Selling the illusion of access: Devon Archer testifies about Hunter Biden’s use of his father’s ‘brand’ to politics – 867 points –
House panel releases interview transcript of Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's former business partner, testifying on Joe Biden calls

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Archer was also asked if then-Vice President Biden regularly "checked in on his son, who's admitted he's had issues with drugs."

"Every day," Archer replied. But asked whether he had ever heard them discuss the "substance of Hunter Biden's business," he responded, "No."

He asked Archer, "Is it fair to say that Hunter Biden was selling the illusion of access to his father?"

Archer replied, "Yes."

Glad to have confirmation of the nothingburger, I guess.

Yeah it's not like he gave his kids jobs in his cabinet. That would be outrageous!

For accuracy, Trump never appointed his kids to cabinet positions. He just hired them on as senior advisors so that the US Government could pay each of them exorbitant amounts of money.

And steal medical supplies

"FEMA then seized 50,000 N95 respirators we had ordered without giving us an explanation or telling us where those respirators were going."

"In Florida, a large medical system saw an order for thermometers taken away. And officials at a system in Massachusetts were unable to determine where its order of masks went."

Many of these supplies ended up being auctioned overseas, which caused a major problem in the US. I can't find the articles on it, but Kushner pocketed millions of dollars from the sales of seized medical supplies during the pandemic.