Stop suggesting children as friends, social media firms told

Lee to – 364 points –
Stop suggesting children as friends, social media firms told

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Stop allowing children on social media.

The SERIOUS problem with this is how does one validate if a person signing up for social media is a child or not? If you start trying to require some kind of state or federal ID the privacy implications are massive. That's trying to solve a people problem with technology which never ends well.

Maybe parents should be better keeping tabs on their kids and not giving them tablets and phones younger and younger...but who am I.

I think these social networks know with a high degree of accuracy how old a given user is. They have a ton of data points about each user, and not all of them collected directly from the user interacting specifically with the site/app.

I wouldn't want to rely on that, they're already fucking all kinds of automatic checkups

Also, shared devices etc

Out of all likely methods, this is probably the most reliable. The accuracy of this data underpins the entire value of these social networks (advertising companies).

I'm not arguing that it's not the best option but rather even that has issues and imo we shouldn't go down that road

I'm mostly saying that companies pretending they don't know which users are children is almost entirely bullshit.

The consequences of 5% inaccuracy with your targeted advertising are a bit different than with your bans!

Absolutely true.

When I was in the ad buying space in 2010, I was able to segment audiences based on surface level things like demographic. But also more granular things like if they own a grill, or if they are buying swimming pool equipment. Those two data points clearly point to a certain age group.

I'm sure today, ad companies can do even more extrapolation.

In high school I became the president of a community outreach club. Prior to that point, I had no social media accounts. At least, nothing we could call social media today. My tech-savvy father taught me the principle of "never tell anyone on the internet who you are, or where you live, or how old you are." I played games with online people who were likely much older than me, but they all seemingly followed that rule too, even if voice chat gave away my age. Nobody ever asked each other "A/S/L" etc.

The club supervisor however, insisted that I create a Facebook account. "Students don't communicate over email anymore," he said, "if you want the club members to know when an event is happening and verifying how many members will be attending, you need to set up a Facebook page for the club, and you need to administer that page." And it was true... to a point. I was also part of a robotics team that did mostly communicate via email, but we also had a Facebook page so team scouters could form alliances with other teams from neighboring schools. My supervisor and my parents both knew my account (not the credentials) so the account wasn't an unknown quantity.

In retrospect, neither of those approaches to social media were wrong per se, they were simply solutions to different problems: the problem of being a kid making friends on an internet full of adults, and of needing to reach out to real people and communicating and coordinating and cooperating with them.

To this day, I refuse to "connect" different accounts together so that no streams get crossed. But amoral corporations like Google and Facebook do not care about your privacy or your legal status - they want to know everything about you in order to market and advertise to you more effectively. It's an arms race of tying humans to accounts, and driving engagement: Age, Sex, Location, What Sites You Visit, What Programs You Run, What You Buy, Where You Read News, all of that is ammunition in the race. I don't envy parents nowadays, I can't imagine the scale of the problem where every kid has a smartphone and a dozen different accounts (or some all encompassing Google/FB single-signon) before they even reach high school.

Ngl I would love to have at least one social media experience where everyone has to use their real, validated identity.

Probably not financially viable, because ironically, privacy would be chiefly important. It’d have to be a paid service, not use ads or sell data at all, posts and profile visible to nobody by default, connections made by direct in-person/text/email invitation or by mutual introduction…very different from most modern social media. It’d also have to have pretty insane security, and mandatory MFA for every user at least on every session, if not on every page transaction.

Could be technologically viable if we had digital government ID’s like drivers licenses printed on smartcards. But we can’t even get the states to agree on implementing common requirements for official state IDs.

I’d really love to see how it’d play out, in the real world, if it could reach enough of a mass of users to be financially self-sustaining, and what the environment would be like at that point. For the sake of science.

That's what LinkedIn is lol they added verification to it recently

I actually thought of that but no, not quite. I mean the point is everyone has to have a validated identity and post under their real name with their real, unedited, government ID-styled photo next to it.

No validation, no ID…no account. No exceptions.

Kids under 13 aren't allowed on websites, period, thanks to COPPA passed in 2000. So all those elementary schoolkids signing up for Zoom better have had their parents should fax a copy of their driver's license before attending class.

I mean when I was a kid we were just told not to trust people online - or strangers in the real world - and as a result I made tons of friends on IRC and through video games. I'm glad of that because I didn't have that many friends my own age.