
3 Post – 311 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The only negative aspect of FemShep is that she can't romance Tali.

The AG responsible for this said almost literally that, in the article.

Now Oklahomans can be assured that our tax dollars will not fund the teachings of Sharia Law or even Satanism.

I'll still take it, though.

So, wait, Mocrosoft is finally giving us a way to fully-disable automatic Windows Updates?


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Honestly, I was wondering the same thing.

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The wall of fucking spez is finmy, but I find it FAR funnier to see how something that was one of reddit's most popular things ever just a few months ago is NOTICABLY less popular. All of the biggest communities that were represented on the drawing earlier this year are nowhere to be seen. All that's left this time around is just random disconnected drawings and massive flags. The soul is gone.

So yeah, stop fucking spamming the canvas and just let it be empty and soulless. It sends a bigger message.

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Archer was also asked if then-Vice President Biden regularly "checked in on his son, who's admitted he's had issues with drugs."

"Every day," Archer replied. But asked whether he had ever heard them discuss the "substance of Hunter Biden's business," he responded, "No."

He asked Archer, "Is it fair to say that Hunter Biden was selling the illusion of access to his father?"

Archer replied, "Yes."

Glad to have confirmation of the nothingburger, I guess.

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"This is disappointing, how is possible that a driver makes much more than average Engineer in R&D?"

Because the engineer is being exploited and refuses to unionize.

"To get a base salary of $170k you know you need to work hard as an Engineer, this sucks."

Bitch, UPS workers work harder than I ever did as an electronics engineer.

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while allowing Hunter Biden to exploit women

Why is the US House Oversight Committee resposible for the behavior of a private citizen?

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They do, it's called an IP address.

Phones get numbers assigned to them by a cell service provider, in order to communicate on their network, which is basically the exact process for computers and IP addresses.

If you're asking about the equivalent of like a SIM card, in the computer/internet world, that's handled at higher layers, by digital certificates. And again, the process is almost exactly the same, except they don't (usually) get put on physical chips.

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As someone with 0 investment in this whole ecosystem, I saw and perused this article like a week ago, and my immediate impression was "Why is this guy constantly saying 'Wayland breaks XXXXX'? Wayland isn't breaking anything, it's new tech. Wayland has certain features, or it doesn't or doesn't yet. The only folks breaking anything are those swapping use of X with Wayland, within various apps or tech stacks, potentially prematurely, where Wayland doesn't yet have the full set of features needed."

Whoever this is seems to have a really poor understanding of long-term software development, despite being way more invested in it than I am.

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From the article...

Yes, as they had to give me the minimum sentence. By law they were right as the law only protected registered companies, unlike in Germany for example. The law was changed a few weeks later to include private persons and sole traders as protected lsps, not just companies, but they had to convict me. No choice in the end.

So, ISPs in Austria actually have legal protection from liability here, rightfully so, and also rightfully so, that protection was extended to private persons as well. A rare story of a legal system apparently working well, with regard to the marriage of privacy and technology.

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That's because a flaw like this is the result of SYSTEMATIC failure, not any one person. Who reviewed these designs? Who was responsible for usability testing? Who reviewed those plans? Was usability testing even performed?

Did anyone really think that making UEFI systems the equivalent of a mini OS was a good idea? Or having them be accessible to the proper OS? Was there really no pushback, when UEFI was being standardized, to say "images that an OS can write to are not critical to initializing hardware functionality, don't include that"? Was that question not asked for every single piece of functionality in the standard?

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Diablo 4's what now?

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Some other contributing factors that haven't been mentioned here yet:

They were their own instance for over 3 years before joining federation. That's 3 years of growth that all the new big instances from rexit didn't have, so when they joined, they were INSTANTLY one of the loudest voices in the room.

Their original goal for federating was to actively spread their ideology, and they were VERY aggressive and trolly about it (as they are about basically everything, that's essentially their inside joke). This ended up generating a lot of extra moderation work for instances and communities that have rules against being actively disruptive. There was eventually enough communication between admins and mods across hexbear and other instances that they toned back most of the trolliness, at least outside of their own communities.

Gotta love when an articpe describes something in the title, and then doesn't actually put the details of that thing in the article. The only mention of the bible in the article is "After quoting from the bible, the Democratic lawmaker said..."

Anyone know what the actual quote was?

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C#. Comes with a first-class dev and debugging experience, a HUGE first-party BCL, cross-platform application support, and one of the best webserver frameworks out there.

TypeScript makes a reasonably-close second, not necessarily because it's great, but because of how effective it is at making JavaScript usable.

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I dunno what would be funnier, if a bunch of people did this and got themselves arrested, along with Jones, for obstruction, or if just no one showed up at all.

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"Your Honor, I object!"


"Because it's devastating to my case!"


That is actually an excellent point. Rich investors are going to descend on this situation like parasites.

"Yeah, Jessica, we've talked about this. You can't just SAY that racist things should be avoided, we're trying to APPEAL to racists, remember?"

Too bad Twitter didn't already have a fully-functional identity verification system 6 months ago, which didn't require the exposure of any sensitive PII. Would be crazy if that had been a thing, eh?

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Be careful you don't encourage it, or else they won't want to. :P

First time I've ever seen noon and midnight represented as 12nn and 12mn, and I'm kinda down for it.

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Forget the school, the individuals in the administration are the ones that need to be sued.

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That's because that's what it says. They're hardly trying to hide it.

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So, what you're saying is, their current setup is working for you, and their new proposal for lower-orbit satellites isn't really necessary?

Seems pretty on-brand to me, considering what the general consensus of pirates has always been: it's not about unwillingness to pay, it's about unwillingness to deal with bullshit.

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Wow. Valid cert, matching icon, identical web page, and virtually-identical URL. I absolutely would have fallen for that, and I've been meaning to visit KeePass's website and download the latest version, too.

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"Parents Sue Cigarette Companies Over 'Tobacco Addiction', Because That's Easier Than Parenting"

When a company makes a product they don't just KNOW is harmful, but BECAUSE it's harmful, and they've ENGINEERED it to be harmful, for the sake of profit, it ceases to be solely about parenting.

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To over-simplify, as I understand things...

There's a variety of reasons a juror can be rejected, with one of them being "the juror is not willing to follow the law, as written". This seems to be what's happening here, the law says that if a person does X, the penalty is fine Y, and these jurors are saying "I would not issue fine Y even if you prove they did X."

To an extent, this is the system working they way it's supposed to, one of the checks on unreasonable laws is being unable to find people willing to enforce them in good conscience.

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There are certainly people in the world who would be offended by this, but reasonable people are fully-capable of understanding wedding size limits. Weddings are expensive, it's entirely common to set a limit and invite people based on that. If the topic ever came up directly with these folks, a simple "I'm sorry we couldn't invite you all, we just didn't have enough room on the list" should be all you need. If they can't understand that, it's kinda beyond being your problem.

if a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we’ll make go live worldwide tomorrow

Christ, imagine being on the dev team that has to make this happen in a day.

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I feel like this is the first time I've EVER heard of a fine being "all the profits you made from the fraud." Is this for real? Why the hell is it Razer, of all companies, that's getting a proper punishment?

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Not in a position to watch a YouTube video at the moment, but that title strikes me as some very wishful thinking. The market for bullshit and rage-baiting is bigger than ever.

Love how this plays in relation to all the arguments of "well, you have to understand, Unity doesn't turn a profit yet, they need to be able to make money", from when they first announced the change.

Do you want to kill FireTV? Cause, that's how you kill FireTV.

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Honestly, I don't blame reddit for censoring this. This is cringey, and also just wrong. It SHOULD just be the Snoo under the blade, with spez pulling the cord.

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If you're unsure about GUMBIES, you should take a look at this video.