3 Post – 429 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The other three aren't paying attention.

Get your god out of my government. Shitbags.

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Damn right you did. Your son could never have done that in Iran.

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Stop allowing children on social media.

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So their guidelines are openly discriminatory at best, and openly racist otherwise...

It's mind-blowing how quickly the US is regressing because we're kowtowing to a miniscule minority.

I'm openly curious how well a "liberal" minded individual who isn't afraid to be an asshole would be received.

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Of course it is. Everyone in the US who's watched TV in the last few years has seen companies and privileged individuals buying any privately owned property available for any reasonable price.

Are they reselling them? No. Are they renting or leasing the worthwhile properties for outrageous rates? Yes. Are they bulldozing lodgings and putting up apartments at every other opportunity? Yes.

Are they aiding the housing crisis by building new single family dwellings? No.

Are they forcing as many people as they can into rental lodging with decreasing prospects of those families and individuals ever owning their own house? Absolutely.

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She's an idiot appointed by an idiot. She's doing exactly what she was put there to do.


If BO is being that careless with methane emissions then they are breaking laws. Report them

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Individuals such as this should never be given any sort of publicity.

Unfortunately we are in the age of sensationalism, and lunatics like this one are widely reported because it drives more page views and more clicks.

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Dear Romania,

Let him rot.

Truly Yours,


Israel wanted this to happen. The US wasn't the only warning they got.

And the civilians are the ones who suffer.

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The fact that you associate gas prices with the president proves how much of a gullible moron you are.

Torn between that's not how this meme works, and that's something he'd say....

Americans are paying more because companies raised prices during the pandemic and never decreased them, pocketing the extra.

Welcome to the new norm. We're all getting fucked.

I said the exact same thing. People are stupid.

We'll say it yet again: This isn't an act, folks. He really is this stupid.

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It's not about watching. It's about intimidation.

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Seriously... There is nothing mild about this.

She's far too stupid to experience shame.

This is incorrect. There is also reality tv on the weather channel.

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...why the hell did the dog have unsupervised access to the baby

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And the Bible. Let's not forget that.

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Poor bastard. It's going to be a challenge living on an eight digit salary, making more in half a day than I do in a year...

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Time to pull all federal funding from that shithole state.

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Exactly as predicted. Dirty diaper and all.

I'm sure a 3 year old said all this.

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Clickbait crap.

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No one could have seen this coming...

An idiot announces support for another idiot. What did it do? Get this dumbass's name into news headlines.

Note that on the other side of believing and endorsing pretty much every conspiracy theory on the books from elections to UFOs, this moron has been in Congress for 16 years and has done absolutely nothing productive. Rolling up his sleeves and throwing tantrums in lieu of any proper decorum for someone in his position doesn't count.

His entire mission in federal government has been to prevent federal government from functioning properly and then crying about how federal government doesn't function properly. He is the perfect model of the ideal GQP operative.

And that's of course not to mention old Gym being a spineless piece of shit who helped cover up the abuse of hundreds of athletes.

Cropping is hard, huh?

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Dan Quayle had to convince him to certify the votes. He was seriously considering going along with the fraud...

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Independence for who? They're working on crushing the population they've already repressed for decades now. I fail to see how Israel's independence is threatened in the least.

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So. Check out the top comment.

Edited to include another screenshot showing how many degenerates support this crap.

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Gym's never heard a conspiracy theory he didn't like.

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Let him out. Don't let him back in.

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I feel like a surprising number of people struggle with the meaning of "mildly"...

Must be nice to have the money to not work and pay for things like this.

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