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Joined 12 months ago

Once upon a time there was a company called Hewllet-Packard that made the best programmable calculators, vendors made the best demonstration: hitting the calc against the floor, picked up the pieces, assembled it and it worked again! (almost beat Texas Instrument). The same for printers, pcs, laptops, good mainframes (i learned fortran in a hp3000), almost any Hewlet-Packard electronic product was among the best. In 90s became HP, since then everything they made is a shame.

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Was not Ubuntu the south África flavor?

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There is a movie from 1992 with Robert Redford, "Sneakers". It is about a team of hackers, in a scene they face a door with an unexpected smart lock and find the right strategy, just kick the f* door.

That is not true, Israel is an state bound by international law, it must respect human rights, can not do this to anyone.

Hamas is not an state, can be considered a criminal organization and Israel state can fight it inside law limits. No state can, should not (in theory) carpet bombing civilians, killing thounsands of them, including children, in order to kill some hundreds of criminals.

Israel is an occupying state, palestinians has the right to rise against the Israel state.

And finally, why are IDF soldiers killing palestinians in Cisjordania?, Hamas is not there, the attacks did not not come from that place.

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Good guess, south.

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Achieving motivated people will always work hard no matter how rich they are, but if they are rich enough will work in what they like...that is not so bad, at the end the life is meant to live for, is not meant just to work for. And for those not achieving motivated, why not relax a bit and smell some flowers... Be happy, those who are happy working hard for the sake of acomplishment will be there...

Living only for/about/because money.

Once there was Corel Linux, could not even install it.

"Get your own stuff sucker"

With that background and do you really need suggestions?

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I do not know about W11 (using only Linux since 2000) but usually when installing Windows this is going to wipe out your whole disk, including any other os. That is why to have two (three or four) os you should install windows first, then any other os, the opposite is more like...a problem.

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Duke Nukem 3D.

Started installing and playing friday afternoon around 4pm, get to the end of the game around 6am next saturday.

14 hours in a row. It was 30 years ago, never again.

Juan Vicente Gómez in Venezuela. Ruled 26 years. Lived and ruled without luxuries, hard worker, smart, could be cruel.

why do you think you are going to loose your files if change desktop?

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Remember "Neuromancer"? The CEO AI who crafted art work...🤪

Some companies made money from some clueless managers and CEOs.

I worked at a big power and light company, some big boss at the headquarters hired a company to certify our pcs where y2k compliant (we already knew they were ok!).

A guy around 50 with suit and two younger technicians, around their twentys. I was behind them when when they sat down at every pc in our office, inserted a floppy disk, and ran a freeware software! A freeware that anyone could download from internet.

Of course the software printed on the screen that those pc where y2k compliant.

That company charged a fee for every certified pc, and we had lots of pcs.

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I have been a Linux user since 2000.

All your chat is about technical issues, and both sides allways talk about the technical pros and cons of each system.

But i remember reading when debian team changed to systemd the arguments included these: 1- now Linux works like Windows and we do not like it. 2- now all depends on the systemd team, while init gives more freedom, so started devuan. 3- init and systemd can do the same all the technical blah blah. By the way, if devuan exists and works well... 4- last and not least, systemd lets lock out the system (distro).

I am not an IT guy, just an an ignorant. My questions: are those statements still valid or wrong? Even today the number 4 gets mi confused, it is, or was, a real reason?

Sorry my wording, my first language is not English.

Yes, Venezuela, 50 meters from a caribean beach.

Is it real?

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Debian, Debian, Debian, Debian... And please tell us what you picked up and why.

Cartagena has old buildings like these houses and it is too a caribean city, like this in Venezuela.

There was a time when Hewlet Packard products were the best, them it became HP and...

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Too many reasons, and most of them wrong.

Right, and while in the install process, and the installer detects there is another os in your drive, "tell" the installer (there will be the option to do this) that you want both systems and choose the order of prefered booting. It is the simpler way for a new user.

I have been using linux since 2000 year and at firts had to learn how to configure lilo to get my cdrom working. When distros changed to grub i quit learning that stuff. Used my time learning other things, like R or chempaint.

No one should begin tinkering with grub and other sensitive parts of your system, begin with the command line and system tools first.

"is likely used more in urban and coastal regions of the US and Hispanic is likely used more in rural and landlocked regions", that is, "latino" is US based word, but it means almost nothing outside that country.

If the alcohol you are drinking was produced in wood barrels, the tradicional and more expensive way, is less prone to give you hangover.

In the other hand the distilled alcohol, cheaper, contains a higher amount of acetaldehyde, so it is more prone to give you a hangover.

I did not know that. Well, in that case there are few distros supported bye gov's.

Like a Putin for each one taste.

Maybe the windows, those are old houses.

1- i did not write you intent yo kill anyone, just you are adding your contribution to a toxic environment of manipulation, if you intended or not i do not know.

2- i did not object on religious or moral grounds.

3- you did not ask for a legal answer, that would be too easy. Your question is open ended in order to obtain arguments based on different personal grounds, mine are based on: a) critical thinking. b) been fed up (sorry, do not remember a softer expression) reading such ideas. c) been on the reciving end of that media manipulation, because Putin is not the only political leader who faces this. There are too many in the world, and with them their peoples share the burden of the consequences.

4- last, i am not going to argue about this forever, do not want to win any argument. If you want to feel you are right and me wrong go ahead and be happy.

Sorry i do not understand that parte about "abductions", what do you mean? And about "giving away" personal information it is the opposite, at least most americans and (north)europeans are "closed" to themselves. Europeans from southern countries are more like us latin americans, friendly and open.

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Guess they deserved it because were too subtle in naming.

Abduction or kidnapping i guess you are talking about some places of México or Colombia, not the whole latin america.

That was just luck, usually it is not so clean.

Since many years i do not play because have no time for that, including the fixing the issues. Used to play and like to fix issues because that is a good learning technique.

At first i thought it was about day dreaming...most of people do not remember most of their dreams, and nobody can choose the themes...Is real this question?

Dangerous asumption: one man, one finger, one second...and you will have a disaster.

So, the best is to bring your towel paper everywhere.

Is this sarcasm?