FCC says “too bad” to ISPs complaining that listing every fee is too hard

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 1019 points –
FCC says “too bad” to ISPs complaining that listing every fee is too hard

FCC says “too bad” to ISPs complaining that listing every fee is too hard::Comcast and other ISPs asked FCC to ditch listing-every-fee rule. FCC says "no."


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This is how government should work. A government FOR the people.

This is the kind of pro-consumer news that I've become accustomed to hearing only about the EU. I realize this doesn't stop ISPs from simply levying fees and only demands that they list them, but seeing an itemized list of where your money goes is a first step in realizing that you might be getting screwed.

We have government regulators in Australia. Surprise, surprise, fees aren't lengthy, can be explained, and are investigated by the "Consumer Watchdog"—literally what the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is called—if shit's starting to look shady or unreasonable. We love capitalism, but we put a long socialism leash on it to reduce strain, deception, and fraud that makes victims of smaller businesses or individuals.

I love it. It makes a lot of shady ideas never leave the board room and if they do, chances are it ends up being really bad PR. All the while, playing the capitalism game well still nets high reward.

Capitalism is fantastic.*

  • as long as it's heavily regulated otherwise it turns the world into monopolistic hellscape.

I love it when super pro capitalists cite Adam Smith. His seminal book on capitalism clearly explains the logical hellscape outcomes that will naturally evolve over time but people gloss over that.

Broadband ISPs also had protected monopoly or duopoly status for a really long time. It's been fucking hilarious watching the cable company freak out because T-Mobile 5G is a viable option in my area now.

Isn't that bad dude still in charge of it

...Ajit Pai?


Pls use his full title.

And no, he had a Presidential appointee position, so he got booted with the rest of them.

Yeah he's not been in the FCC for a while, I was just guessing that's who they were talking about?