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How do the police manage to murder someone in a traffic stop??? Doesn't that just entail the police telling someone their brake lights aren't working or ticketing them for being 5mph over the speed limit? Man I'm glad the police (and everybody else for that matter) don't have guns in my country because that would be happening here too. That poor man and his family.

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Well yeah, but also I think it's just that the same people who own these businesses that people work for, and the friends and family of those people, also own lots of property much of which is office space which they don't want to lose money. That and all of the businesses (e.g. Starbucks) and the property they're in that partially make money from people on their way to work. And if you want to go even deeper, if people are WFM then they may not have to eat out as often, might not need to pay for a lot of things as often if they have more time.

So much money can be lost and rich people all know each other and have class consciousness, I think that's why we're seeing so much anti-WFM propaganda

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I just read the article and that is absolutely disgusting, even if the deputy's side of the story is all true why are they allowed kill someone for "resisting arrest??" Shouldn't they only use their gun if their life or the lives of members of the public are being threatened? I really hope that cop gets life in prison and has an extremely miserable rest of his life like the cop that murdered George Floyd, but something tells me that won't be happening here.

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I am on Lemm.ee and haven't had a single issue

I mean yea, why hasn't she been though? If this was an adults only show I would still think this is bad but not that serious. While children are around though that is a really bad thing to do and they should definitely face legal consequences.

If someone who wasn't a congressional representative did that they would surely go to prison right, and maybe put on that register for people who need to stay a certain distance away from schools and such?

Maybe people can just use a different video calling program if the CEO of the company doesn't like people using it.

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This would be so fucking annoying, I don't use reddit day to day anymore but it's still a useful research tool when I see results from it on Google. I don't hate their search feature quite as much as some but I still don't want to use it most of the time.

This seems so dumb for them to do, I feel like having their content listed on search engines is s major advantage they have over Facebook et al.

An important note is it has an epic gaming aesthetic which makes it faster

Working 4 days would be OK if it was only for 6 hours each day. Although 8 hours for 3 days a week would be better even if they're the same hours

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It would be quicker to list what's right with him

You're right actually, when you think about it $1 being 100 cents is basically communism. $1 should be 57.93 cents

It's almost like we all used to use reddit like 2 months ago so are interested what's happening with it, crazy

There is inflation I agree, but I think a significant percentage is from price gounging, around 30%. I saw a study detailing this that I could find and link if you want.

If you're wondering how it can happen simultaneously accross whole countries and much of the world, you can look up the concept of "price leadership."

I mean, the term literally originates as a label for British socialists/communists that were sympathetic to the USSR when they were invading Hungary (pretty sure it was Hungary?)

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What it is just used for prosecuting adult non-trafficed sex workers?? That's such a ridiculous perversion of the original mission statement, what a piece of shit. "Helping" sex workers by making them go to prison lol, which is the same way police "help" people with substance abuse problems. He was also an investor in Uber so it's adds up that he only cares for making money.

I mean it kind of ends up being a Skinner box anyway just because of the loop of scrolling, seeing a post, looking at it and repeating. But I agree nobody is actively trying to trap you in one.

I mean fuck Ajit Pai and all, but that is a very efficient mug and it doesn't deserve hate for being associated with the grim reaper of digital freedom.

We need to end unjustified hatred of big mugs now.

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A 70gb log file?? Am I misunderstanding something or wouldn't that be hundreds of millions of lines

At first I was like "The fuck is somebody posting a sometimes comment for"

Edit: stone toss got corrected to sometimes, I'm surprised anyone managed to understand what I was saying

Huh, yeah I meant WFH lmao. No idea why my brain decided the acronym should be WFM instead haha.

I thought the sovereign citizen thing fizzled out in the early 2010s. Also, it most of all signals that you're incredibly incredibly annoying

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I feel like about 4% of all the comments on Lemmy are just people telling each other they use an adblocker

It is weird how he's just completely running it into the ground... I don't really buy that though because he never actuslly wanted the company and only bought it because a court forced him to. Also I honestly don't think he'd want to wash 44 big ones down the drain just to own the libs.

All I can think of is that he's just... maybe kind of an idiot and has just gotten lucky so far lol? It's the only thing that fits as far as I can see.

I didn't even know co-op power companies were common, it seems like an odd (but good) service to be provided by a co-op. I wonder if there's any in the UK

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It's mostly because people consume most content via apps and the web on smart phones now that have screens that are anywhere from 4.5" - 6.5" in size, and sadly more complex logos just don't look that good when they're squished into an area that's a fraction of the total screen size. Where as in the past people might see a Pringles ad or anything related to Pringles on the TV, in a news paper, on a billboard etc which have way more space so the details are visible.

It is pretty unfortunate though, it's the same reason the Firefox logo (and like everything else lol) was made minimalistic. I miss the old Firefox logo, I didn't use Firefox in 2005-2009 but that one is definitely my favourite, the 2009-2013 one is nice too though which is when I first started using FF I think. Compared to today's logo even the 2013-2017 one is great though

Reminds me of the "Everyone on reddit is a fucking moron" style posts and comments on reddit that would have like 10k up votes lol. I think the reason for it is everyone thinks they're the exception

Heheh. Literally the perfect meme response

Also Lemmy is becoming a larger platform and Twitter- or "X"- is becoming a smaller platform. Sure total users might be down since right after the Exodus but that is obviously normal, a new baseline will be established that's still significantly above the pre Exodus baseline. Then reddit inc will do something else stupid and people on the site will be talking about Lemmy again.

I think there's positives and negatives to having a small platform, and there's positives and negatives to having a larger platform. With a smaller platform, the quality of the comments in general is much higher with less low effort jokes which usually you've already read 500 times. With larger platforms, the smaller communities are much more active because there's a larger pool to draw those people with niche interests from.

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The workplace is a big family after all. You surely don't want to only spend 3 days a week with your family do you??

It's called price leadership and it is an extremely well established phenomena in economics.

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Kinda funny how your own username partially contradicts your argument.

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I agreed with your first comment, but now I think you may in fact be getting old.

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I still am using Google and I hate how useless it has become since SEO started to become a thing in the last 5 or 10 years. Maybe I should try Kagi. Does it have location specific search results

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Cities in China are ranked in terms of population and overall prosperity. So Beijing, Shenzen, Shanghai and maybe some others are tier 1. Then other ones, like perhaps Tianjin and Wuhan would be tier 2 etc. I think India has a similar system, probably because they both have at least one or two hundred cities each

Well it appears to be the top 10 companies, so it is almost certainly quite close to 100%. Still not 100% though so it's wrong of course, there's no point saying something incorrect even if it's pretty close to the truth.

The biggest problem with modern advertising is that they try to sell you on the idea before establishing what the idea even is.

This is definitely a running theme with ads, in fact there has been multiple instances where I have seen an ad, and despite seeing the entire duration I literally have no idea what was actually been advertised to me haha.

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I think it's worth like $16 billion now? Which compared to the $44 billion purchasing price is... does caculations not good

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So is it going to be part of the fediverse at one point or will it be a separate federation?

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I think people care about different things, networking might not be something they're interested in so aren't interested in spending time learning about it. Where as when you are interested in it it's not so hard to read, watch videos about it and experiment with it. At least that's generally how I find these things work.

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, left leaning Americans seem to talk about Canada positively all of the time, in reference to its health care system and generally aboit how they want their country to be more like Canada. The only thing negative they say is in reference how native people have been treated and still continue to be treated there which I think is right.

I am not from either country and this is just based on what I see Americans online say about Canada/Canadians.