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Joined 12 months ago

With the terms of service for their “anti spam” and “productivity auto-sorting” features, they must gather SO much data about people by reading their emails - there’s no way they’d turn that off lol

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Alternative text: Me, sacrificing my health by sleeping too little so that I can be paid the absolute minimum that my corporate overlords can get away with, while extracting the most value possible from my labor.

Time to get eatin’ 🍽️

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Quality shitpost, I enjoyed

lol, funny thing is that this isn’t really a story about ice cream machines - anyone who’s seen melted mcds ice cream foam knows that ain’t ice cream.

The frozen foam machines were intentionally hard to fix but someone figured it out and made a solution. Mcd was making money off fleecing franchise owners by having their company be the only ones who could fix it, so it looks like they did shady stuff to keep the grift going. For the ice foam. 🍦

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Gold rush you say?

Shovels for sale!

Get your shovels here! Can’t strike it rich without a shovel!

I, for one, am never voting for Hunter Biden again.

Didn’t one of them literally bring a big giant card with a photo of the president’s son’s dick on it for their speaking time?

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I hereby announce that I don’t have enough money, and I want more.

They don’t even fold

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Can confirm. I have to be in the office way more now and everyone hates it. I work way less than I used to to recoup the misery of commuting.

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You know things are going well when your governing bodies have to ask pretty please can we regulate you pleeeeease??? 🥺

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Yeah, this is the sort of shit tucker carlson and alex jones spread - the elite globalists (which totally isn’t an antisemitic dog whistle, trust us) are gonna make the poors eat bugs, better be scared and on our side cuz we’re against the people who want you to eat bugs

They take articles where researchers talk about how easy it is to farm bugs for protein (which is then heavily processed) which could help with global food supplies. They take the news that people are exploring it and twist it into fear mongering bullshit as if we’re going to be forced to eat bowls of crickets with a spoon. Idiotic.

Don’t get me wrong, the inequality gap is growing at an alarming rate but spreading far right memes does not help. Want to stick it to the rich? Fucking unionize.

To bring it full circle, the title about Pullman is a great thread to pull - look into the history of the pullman riot and the town of Pullman, Chicago. Literally the story of why we have Labor Day as a National holiday in the USA. People literally fucking died over unionization because the elite fear it so much.

But no, be scared cuz they’re coming to replace your lunch with bbq crickets.

It’s even more fucked then that - none of the shitheads that are doing this actually urgently need their paycheck from their job.

The crazies that are causing this are all rich enough that they’d be fine if they got paid later once the shutdown is over. They don’t know the concept of living paycheck to paycheck, they’ve always had a pool of money in reserve.

Me, over here not understanding either of them


Refuse to tell them your name or participate, then when they start singing call them literal demon pedos and declare bankruptcy.

It will work just as well as jones’ strategy!

That shit is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s

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I put on my robe and wizard hat.

Ansible go brrrr

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Can you imagine the screeching if dems were doing this over literally anything?

be·at·i·fi·ca·tion /bēˌadəfəˈkāSH(ə)n/ noun noun: beatification (in the Roman Catholic Church) declaration by the Pope that a dead person is in a state of bliss, constituting a first step toward canonization and permitting public veneration.

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On touch centric UIs, it makes me absolutely insane when people have a button or something I might want to tap below a thing that has to be loaded and can be variable size, so I go for the button that does what I want and between my decision to touch it and my finger moving, the thing loads and I tap it instead.

Fuckin stop it. Make the thing that loads a static size or put the button above it. If your buttons jump all over the page after you initially display them, I hate you.

Literally a shittier boarding process because it’s more profitable that way. Freeeee market! 📈📈📈

I’m beginning to think they’re just losers who’re mad that it’s not the 1940s anymore and that women having no purpose other than pumping out babies and dotting on their shitty husband isn’t something they can achieve anymore.

I wonder how much mtf hate is rooted in weak men believing that women should be subjugated and forced to serve their “purpose” and mtf women wouldn’t do that even if they could.

Nobody will fall for these losers anymore and society isn’t set up to support their desire to subjugate, they see mtf people and go “YOU MUST BE WHY NO WOMEN WILL BE MY BABY SLAVE ANYMORE!”

Calling possessions “she” is just an extension of that imho, casual leftover misogyny in language.

For the record I’m just a cis dude dating an mtf person for the last 8 months… this may be a bit of a ‘hot take’ lol - I’m learning, be gentle! 👉👈

What a fuckin legend

Well, they need to be shown the consequences of what happens if you do gay things, of course.

If Trump gets back in and they implement that “Project 2025” where they plan to fire 50k government workers and replace them with far right wingnuts, I can envision such a future.

Alito just signaled that they’re not satisfied with just overturning Roe, he’s gunning to overturn Obergefel. I wonder which states it’ll be unsafe to travel through for fear of not being able to see my SO if they get hurt and have to go to the hospital. I wonder if any states will try to ban people with gay marriages from entering.

Idk I kinda like the idea of a madman living in my graphics card. I want to be able to spin them up and have them tell me lies that sound plausible and hallucinate things.

Nature is beautiful

Yall joking but bottoming is definitely a skill, just sayin

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Unleash the furries!

Wait, no they like leashes don’t they…

Leash the furries!

Pass me that blunt

They say AI is going to replace all the jobs, but really it’s just facilitating faster, better shitposting 💩💨

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Aha, I knew that the other shoe would drop eventually. It’s still the Catholic Church, after all.

The potatoes i grew that i put in storage at the end of last year look like they’ve successfully turned into seed potatoes and I’m excited to plant them this year ^_^

Call it the Lenovgo

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Press F to pay respects

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Shhhh you’ll give it away

Monorail Monorail Monorail 👋👋

How dare you hurt those shareholders like that

A shitpost about shit, you are truly a person of distinction and class

I always picture them in their head going “Ha! I win at driving! Suck it!”

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