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Joined 13 months ago

Pretty sure Seattle doesn't do fines anymore.

I hope I make it to be a boomer one day... Get me some of that sweet subsidized healthcare! And free college credits!

This has job descrimination lawsuit written all over it.

Great, now I have to worry about the morons buying this garbage flinging it at me.

No kids here... Didn't see a penny. But I'm happy those that needed it got it. 😊

Ahh yes a graph without citation of research, lovely

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Well if the gop folds then I'm sure you'd get a new 2nd party.

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I cannot for the life of me understand such nonsense. Why do we care about a hairstyle? Im sure this is all just used as a racist cudgel but what even is the flimsy defense for it? Just teach the fucking kids math and history, ect. I'd like to fire the morons wasting everyone's time with this nonsense.

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Why... Why does anyone have to do this bullshit? Leave windows l, everyone for the love of everything good, leave windows!

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Once steam covers 90% of games windows becomes irrelevant.

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This has really gotta piss you off if you risked your life for this country just for some pissant turd senator to block your promotion. Nothing to do with you, no, it's for "reasons" fuck these dudes.

22 grand... Are you fucking kidding me? That's all it takes? They should put att out of business for shit like this. Not a slap on the wrist here. How much did they make from bills passed due to this scheme?

The senate was a 50/50 split for under 2 years. With 2 "democrats" barely willing to do anything. I fact one of them isn't even a Democrat anymore. All of this during peak pandemic. Of course this would have had a chance if any one of those limp dick Republicans could for once do something that doesn't just help the rich and enslave the poor.

Didn't we do this already? With it ending in absolute failure?

I'm sorry... But this seems like a guy to report

None of the free speech crowd actually understand what the first amendment means. So they claim that boycotting an artist for saying some racist shit is denying them their freedom of speech. These turds need to take a civics class.

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This is just word salad. You want to blame him for shit only a dictator could do. He has appointed a lot of federal judges bro, but he can just remake SCOTUS. Get off your unrealistic podium. At best you're an idiot and at worst you're just a republican trying to spew propaganda.

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This guy over here thinking highbrow insults would land.

You sound like a republican over here just trying to demoralize this reality. Let's see how 2024 goes. I'm sure the gop is gonna do reallllly well with their continued bullshit. /s

Can we post who they voted for in the last election for stories like this? I want to know if I should feel sad and mad or just mad.

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I'm starting to think all the "refuse to vote Biden because genocide" folks on here are propaganda bots. Like we know we're gonna have one of the two shit nuggets here, yall really wanna choose trump and get everything else terrible too?

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Could buy them at auction, to raze them and plant a small park. Just erase the asshole from our memory.

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For starters the gop brought the suit against the student debt relief. Why the corrupt federal judge decided they had standing to even do it is beyond me. But oh hey look... That federal judge is also a republican, big surprise.

Sure but doesn't mean you can't be applying and interviewing on their dime. This bullshit isn't anything new and only leads to the company retaining the blow average employees. If you can leave and get a raise in the process you should.

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It's actually both. TurboTax spends millions lobbying against simplicity in the tax return process. While Uber also spends millions lobbying against proper labor practices.

Well Google search method was just leaked... Wonder if this picked that up before they pulled it.

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This argument makes zero sense. Wouldn't a legal abortion tend to have more regulation then an illegal abortion, or for those in the know a back ally abortion? And the gall to back it up with intention to be the clearest explanation on the ballot, what a douche nozzle.

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All this shit keeps going because they didn't arrest all those morons taking over the wild life refuge years ago. It encouraged this crazy take on us military ideology. This is going to end very badly one day.

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Isn't the bigger issue here that they can see the plaintext password?

I give this 6 months before the list of visitors is released...

Did you accept any government assistance during covid? Do you have kids?

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Probably should have sued those people too... People need to cut this shit out. You're fucking with others people's life's.

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Sort of. The other option is just get voters to turn out. There's a big portion of this country that just doesn't vote.

Let's just talk about your username for a second before we get into your stupid point.

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Try steam on Linux. That shit just works now and I was able to fully ditch windows 6 months ago.

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Except in several states if any of the contract is invalid it all is.

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For a corporate shill he is really helping out the union movement. I would say that here's more for workers rights then Obama is. And with less of the drone strikes. I think he could do more sure, but I don't see this guy going full corporate stooge and I feel like it's a knee-jerk reaction to claim he is.

I'm just amazed he didn't pick February...

Can go kill people over seas 3 years beforehand too. Our priorities are so fucked.

This is such a dishonest argument. You're nothing more then a troll.

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