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Joined 12 months ago

This'll bring their fax machines up to the current century for sure.

I'm just confused as to why it's all fine and dandy that PPP loans were all forgiven regardless of the corrupt practices used for disbursement, but student loans, which impact the economy as a whole far more than PPP ever will, is a must repay.

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It's almost like this shit shouldn't be an investment at all.

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Wait until you hear about the laws in place that guarantee them access to water their fields no matter the drought. Nobody has heard of an unkempt golf course.

SLAMMED fuck journalism today.

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I even felt this in my hometown. Just about every pharmacy in town has lost 60-90% of its staff. Lines out the door for some of these places. And of course the one poor worker who stays gets to be berated by the imbecile senior population that thinks the world revolves around them.

"Minor attracted person" the whitewashed version of the word pedophile.

Honestly we need to move back towards making friends in our communities and not our workplace. I don't know how it happened but the way we've managed to only have friends from work while not knowing the name of our neighbor should never have been the norm. Of course this works out perfect for the nolifers who always get the promotions, and the bosses who need their asses kissed to function.

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This just in: Clarence Thomas is a joke of a human being, even moreso as a justice. Nothing will be done. Happy Thursday.

Whew. Good thing we are making absolutely sure those pile of shit students pay back their loans though. How else would we be able to cover these super important subsidies!

Honestly the question is would anybody care enough to do something about it? I see headlines everyday finger wagging at bigwigs all across the world but nothing actually gets done to them.

Then they need to rehire baggers, too.

Yeah I literally do all of this stuff near daily in my 9-5 bounty hunting job.

Both. Both is an option because you can't train the monster out of some people.

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Second. people need to stop assuming the actual president is in line. He's already president.

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Whew, good thing we are able to make such broad sweeping generalized comparisons based on a single issue.

Her greatest achievement was revitalizing Lisa Ann's porn career.

Barking up the wrong tree if they expect their employers to give a shit.

Well, expertise is a very, very generous term to use for landlords in any way, shape, or form. And let's be real, for how much profit they make off of the labor of other people, them having to break a nail wouldn't kill anybody.

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Doesn't need to be free, it also doesn't need to be profit either.

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Because the courts don't work like that for people with influence.

You mean when they're finally forced to hire a contractor?

Tell me more about this organism.

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What is it with clowns like this digging their heels in and blaming literally anything but the precious MBAs that are plaguing and ruining literally everything about modern society.

She might not necessarily be a traitor in the traditional sense of the word, but she did betray the American people when she began to enrich herself using her position and choose blustering instead of doing her job.

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I assume that "people" would also include these landlords you seem keen on defending?

I'll take wrong ways to use new technology for 500, Alex (rip)

"look past all the dollar signs for a second"

We're doomed.

Idiots like you holding back progress.

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I mean he did spend 44 billion prior to said nuking. Site isn't worth as much now sure, but the volume of currency still traveled into the hands of others.

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Right? Do they think executive compensation grows on trees?

It's greedy and antisocial. You're a moron. Capitalism is a stain on world history.

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You can already tell they didn't cut correctly, as they didn't cut themselves.

Second, technically. Biden IS president, not in line. So it's Harris then this fuckbag.


Just to piggyback with my own anecdote: do you think this ends when you're finally in prison? NOPE. Same deal on the inside. Just change misdemeanor with "minor infraction" and felony with "major infraction."

Source: ex CO.

Minor infractions were at my discretion and unless you were being a dick about it summarily ignored my by me. Majors I had no choice, no matter how stupid. Fortunately though it's only on paper that I didn't have a choice.

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Not every homeschooled child is abused, but when I worked for CPS, a HELL of a lot of abusive families used it as a means to keep their kids away from those pesky mandatory reporters.

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Shrug. It's better than nothing or throwing ones hands up and saying "oh well crank up the coal burners!"

The grand majority of instances of this happening are done by relatives. Not Joe worker delivering groceries.

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Really? Where can I find info on that?

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