3 Post – 437 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Always fun to read headlines that could be featured in the first 5 minutes of a disaster movie.

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So, do they have any proof that Joe Biden has done anything or are they just pretending that Joe and Hunter are the same person?

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Am I missing something? Microsoft literally won't let me upgrade because my fully functional processor is deemed to old for them. Of coarse the adoption rate is low if they start by excluding a good portion of their user base.

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Even religious groups hate organized religion. They just make an exception for the one they happen to be part of.

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Just removing subsidies on corn would solve the core problem. There are lots of things corn is used for that shouldn't be corn that also get fixed by that.

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They all sold out and they are all packed in one dudes garage. The actual sale of them will take place over the next year over a series of ebay auction, as is tradition for limited edition things.

They should have given it to Conan when they had the chance but they keep insisting on giving it to soulless narcissists like Leno and Fallon.

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They know what they fed the thing. Not backing up their own training data would be insane. They are not insane, just thieves

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I can't believe that a gunman shot a former Prime Minister in the middle of the street and when people read his manifesto the they went "Yeah, that's fair" and started fixing things. It's insane how shitty you must be for people to side with your murderer.

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Reddit is getting into money laundering I see.

At some point I feel it is just easier to go to the library. You need to return the books but they are also not random books the sender didn't want.

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We are back to the arcade era where you had to put in more coins to get lives and the games are intensionally hard and unfair to get more coins.

If you are ever sentenced to something simply refuse. They can't sentence you without your consent.

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So basically he is any eight year old with emerald money.

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What gets me about these AI bros is that they could use photoshop to fix the minor flaws like Trumps hand having the wrong color under it (apparently white hand on black skin fucks up the algorithm) but they never do.

They are such talentless hacks that even the most trivial work a real photographer do is insurmountable to them.

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An important piece of context here is that Sweden basically closed all it's garbage dumps as they are traditionally known. Anything recyclable is taken to the recycling plant, anything compostable is taken to a compost and the rest is burned as fuel.

The result is that you can't just drive to the dump with your waste and you have to actually sort and manage your own waste. Or you pay these fucking knuckle draggers to take the garbage and just throw it into the woods. Lots of companies are always on the look out for weird sub contractors to do environmental crime for them and think pink just got a bit too successful.

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My general experience is that they are obnoxious and combative and is working to make "the libs" have a bad time on Lemmy and when they are mentioned with these kinds of post they fill them saying that they are just some silly spicy boys in the hope that it will fool the people that are yet to meet them in the wild.

Am I correct in saying that the law is a transparency law and not a moderation law?

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Now they are both lifeless husks strung up in the office of an investment firm that is collecting their decomposition juices in a rusty bucket.

I love how certain consumers seems to have trained away their gag reflex.

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When I read the headline I assumed that glass house was a technical term for some financial bullshit but no. He is just building a house with a lot of glass in it. Using company funds to build a private house is almost vanilla when it comes to musk.

This is a minor problem compared to the fucking forced ketamin injections but can we please use more words to describe these types of issues. Like, specific ones. "Behavioral issues and intellectual disabilities" has also been used to describe the kid that almost beat a teacher to death for saying he shouldn't have his Nintendo in school and the flying guy that tried to kill the judge. If there is no difference between how we describe them and this kid, we are just reinventing calling people retarded in increasingly elaborate ways.

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What makes laws strong is precedent and this law doesn't have any. Her case is too flimsy and we don't want her to set precedent since she has infinite lawyers to defend her. Its better to get more solid cases first and then go after her when there is solid precedent.

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I can't get over how insane it is that the sitting party gets to look at their polling numbers and decide if it's a good time to have an election or not. I get why they are so insistent on keeping the monarchy because the rest of the system is kept together by tape and random bits of string

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NSFW is going to get banned within a year or two. It would be irresponsible towards the share holders not to, because porn lowers advertising value.

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I think the credit card companies gave them a call and threatened to treat them as a porn site.

I suspect there must have been some kind of coup in the Nobel leadership. They also invited Swedens far right party leader despite Banning him for over a decade. That on its own hands the far right in Sweden such an optical win that I can only assume it is malicious. As a Swede I am so fucking disappointed in them.

Edit: coup, not cue. I don't write words good.

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The developers probably added a pretty detailed prompt to the backend that the AI uses whenever someone asks it to do this. If I was making an AI, I would not risk it spitting out something scary when given this prompt.

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I would have liked some more info on how the brain injury is slowly killing her. My perception of what a brain injury could be is clearly wrong because I have been under the impression that the brain is pretty sturdy as long as the initial injury doesn't kill you.

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You can't trust people. People listen to Cold Play and voted for the Nazi Party.

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Thank you. Early onset dementia seems about right. It also feels like something insurance companies will claim would have happened anyway.

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Is the plan that you are going to use that nail scissor as your main household scissor? When you buy something in a thick blister pack your plan is to awkwardly chew trough the plastic with a tiny and slightly curved nail scissor?

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It's not about the morons that refuse to wear mask. It about people that believes in truth checking that the things they know are correct. If we wore masks and never tested if that did anything we would be as stupid as any anti-vaxxer.

Yeah, he is running to be the leader of a fascist party. The GOP voters are ok with fascism but the boots are a sign of insecurity and weakness and fascist hate that.

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Why? You can just hire a dude to sing to you as you walk around. Just use a bard, bro.

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What it proves is that they are feeding entire movies into the training data. It is excellent evidence for when WB and Disney decides to sue the shit out of them.

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I bought no man sky at some point because I felt it had enough value to warrant the price so adding things do translate into sales. You just have to balance the investments into the game and how much extra sales you can get.

Terraria is also a good example. They have kept their game relevant for so long that they are actually getting brand new customers just trough birthrates. Everytime they release stuff people talk about the game and people that were too young to buy it at release suddenly buys it.

The main advantage lies have over truth is that lies does not need to mesh with other lies.

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It's fine as long as you don't do it with employees. If you find a woman with no social or financial dependence on you, you will be golden. It's actually not that difficult since most of the adult woman population isn't directly employed by you and a portion of them like being subs and doing kinky shit.

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Artists can still make money and copyright their stuff. You just can't use exclusively AI to create the images. Cleaning up an AI generated image count as artistic work. Color correct, add missing fingers, make the eyes point the same way, remove background monstrosities. It all adds up.

Unfortunately this also goes for Hollywood. They can generate the bulk of the work and have one guy do the editing and suddenly they own the edit.

The real losers in this are the people that generate images with no modifications and post it as is while pretending that they are doing art.

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