
1 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Record low affordability" is a really weird way of saying price gouging.

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It takes a hell of a lot more than a single clock cycle to run a targeting algorithm.

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Congratulations, you're almost doing what you should've been doing in the first place.

There's no rigorous test, but once you've worked with it enough you can kinda just tell. This reeks of ChatGPT.

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Abusive relationships.

I mean, he tried to defect to NK. We already know he's a dumbass.

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Because it's him being held accountable. Can't you see what a disaster that is!?

If you don't mind me asking, what positions do you hold as a conservative that are different from modern Republicans?

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Here's one... Two................. Three......... fourfivesixseveneightnine

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People lived with it for years with cable.

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Then they shouldn't exist.

In any group, if the good ones don't weed out the bad ones, they're not good ones.

They're not an exception to conservation of energy, it's just that matter is energy in another form. Fusion reactors just harness that energy.

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Gee who could've guessed

For me as a programmer it's definitely the advent of LLMs like GPT-4 and the impending AGI.

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Wow, the same joke literally everyone makes when someone says they're pansexual. How funny and unique.

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Source? I'd estimate thousands to millions of cycles.

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If SB concedes to unions, that will set a precedent for every other big company, and billionaires have better solidarity than workers do.

Do you really think ISPs will prioritize that over maximizing profit with "fast lanes"?

Define conservative. I don't count bigotry.

I don't give a shit about "ThE eConOmY", I care about how ordinary people are affected. I don't know about all of you, but I'm still in an ever worsening situation. Biden has made little to no difference for me.

What's even the point? More evidence isn't going to change anyone's mind.

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Topologically, a human has 7 holes.

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Oh my fuck I'm so glad these characters died out. Dolan memes were the bane of my existence while they were a thing.

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Why? What someone is wearing really doesn't make a difference as long as they're decent.

Recreation? Not everything strictly needs practical purposes. I'd certainly buy one if it's affordable. Though it might have medical or therapeutic use.

Artificial General Intelligence. Definitions vary, but in general it's an AI system that can perform any task it's given, usually with the caveat of being smarter than humans.

I'm a food delivery driver in rural AZ. This is horrifying.

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Doesn't matter; increased profits


Frisk's and Chara's genders are intentionally ambiguous, but that's all I can think of.

I'm a progressive and I agree with all but the 3rd of those points.

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I'm 27. This has basically been my life for the last 10 years.

......... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh you're serious

Squirm, bitch

Because I watched a drag show

Is that a surprise to anyone?

With these kinds of people, every accusation is a confession.

I know you are but what am I?

Did anyone not realize this?