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"I don’t want to hear feedback. Just do your job.”

“We value you. But a promotion isn’t in the cards right now.”“

"This is on a need-to-know basis. Information will be shared when the time is right.”

“We can talk about compensation at the next review.”

"We need to fill this role. Let’s not share those details with candidates.”

"I called you last night at 9:00 p.m. Why didn’t you answer?”

"We don’t have time for fun.”

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Stick with reputable news sites. Reuters is my gold standard. Along with AP News. They tend to be some of the least bias sources out there and do their due diligence when it comes to reporting.

It's worth noting that a lot of the news coverage may come across as pro-isreal and anti-palestinian but that's because a lot of the news is "Isreal claims this" and "An IDF statement that" the sources themselves are biased.

Also keep in mind that this is an active war. There will be a lot of wrong information as media reports the best information available, it's not the media having a bias, it's just the fog of war as things rapidly develop.

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"Write 3 to 5 sentences explaining Gatsby staring across the bay at the green light of the far pier."

This is a common type of prompt that most school systems use and in theory it fosters and develops critical thinking. Why would Gatsby stare at the light? What must he be thinking about? Why did the author choose a light? But (american) school systems never actually explain what critical thinking is. Only a set of minimum requirements that students struggle through.

I hated those prompts. They seemed like the teacher was just fishing for a specific answer. Sometimes the color doesn't mean anything and the author thought it just looked nice. It wasn't until I had a sociology teacher explain it with a poignant example that it really clicked.

He asked us "Is suspending a student good punishment?" He went on to elaborate that a student that skips class gets detention. Well if he skipped class why would he go to detention? So he skips that and gets suspension instead. This student didn't want to be in school so the school ultimately punishes him by not having him in school.

Reductive and simplistic, sure. But the idea that you approach a problem or thought from many different angles to see all facets of it didn't really gel with me until that moment. We need more of that. We need the "why" of critical thinking.

This is a bad take. The EPA has a list already made because these lies keep going around. It is better for the environment through out the entire life cycle of a car, from raw material mining and processing to manufacturing and use, to be Electric than use an Internal Combustion Engine.

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Yeah, people say right-wing when what they mean is authoritarian. There's a guy named Bob Altemeyer that has been studying authoritarianism for decades and he makes a distinction between left wing and right wing authoritarianism.

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For accuracy, Trump never appointed his kids to cabinet positions. He just hired them on as senior advisors so that the US Government could pay each of them exorbitant amounts of money.

That has not stopped Republicans in the past. See: Biden impeachment inquiry

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The reason it's not reasonable is based on how we age pregnancy. The counter starts at the last day of your last menstrual cycle. That means the gestational age of the egg might be two days but you're already 4 weeks pregnant. On top of that a lot of diagnostic tests cannot be performed that early. My wife needed an amniocentesis due to possible congenital birth defects but by the time we had the initial screening, then the diagnostic test, we were at 16 weeks. Add onto that after a test like that the decision has to be made wether to terminate a pregnancy then the procedure has to be scheduled and performed. All in all you're looking at 20 weeks or so.

A 15 week ban might as well be a total ban.


You fire a high-powered rifle into the air.

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Sure. But the guy above me is implying that at worst, EVs pollute more, and at best, the two are just the same in terms of pollutants.

The reality is harm reduction. It would be better to take a train or bus than drive any car. Better still would be to ride a bike, even better would be to just walk. But that is not feasible. Instead we just do what we can and make marginally better choices.

Don't let perfect get in the way of good. We're after incremental changes.

Right. It's all about media literacy. Once you start picking up on loaded language like "Radical Islamic terror organisation Hamas" it starts becoming pretty evident what the biases are. That's not to say the news they are reporting is false, just that it is going to take some extra work on your part to filter out all of the bullshit. Like you mentioned, the Common name of the government of Gaza is "Hamas" calling it anything else is an attempt to appeal to emotion to prime you to think about it a certain way. Like calling the Israeli government "zionists" it's ment to sway to to something, not give you news.

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That's because he's using pretty much every trope/straw man that we have come to see from bad actors. He starts off with the classic "As a leftist..." then goes on to lament his social group becoming too woke, then finishes strong by declaring that he is just a working class Joe that actual leftists wouldn't understand.

So I'll say it. He IS a bad actor.

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Marching to the sea burning everything down is my heritage.

They were talking about Ukraine/Russia.

The apples are turning the frigging hourses gay.

Edit: horses. I had a stroke.

Water proofing is for more than just taking it underwater though. It's also for getting caught in the rain, leaving it on a bathroom counter while you shower, or accidentally dropping it in a puddle.

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Deal or No Deal wouldn't work as the briefcases all have something inside of them: a placard with a dollar amount

As an aside, I prefer media bias fact check over allsides do to mbfc also checking the factual information presented.

They would also use it as an excuse to try and teach the Bible in schools. Ya know, to correct the misinformation in those pamphlets.

Praise the derriere!


Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza you prick.

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