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Joined 11 months ago

Solarpunk is pretty explicitly political as a kind of antithesis to the cyberpunk future.

The thousands of people making those records sell and shows happen:

There is no self made billionaire, a billion is an absurd amount of wealth a singular person cannot actually earn or be worth.

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Plot twist

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Yeah it's almost like Israel has been sabotaging all peace talks for decades.

The only side in this conflict that could have ended it was Israel, back when Palestine was not controlled by Hamas, but they instead chose to destroy any chance at that.

And then they of course continued to blockade Gaza, starve people, block their access to water, continue illegal settlements, and so on.

Israel is a genocidal fascist state.

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This would be true if bottoms weren't inept little babies that need mommy to do everything for them

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Mr Breast

Users provided additional context to this reply:

This guy is a dumbass lmao

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It's a growing demographic

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All my friends are on discord, if I'm not on discord I can't really talk to them.

You're basically going wHy dOnT yOu jUsT cuT oFf YoUr FrIenDs

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dm me for some estrogen pills

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Back in my day when you wanted a computer to do something, you just asked her to do it and then underpaid her because women can't hold real jobs.

It would be okay if they were idle bots, they're bots using cheats that go into random lobbies to ruin the game.

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This guys post history is a hoot

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Except transfem hormones are not a controlled substance, not addictive, purchased for therapeutic purposes and not for abuse, needed by a lot of people because of outdated/inefficient/underfunded healthcare systems.

So yeah, it's completely like selling benzos except for all of the reasons it is not.

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My native language is a Slavic one but I can't fucking learn Polish because the language is just too fucking funny to me.

It's like how English speakers think Dutch is funny but turned up to 11.

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In 2017, when slay the spire released Godot was only 3 years old and not nearly ready for any serious development imo.

Just because it is quickly becoming a good option for game dev, doesn't mean it's a good option for every game ever in the past.

I'd also work 60 hours a week if I could count getting chauffeured around and eating lunches with people as "work"

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iirc it was submitted to a small art contest without disclosing it's AI generated and it won a prize... which made a lot of people very mad

  1. Stealing, when it is done by most regular people is out of desperation. Decomodification of things necessary to live, and change in the socioeconomic system from a hierarchical one to a cooperative one would very likely lead to reduction in such crimes.
  2. I have a gun. (/s)

Me shooting up all 12 hostages to kill a bank robber: "Why are people mad at me? I killed the bad guy!"

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One of the biggest social media sites promoting what is basically just anti-trans propaganda is a pretty big deal

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Are we really posting redpill podcast content

is this a low we are stooping to here

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The people jerking off to Kremlin propaganda are not and never were communists.

They are half astroturfed bots, and half conservatives that started listening to hacks like fucking Maupin before Tucker Carlson got to them.

Absolute wastes of space far right pieces of trash adapting the aesthetics of liberatory politics.

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Holy fucking shit please touch at least 1 (one) singular blade of grass I beg you motherfuckers

That does tend to happen to children that are half human and half flying squid

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Can someone add breakcore to this

The impact is huge for the people it impacts...

Cool, shut the fuck up

Worked for a company that had google as a client:

Google sucks, everyone who works there is an idiot who sniffs their ass all day, nothing works, nothing gets fixed, it's all just held together with duct tape.

Cause kiwifarmers are degens

So you have no idea about his behaviour and his general support for authoritarian bullshit but you're here defending him anyway.

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Did the average person/average internet user fall for it? No.

Did the people who fell for it get sucked into what was basically a cult that sucked the money out of a decent amount of people? Yeah.

The numbers for some of these scam projects were honestly insane.

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So the lives of tens of thousands of innocent civilians including actual newborns are acceptable collateral to the IDF

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"Life altering drug."

Fucking all drugs are, that's what drugs do???

There is not a lot of trans people so it's okay to fuck them over.

Literally what is your point there?

"Uhh it's only millions of people we are denying healthcare to and then criminalising when they want to get support themselves and not billions, rookie numbers."

Cosmetic medication

So at the same time it's very serious and dangerous but also just a stupid silly cosmetic thing?

The answer is that no, it's not just a cosmetic thing, there is a mountain od evidence for proven therapeutic effects of hrt, these drugs save people's lives.

If we let people sell fireworks online what's stopping someone from selling a nuke????? Explain this leftists????

Clearly chemo needs a higher amount of expertise to prescribe and the treatment needs to be watched much more carefully, and estrogen clearly has less abuse potential than opioids.

You are upset because of the community it impacts not the actual problems it represents.

Ah yes, we all know trash girlfriend at lemmy dot world who loves the current fucked up UK healthcare system except for when it comes to trans people.

I am mad because that system is disproportionately hard on the community, I am mad because people like you love to dismiss our problems and suffering as frivolous without ever trying to first engage with our experiences.

For my whole life I've been living in less than great places in regards to trans healthcare, without being able to solve this problem myself, I would not be here.

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This is just a complete non solution to the problem and effectively just ends up with trans people being banned from sports altogether.

"Trans" sports teams/leagues (whatever that means) can't really exist at the amateur local level anywhere but the biggest citiess due to there being not a lot of trans people, and even less trans people who want to play sports.

The struggle to even get enough trans guys or trans girls to form a team for football or whatever would be a challenge in and of itself, and then this team would pretty much have to fly across the country (or possibly to a different country altogether) to even play a match.

This is not a reasonable solution for anyone but the people who want to ban trans people from sports.

The second issue is that this is just fear mongering and not an actual issue to be solved but that's being argued all over this thread already.

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The myth of the hyper-efficient Nazi government is pretty stupid.

Mining hasn't been profitable for any "regular" person for like a decade

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How you can read a post calling tankies a waste of space as a defense, is very far beyond me.


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