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Joined 1 years ago

I believe this was related to banning encryption or something along those lines

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Yes, pc gamers only care about graphics, that's why pc is the biggest indie platform, because indie games are known for the best graphics

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Digital refunds isn't them being good, it's them getting sued by Australia.

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Waiting for Bluetooth to connect, putting on seatbelt, fixing Bluetooth, putting drinks in drink holders, waiting for Bluetooth, turning on lights, fixing Bluetooth.

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I earn enough, I'd rather just halve my hours.

Quit my job on the spot and do fuck all

Against all odds? This is a game that's been going on for year, hacker vs Corp, and the hacker always wins. Same shit as anticheat in games, it's a constant arms race but the hacker is nearly always a step ahead.

I believe tried to, not entirely sure it was successful, given its banning math.

You missed Hamas

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Dying is hard

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Because out of the billion or so gamers, some are shit people. Happens anytime a group gets large enough.

You Suck At Cooking has a lot of meals in a fun format, Adam Ragusea? I think that's how you spell it, is pretty good too, longer videos and less on the meals themselves and more learning about food in general.

If your household is fine with it, and you are fine with it, stay home. I'm living with my mum til she dies because there's no other way I'm getting a house without a life of debt, might as well stay home and save money.

Skill up has a weekly show about what's coming up, what's come out, and a bunch of indie games. He's on break for a month at the moment, but it's good content and has got me to buy a few good games.

Game linked is another channel from Linus Tech Tips that is focused on gaming and I have faith they do their research properly.

Gameranx is also quite good.

All of these are YouTube channels.

I also got YouTube premium, felt a bit rude to spend tens of thousands of hours without paying a cent.

My main issue is demonitising the videos also stops premium revenue, which is a bit dumb. Like sure I get removing ad revenues, but if I'm a paying customer and want a share of my cost to go to whoever I'm watching, it should just do that.

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Moving out of home when mum dies, because that inheretance is probably the only way I'll ever buy a house

Hah, a line a burger king.

I hope they keep going up, and by the time I need a new gaming laptop again in 5+ years time they have them. Currently not really an option for me sadly, but maybe one day

It's to stop trolls and bots, so if they don't know why or when they got banned they can't fix it so the next troll or bot account also runs into the same issue. It's why a lot of anticheat in games won't instantly ban a detected cheat, makes it harder to beat the system.

I haven't even had a disc drive in the last 7 years, I'd need an external one because high end laptops tend to not have space for that shit when there's stuff that actually matters to consider, like performance and cooling.

I think curiosity stream is a bit different, but nebula and float plane are both creator run and owned and as far as I'm aware both are good to the people making content for them.

Doesn't appear so, it seems pretty minor and doesn't retroactively fuck people over.

Ah yes, my comment openly states I hate steam because it isn't perfect. It's definitely written in there.

I mean, isn't that the better way of doing it? One popup, exains everything, gives you the option to opt out in that popup instead of going through settings and shit.

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I mean, I would hope literally any phone on the market could survive rain.

I've seen your account all over the place, love it. You could even be the real one and we'd never have any way of knowing.

Does the meme account continue after barbie is done?

I, because on youtube that takes me to picture in picture mode and I've literally never wanted it, but it's right about k which is pause/unpause

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Valve isn't any more likely than Nintendo, given you can't buy shares because there are none, and it's a money printing machine that would have a truly absurd value.

I had issues with what my work use for online training with Firefox, not often, but occasionally a module will just break. I just use edge in those cases, given its basically chrome anyway.

Wait, spring? I called that autumn :O

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It's better than most, if not all free options, as long as it stays online, which it doesn't really require much data and it's updates are separate from windows updates so you can let defender do its thing while limiting/blocking windows updates.

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Trackmania 2020, you can do the seasonal campaign, ranked and royal for free, and it's a fun as hell game with a great community. There's more if you pay, but theres many hours of game play for free and it isn't time limited at all.

Does require ubisoft connect, but that's also free.

I don't think 99.9% of people care about the extra depth of Lemmy, or anything else like this. In fact the extra layer of complexity makes me think nothing like Lemmy will replace Reddit because people don't want to put in the extra effort to learn about instances and federation.

I'll be shocked if any instance hits a million people in the next few years

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I mean, still people there, and the tech and stuff would be helpful even if any translation materials wouldn't be relevant anymore

For a local only system advertised as local only, which should have 0 interaction with AWS or the internet because those are not local.

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It would take a lot to beat YouTube though, and honestly I'm not sure it can be done given the extreme cost and general lack of revenue.

Still exists in cardboard form, not entirely sure why people wouldn't know what this is at basically any age, unless they buy no bread products?

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To the beet of my knowledge, yes.

I have one of the fastest, most powerful laptops that exist, and the last century or so of stellaris brings it to a crawl.

Bg3 at 4k ultra settings? 144fps. Stellaris? There are some entire seconds without a new frame.

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I mean, there's plenty in windows that isn't friendly to deal with. Can you, in a basic manner that normal people could reliably do, disable edge?

Also, millenials are mostly like, 30 now. Is that what you meant?