just a civillian this is nothing a Regime which is worth supporting does. This is just wrong.

EDIT: Typo

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I don't think this was a smart Move to mix these two issues. Israel & Palestine are so extremely polarizing and mixing this with climate might divide the People and weaken the fight for a green future. For example I would rather avoid that topic. I don't know enough about Palestine/Israel to publicly debate it. And if my climate-rally somehow turns to pro Palestine or pro Israel I would rather abstain from visiting it. Because I dont have a solid View on this topic. And I think I might not be alone with this feeling.

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And now we wait. Quick reminder about the Monkeys, which still haunt me.

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  1. Take Money.

  2. Re-Name to Dickipedia.

  3. Re-Name back to Wikipedia.

  4. Laugh about Musk.

  5. Profit.

4 more...

Huh. I would have bet Lemmygrad would be up there somewehre.

71 more...

This actually gives me hope. The biggest Instances coming together to stand up for good values and fight off vermin like Nazis, Pedos and other pests of Humanity.

I hate the AFD so much. Me and lots of other Germans try so hard to show the World that Germany is a modern inclusive and liberal Democracy from its deepest core and then POS like Höcke comes along and does shit like this. And I really can't understand how anyone at all will believe anything that anyone from this shit show of a political party says. They are willing to sell out Germany to Russia, the have shown that they don't care about anyone and everything they are interested in is spreading hate and getting in Power. I hate them so much.

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Dear blue and white collar workers, please consider coming to Germany. We need a FUCKTON of People.

52 more...

I'm in this Meme and I don't like it 🥲

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The AFD is the biggest shitshow I've ever seen. We young People getting screwed over by the rich, and the AFD is telling us it's the fault of Refugees. Why people eat this up? Because it's much much much easier to punch down on someone then to punch up. And the funny thing is, the AFD is not even helping "their" people! They're just helping the rich to get richer! I would bet Diamonds against acorns that the vast majority of AFD Voters haven't even READ their election program! I'm ASHAMED that so many of my fellow citizens are voting for these lying and cheating disgrace of a political Party which is willing to sell them to Russia in the blink of an eye.

You can still play the mod! It's not outlawed or anything. It's just that Nexus didn't want it on their website. He can easily distribute that Mod elsewhere. It was Nexus's choise and they choose to get rid of it.

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If someone is so unhinged that he repedatly can't control his language and emotions, it is a valid reason to suspect that these Person might have serious psychological Problems. So this Person might not be suitable to perform his dutys as CEO of a Company. And he also shouldn't because the Stress and Pressure that comes with this Postion might add to his Problem.

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My perspective on war is so corrupted, at this point.

At one hand I want peace in Europe but on the other Hand I know Russia won't stop until they are beaten so getting NATO involved might end this conflict faster.

38 more...

When did Microsoft forget how to do stuff? No one ever said: Wow! I really, really like being forced to use something! My reaction to being forced to use it didn't instantly diminish my desire to use this product!

Even IF their product is good, they crush my desire to try it with shit like this.

9 more...

The Concentration Camps are real.

I just checked your Account. Created 5 Days ago. Only one Post with Bad ratio, lots of negative Comments. So I guess you are just a Troll and not worth of my Time.

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Go EU, Go!

It's a so foreign concept for me. Needing to rationalize about going to ER. I feel sorry. People are dying and people are tricked into believing it's the better alternative. But There is a better way, and it's only denied because of greed.

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The boy ate a Banana and was killed because people thought he stole it? This is pure Madness.

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I don't see any Problem 🥸

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I still can't forget the Monkeys.

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I've actually never seen anything of this stuff so good job!

You have clearly no Idea what is going on.

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Get every last one of these fuckers!

Damn. This is just horrible. I'm a cis Man and to be honest I don't have much contact with LGBTQ+. But this is just so unbelievable sad. I just see someone who wants to be loved and accepted for who they are. (sorry if I use the wrong pronouns or anything, English is my 2nd language, and I'm trying my best). And this is something I can relate to. I don't know how I can help or anything, but I just want to say, I feel you.

Only one of the two have constantly invaded other countries

The People of Tibet might disagree there. But this is a discussion for another Time.

I'm not pro US either, tho. I just call out evil when I see it. And that's my Problem with Lemygrad. They seem to believe there are only two sides. I can say America does bad things and China, Russia etc. does bad things. They pick one side and argue and justify away the crimes "their" Side has done. And that's not how we come forward. Evil is Evil is Evil. No matter who does it.

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Keep posting, you doing good!

Damn so close.

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I'm a EU Citizen, you can send me the Money 🥸