1 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good Good Utz!

Bro nintendo is gonna sue you if you dont draw it any different.


No wait they still would, go ahead

Actual Sequel

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Argentinian here, the latter

Boooo, they said "I" not "I'm"

Entitlement? The "Subtitles" are acting as a Question the reader may have, and below the answer, OP is not demanding anything

Polandball didnt participate? Holy shit what a waste

This, but to her for me

Juan Schiaretti was the most normal dude of the runner ups, but besides him being like 70, nobody knew who he even was in the Political Spectrum, just this elections have made him visible enough that he got a good amount of votes and good reputation

The others? Peronists (All the Blue colored Parties)

A Lizardman known as "Larreta" who's an Authoritarian and one of the most incompetent sons of bitches that has ever governed Buenos Aires and the other of his same Party "Patricia Bullrich" A LITERAL TERRORIST on the 70s and previously Security Minister, didnt do a great job, both of them in the Yellow Party

Lastly there was Milei... so yeah

So I got the email today and I just want to share my experience.

Im with NVIDIA on this one, let me explain. I've been using the service for the past 2 years (half of it's lifetime since release 4 years ago) and I thought to myself from the get go "this is unsubtainable" and that I would have nowhere to game on high performance after they inevitably shut down the free plan. I was wrong, and this does translate to a good experience

To elaborate, queues in free tier have 3 states, the first one being "go grab a snack and you'll be back to the game launcher" which is when the queue has a little over 100 people that took up to 10 minutes to clear, this has been the most common in my experience due to my region's timezone being the most far apart from the people in my continent (America) and thus I get to play when most people arent and such the queue is very accessible

The second state is "everyone is asleep you get in immediately" which I just happen to incur into every other weekend I devote to gaming till 4 AM (which would be like till 9 AM for the rest of the continent)

And the third and most uncommon scenario I have face is "A game is very popular right now, everyone is playing regardless of timezone" which has happened a number of times I can count with my both hands, the most recent one being past september the servers were so saturated it took hours to get in even at night time of my region. THIS HOWEVER DID NOT STOP ME FROM USING THE SERVICE, why you may ask, well the answer is more "how", because the service allows you to pick manually a region to play in, I instead of defaulting to my local server, manually chose one in Europe, and sure enough Europe had many available servers, I could play in again like if it was the first state, this obviously came with a slight increase in input delay but given the PvE nature of my games, I went unbothered with it. Until things calmed down on my region and I could go back to my server

Conclusion is, GFN Free Tier is absolutely worth the cost, and having abused the shit out of it this is good news, it means they really dont intend to shut it down for the foreseeable future which is the most important part, but also it might improve thanks to the generated revenue where there previously was none. Unlike Youtube and Spotify this seems to be non-interruptive which is welcomed as well, obviously you cant just pause a game midway for an ad, they understand this is not how things work.

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The Discussion can still be there? Linking to a content is almost no different than Uploading said content straight to the instance, said content could even be OP's OC but uploaded to their own server for possibly many reasons, including true content ownership or saving the instance the data transfer costs

But this choice in no way stops conversation from happening, if nobody engages with a Linked News Article, the same Article copy pasted straight into the Instance wont get attention either

that wouldnt be very innovative, try to be more capitalist

VideoGame update: Literally the Sex Update

Videogame Outlets: U-GHNHHH, Actually??!!

That green Snoo is uncanny, wish there was a full resolution PNG version

When they inevitably return to Power

They already did, its the current government, and no they did not. Lets hope they NEVER get elected again.

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I use LibreFox, btw

Just a tiny correction, sinester in spanish is "Siniestro"

Obviosly he's a Moron, any person with 2 Braincells would run for President, Win and continue the status quo stealing from Argentines like the previous 20 Years politicians have, afterall there's been no consequences for them.

But he's not doing that, instead he's complied with his campaing promises and pushes to break Argentina's decadence with a radical change that so many promised and backed out after winning, putting himself at the stake most of all

So yeah, absolutely crazy from him. Voters? About to be defined

Ding ding ding... You cracked the code

Should you also know people DONT WORK and are also Paid by the government to live (known here as "Planeros") in fact, 52% of our Adult Population is not economically active (not working nor want to work) because of this governnent support that allows them to live without it. A misery life if you look deep into it, but without education they just dont know better or cannot access to better

There's an Arg lemmy? If so mind linking it, dont think I've seen one yet

What are you on about with Social Media? For the WHOLE elections Social's were INUNDATED with Ads and Publicity of Fear Campaign against Milei (from the current government and friends which Official Spending numbers could have paid a lot of debt mind you)

The fact that most people voted for him still is a telling that they are not able to be tricked.

Well, yeah that's also what democracy is about, no matter your conditions you have a voice, regardless of how educated that is... cough 45% cough . But most of all why would they need to all be Economists to vote for the guy that IS an economist and his economic proposals at that when his opponents have given 0 Proposals ALL COMBINED

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How could it be? Im sure everyone here is no stranger to automated systems being fucky, if anything giving the user the choice is considerably in favour of them. Besides, im subject to the same system as in my region, I got access to unnocupied servers due to time zone differences.

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"Ancaps arent Anarchists"

Yes... exactly. I see you understand why they are called different things

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This is false, the Central Bank has not stopped running ever since it was opened and the event you are talking about is also not due to "it closing"

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Actually, you can, in counted cases Copyright Game Mechanics, see: Shadows of Mordor: Nemesis System and Bandai Namco "Auxiliary Games" (Mini-Games during Loading Screen)

Creative Outlets as well as Game Developers could be sued if they made from scratch something remarkably similar to those Game Mechanics

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Im seriously intersted on how is Cloud Gaming (in the way Geforce does it) part of the "you will own nothing and be happy" issue, im not saying the trope isnt real, im saying that I cant think how does it fit into this concept. On my view this is akin as going into a Cyber Cafe you could walk down the street anyday, you dont own anything either but your money's worth isnt sailing without you receiving what you paid for

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5 Thousand Hours in Warframe, by it's official metric (for that the game counts actual Second to Second Gameplay, not AFK-ing in Menus or just logged in) which should roughly translate to at least the Triple with the game just opened (as Steam would track it) The fun part is, im liekly a shrimp compared to Bigger fish on my pond

What would have you chosen instead then? Something more precise would be good to know.

Assuming you read my entire parent comment... what would a sensible default do in that case? Put me in a less crowded region compromising quality as I mentioned?

Except that... he's already making the Caste pay?... 2 out of his 3 Decrees so far have already cut A LOT of Political Priviledges and Money making schemes planted by the Peronists, and more are to come out of his words. Sure the workers are paying too i'll give you that.

And yes, Massa was the President, of course not in an official way because that would be unconstitutional and Political Suicide, on the Most Peronist fashion it was all done under the rug. As soon as Massa assumed his charge the President Alberto Fernandez LITERALLY dissapeared from Public View AND Executively did NOTHING the rest of his mandate. Massa took his place both in Public Acts and on actually ordering the Country. There's no way to make this shit up given how blatant it was

I mean, the more revenue free players can generate, the more reason they have to keep them in

If you otherwise think queues will be shorter because people will quit over disgust of ads boy do I have news for you

Except that there's countries that did the exact same thing and are doing fine. There's also the ones that dont and it shows it's a gamble.

Not taking the Gamble however means to take the risk-free secure pathway to Venezuela and luckily majority of Argentines understood that.

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In case you really are intersted, I would suggest r/Argentina on Reddit or r/Republica_Argentina again on Reddit

To clarify the former is more right-oriented (pro current gov, against past) and the latter is Left-oriented (pro past gov, against current)

Official new sources straight from Argentina are hard to trust, as they used to be Paid by the government and served as propagandists for it until like a week ago since Milei made a decree to halt said Payments for at least a Year (You can search about this with the term "Pauta oficial Argentina")

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You just gave me the right on everything about Espert... Including that he's just a legislator and LLA having an Alliance with JxC to be allowed to govern... So thanks I guess

However, no the Peso was not devaluated, the Official exchange just moved towards the real exchange since for some reason they dont want to steal more from the Workers and Tourists that fall for the trap of the Official Exchange... HMMMM

And yeah let's just be absolutists and say the right is never the answer, that's obviously flawless and correct and doesnt make you look any biased at all...

And would like to know the quote you are apparently replying to? Because so far Milei has advocated to follow the constitution, has complied with his campaign promises so far and has been democratically elected unlike his opponent in the Elections who has De-Facto President on his Minister of Economy facade, Surely those arent fascists, correct?

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It's impressive there's even a fight to be had here, I expected Lemmy to be way more critical than Reddit but people seem to boast being lied to, meanwhile in Reddit this article has already been taken down for missinformation, thanks to the dozens of Argies providing proof of it being the case, saying the same things I am

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Eh I usully cant, being sleep deprived reality really feels like a dream but things still function, in dreams I usually cant tell which is terrible because I have a tendency to die/watch loved ones die in them... and even then I wont wake up from either event

No she didnt ced the Power, justice had to intervene and a Provisional President (that lasted 12 hours) had to do it instead of her, good thing our constitution explicitly extinguishes Presidential Power the exact moment the clock hits 00:00 their last day of charge, or else?

I know that you meant something more serious, but to our constitution there isnt more serious than this

Or... neither?

Words have meanings beyond the people that use them, if the meaning is appropiate for representing something, it shall be used.

Is not like "Phobia" is on many "Phobias" just for the sake of it.

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Amputating a Cancer-Infected Leg to save a whole body is a common practice. The prosthetic replacement comes later

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I am talking about the 2019 Elections, but you are looking at the Official Exchange, which nobody goes by (or rather should go by) because it is an imposed rate by the Government which they Buy on but LIMITEDLY sell on (limited to basically nothing) so is there for scamming tourists (reason why Google suggests when travelling to Argentina to do your exchanges on the Black Market) not to be representative of the Market

For the actual Value you should always refer to "Dollar Blue" and you can see on that same date the historic change was of 10% (half as much as the post day of this elections)

Granted, i'll give it to you this current decay is lasting longer, but i'd still pass it as unrelated (even normal) considering there's even less faith on our economy than back then and the results being even more polarized being 50/50 on 2019 and here it's 30/30/30, basically a shattered country

And just for finishing off, the last 2 Governments (up to the Kirchner you mentioned) are both Left, the right has not governed Argentina for at least 20 Years now