8 Post – 349 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"babe, wake up, it's time for your hourly post about Elon Musk/Twitter"

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Part of a strange, larger trend where things get worse as technology advances.

autocorrect, search engine results, google now -> assistant, voice recognition.

All of those seemed to be much better a few years back.

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was hanging out with friends getting some drinks, we decided to walk through our old campus.

there was a roof I always used to climb up while in college to chill on, so I did that.

after finished, while hopped up on liquid courage, I decided to jump down.

did so and shattered my heel.

spent the entire summer immobile and required a surgery that ended up costing me about $5k out of pocket.

have mostly recovered now, but it's still not as good as the other foot, and I know it's going to hurt like hell when i'm old.

don't be like me, don't do stupid shit while drunk.

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also interesting is how few car makers even produce normal sized cars anymore, let alone smaller ones.

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kinda cringy, but seems like a nice guy.

sure, he does his philanthropy "for views" but that's what allows him to continue doing it.

not a fan of his, but he's alright.

everytime elon musk so much as farts, it must be posted to at least 10 different communities here and discussed at length

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It is both funny and sad that Google has more or less trained me to never use their apps.

At this point, I purposefully don't use them because I assume they'll soon be cancelled.

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yea just let our government decide for us what we should be allowed to see.

what a joke lmao

lol it is not illegal.

what law is it breaking?

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We are heading towards a future of Apple, Samsung, and Google, with even the latter two struggling to stay afloat.

And to be fair, Google deserves a lot of the blame for this happening.

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it's not that you want to, but rather that the companies want to charge you $100 more for $5 of ROM.

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i buy every single phone second hand from swappa, never had an issue.

But over time, we found a growing number of customers were buying Advanced subscriptions not to run a business or organization, but instead for purposes like crypto and Chia mining, unrelated individuals pooling storage for personal use cases, or even instances of reselling storage.

Yea, not surprising tbh.

going to be about impossible to find a decent phone with a 3-4" screen.

latest one is making pixel art.

wanted to get into the hobby, so for Christmas I am making my wife a picture of each of the vacations we've been on.

this is a work in progress of a church on a hill we saw in Iceland:

Also, smoking meat.

Has been so much fun to learn and has resulted in some of the best food we have ever had.

Also, setting up a retro emulator with an old phone.

Currently procuring ROMs, organizing them, and getting a good front end and emu cores configured.

Playing through pokemon ROM hacks has been fun.

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If someone says a kitten is cute, do you assume it means they're sexually attracted to it?

you know what, i'm just gonna cancel the whole thing.

hope this was worth it for them.

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Any app you regularly use.

iOS users have no qualms paying for apps, so that's where high quality devs work.

Take Boost for Reddit for example.

Many people used that app every day for many, many years, but would balk at paying anything at all, or even $5.

Think about what you get in return for paying $30 for a nice dinner.

can get it replaced for $50, totally worth a few hundred dollar discount.

how can I block lemmy from showing me 800 musk rage posts a day?

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Stop doing this.

Also, please don't bring cringy Reddit lingo here.

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we have no idea what you are talking about

yea for sure, so long as I get to take my knowledge with me.

hell, i'd go back to childhood

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Iced tea.

both me and my wife has quit drinking and just have tea all day.

so much better.

i pay my subscription in Argentine dollars 😁

seems turkey is the cheapest now, but a little hesitant to cancel and try to resubscribe from there in case it doesn't work..

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this is my understanding, it's not that they're bad, but that they are in everything.

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A good tip about 401k is to increase it by 1% every year, you'll never notice the change and continue saving more and more.

Edge is actually better than Chrome, but I wouldn't recommend either.

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probably lets the fighters regain energy and keep going.

otherwise they'd tire themselves out pretty quickly.

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just like those graphene batteries.

should be out any day right..?

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opioids kill 70k people per year in the US alone.

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Edge has way more useful features, while both browsers are bloated messes with tons of spyware.

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lmao that is not fulfilling

"trust me, bro"

Work Wi-Fi is not your connection.

whoever holds the rights to your likeness.

what a gross phrase

Helen Keller

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I assume he is asking if he can say "hey google, we have eggs"

Then later, when shopping, he can ask "hey google, do we have eggs?"

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great response you've typed there.

Microsoft claimed that Edge was 112% faster than Chrome when it first came out. It’s hard to pin down how accurate this exact stat is, but plenty of users around the web have run their own tests and come to the same conclusion: Edge is faster than Chrome.

For example, Avast tested many browsers and found Edge to run faster than Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Vivaldi.

Chrome also has a reputation for heavy resource consumption.

Tom’s Guide ran a test on this and found that Chrome used more RAM on various tests. For example, with 60 tabs open, Chrome used 3.7 GB, while Edge only used 2.9.