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This system runs on the assumption that A) massive generalized scraping is still required B) You maintain the metadata of the original image C) No transformation has occurred to the poisoned picture prior to training(Stable diffusion is 512x512). Nowhere in the linked paper did they say they had conditioned the poisoned data to conform to the data set. This appears to be a case of fighting the last war.

Some ones been waiting for this since he was hired

Wait till Harrison Ford dies and disney needs to reboot the starwars franchise. You will see the most nonconsensual corpse puppet.

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Yay explicit exploitation of the most vulnerable in a community. Lots of this is cartoonishly evil.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Now these clowns are whining about safety since they didnt get their payday. Brilliant.

Isn't this the kind of thing TOR and a private browsing session was made for? Additionally this is just bizarre.

Step 1) Establish dominance with the customer


When asked what character i wanted to be, i have always said tentacle monster. The tentacle monster gets all the hot chics.

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I am both unwashed and massive and I will take the smart juice please.

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Had a discussion with the wife about the last winter. That there will be a last winter with meaningfully cold temperatures was something that she had not considered at all.

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The problem is much more fundamental than this. I have repeatedly had to explain to adults, in many different contexts the subset/superset relationship. People do not know that you can be part of a superset that describes all things in a subset. For some reason you are able to graduate high school without every actually figuring this out

British food sucks. This is still a step up from a butter sandwich.

Join the hive mind. Rust is life.

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I have had to cull stray dogs that had formed packs and were harassing the livestock. You gotta do what you gotta do. If they are acting destructive enough that you can't just leave them be then they are likely a risk to people too. It is good not to enjoy these things. I would rather shovel shit personally. Good luck.

It's faster than my old fiber connection through Telus up here in Canadia and also means I can look at any hamlet with power as a viable place to live now. We are never down for more the 2 seconds a day.

All of my experiences are from the outside looking in.

  1. was super destructive with a single domineering individual that led to a divorce and a suicide.
  2. was fantasy fulfillment and led to a great deal of strife.
  3. was kinda positive in that it lasted until the one partner passed and the relationship sorta dissolved. Which is sad but understandable.

So outside of highschool i have seen 3 kicks at the can with only one "success". The failed relationships did so in spectacular fashion which is why i know far more about them due to their violence.

Super size it

Doge is older than philosaraptor, forced meme and was a bannable offense on just about every *chan site for 10 years

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You should try out Rimworld. Find out why someone would play you this way.

We gave them our tactical canoes. They have a camo paint job.

I have a number of language models running locally. I am really liking the gpt4all install with Hermes model. So in my case i used chatgpt right up untill i had one i could keep private.

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Still better than politics

Man is trying to tie down his GIMP

You are not wasting charge cycles by leaving the battery plugged in. it is not being held at optimal charge for storage but it will last a lot longer plugged in.

It would be the worlds stupidest engineer that would design a power circuit attached to a potential class d fire hazard that had access from anything other that possibly contact pads on the controller itself. If i were a bad actor and the os has a way to access the charging circuit i would firebomb your house by telling the controller the battery is empty and have it over charge. This would be bad.

Note: I see that apple may have done the dumb and i am facepalming

corectrl is in the repo for mint i believe and it works for my rx 480. Give it a shot.

The front page of r/all equivalent is by selecting all rather than local and subscribed? I am not sure what you are missing. It doesn't aggregate it to its own page but it is effectively the same thing.

It's not. I believe lowlevellearning has a tutorial on tearing down binaries. If not him, john hammond does for sure. Both are on youtube. That skill set is usually employed in security research since it pays more than reverse engineering old software with problematic licensing and uncertain ownership.

Why would the US Supreme Court have jurisdiction? Jan 6 was deemed an insurrection and the rest of the decisions follow from there. This looks nice and air tight unless the law in Colorado changes.

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I use firefox and youtube and i see no adds. Just wished sponsor block worked

It's a grift. They came to steal VC money.

but can i recover my old account?

sage Sage SAGE When you have nothing of value to add, rage out with your sage out.

Time to appropriate a feature from *chan sites

EDF patrol car from red faction

Its complicated day to day but it's not that complicated. We have a giant heat sink in the form of the arctic ocean. Once its ice free I expect freezing temperatures to be rare. There will be a point where this area(north west north america) no longer sees the 80 degree C swings in temperature that it has seen historically. Expectation is closing the temperature gap biased high.

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I'm going to right click and try to use adblock to block the popup for the adblocker if it comes up.

It is possible, but genetics is far more complicated than this. There are also the epigenetic factors for gene expression that is a field of ongoing research. Nothing is ever actually as simple as the example but it is a good example for illustration of the concept.

Depends how you get in accomplished if you use the python bindings its slow but using the gpt4all its quick and there is a gpt4all api should you wish to build a private assistant. I like that one but its still run by a company so mileage may vary there are a few projects on github for use with opensource models. I can get better quality from the hermes model than i can with GPT 3.5 IMO but some models are better than others in regards to what you are trying to do. If you have done any work with stable diffusion lots of different models are popping up right now for different use-cases like you see on A good coding bot is probably going to be a bit shit in a conversation.