0 Post – 518 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Dreamcast finally let me access the internet from the privacy of my own room.

And the part they're fading usually sounds really good and I want it to last a little longer

How I calculate percentages and settle for close enough.

I forgot I even had an ironing board in my closet. I haven't needed to use that thing in 10 years.

They were looking for someone to play Martin Luther King.

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No, the MLK part was my own shitpost contribution. But yes it was being taking out of context. The article says they don't hire white men for "specific roles."

Too busy, never played.

When I was a kid, my parents made me do hand writing exercises. I had to fill entire sheets of paper with slashes and slinky loops.

I hope this is just one of those fake rage bait signs

Next they're gonna find out she kissed a boy and expel her.

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Oh so now they don't like ads

Don't buy Roku TVs. Got it.

It was fun when I read a reddit story and at the end realize I was imagining the wrong gender. Then I would reread the story and it made a lot more sense, like a movie with a twist ending and flashbacks to previous scenes.

They're traitors tho. Why are you defending traitors hmmmmm???

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My dude, she doesn't wanna be wit you no more. Let her go.

I remember seeing a video of a dude exploring a cave and he was crawling through some narrow ass space tighter than under my bed. Why would one want to do this??? What if it was a dead end? How tf are you gonna turn around? Crawl backwards? I just can't with any of this

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You can monitor the work being done. Is the work being done? That's all you need to know.

I've told my family more than once to arrange my funeral the cheapest way possible. If they had the option to dump me in the ocean, they have my blessing. Don't spend money on me, I'm DEAD.

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I bet Putin sucks at StarCraft

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It's okay, Reddit. I don't post anymore.

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First they fuck their customers, then they fuck their employees. Execs are doing a great job, probably gonna give themselves a raise.

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That wasn't bad at all, it was decent. I get not getting behind AI to support the VAs but calling that bad is a reach.

I found out that I could disassemble my vacuum's dirt container further so I can clear it out easier. The container has a big plastic tube that runs through it and I've been squeezing my hand around it to grab clumps of pet hair that get stuck. The other day while I was trying to clear the container, the plastic tube fell out. Turns out I just needed to twist and pull the tube. I've had this vacuum for 8 years.

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Yeah, Ivanka. What are you? Poor?

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We had a project once that ran completely fine as a website except for the ability to scan bar codes. That one thing forced us to create an app and the rest of the app was just showing the website.

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Seems like a lot of companies are testing how much they can get away with lately.

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You already fucked up in step 2

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GOOD. We're on the same page then. The rules apply to everyone like it should be.

Maybe I should log in too so I can get mentioned in the wiki as the last player. It will be my legacy.

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Maybe he should take a big pay cut if he's doing that bad a job

Which one tho? AOL or Hotmail?

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You can't just use your local shopping plane to travel across the state. That would be so embarrassing!

I ate ramen for almost every meal for like a month and the doctor said my sodium is off the charts and that I need to stop.

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What a time to be a cam girl


This is a real thing? I haven't owned a printer in years. Why would they have his debit info in the first place?

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My vote would finally matter. My state already knows who it's supporting with or without me.

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They fired the social butterfly of the group. He was always good company. Most of us in the office were pretty quiet people but he knew how to bring us out of our shell. He would often organize lunch so we can all hang out together but there was a lot less of that when they got rid of him.

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Witch hunts. Innocent people getting punished for what they supposedly did in their past lives.

I like and hate their shorts page. I like the fast pace consumption of good content but half of it is rage bait, onlyfans bait, low effort content theft, and people acting obnoxious for attention. I wish I had more control over what shows in shorts because the don't recommend button doesn't seem to do anything.

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