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The game looks good, and I first heard about it because they are hiring a dedicated narrative designer.

IIRC homes are protected in bankruptcy, because someone decided it would be unfair to inflict homelessness on someone for committing the crime of being broke (irony very intended).

Every cent made is a fine I want to see more of. Anything less is going to be seen as just the cost of doing business and the behavior will continue.

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The marketing and advertising and sales teams took over management from the engineering team, and decided to cut all the corners. It's a classic tale at this point, same thing happened to Boeing and Apple and Google and etc. It's why everything sucks nowadays.

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To be fair, people stopped after starting a witch hunt for the Boston bombers and identifying the completely wrong people. It may very well be the case that they over corrected, but there is at least a good reason for the change overall. (also corporate interests I suppose, fuck them though)

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That's a bit of a disingenuous way to put it, it's reads to me more that they want to reach out/make official what some people were already doing.

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Aren't the early models the only ones that can actually be modified and repaired using consumer available parts? Seems kind of fishy to me that those are the only ones that are being binned.

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I actually find myself siding with the board here, if only because I have heard all too often about dress codes being overly restrictive or overly enforced. Like the board said, they don't want teachers wasting time measuring a girl's shirt when they should be teaching.

On one hand yes, knowingly endangering lives like that could be worth a heftier fine, on the other hand everything made plus ten percent seems like a pretty good fine to use if you want to actually discourage behavior across the board.

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I'm also relatively confident that it wouldn't have happened at all had it been a white man ringing the doorbell, or a black man on the inside of that house.

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This is one of the exact reforms I've been talking about wanting for years at this point. 18 years is a perfect tenure for someone as influential as a Supreme Court Justice, and giving every president 2 nominations is a good number to keep the values of the Supreme Court in line with those of the public.

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It exists only as a consequence of two other requirements of the jury process. 1) jurors cannot be held accountable for any decision they make as a jury and 2) any not guilty verdict delivered by a jury is absolute and final.

Something something leopards and faces?

I take issue with three things about this article.

  1. Enshittification happens when a company seeks short term profit over long term stability, usually to appeal to shareholders. Valve is privately held, so the shareholders it has to appeal to are just GabeN and anyone else in the company that holds stock, and GabeN at least has a long history of valuing quality over short term profit.

  2. The article seems to just gloss over all the reasons online sentiment about Epic trends negative, such as controversial statements made by the CEO, missing and long overdue features that should be quite basic, and yes, timed exclusives. It just memes about how they give out free games, and now that I think about it that does stink of the first step of enshittification, and the lower cut from developers stinks of the second.

  3. I'm much more inclined to blame Apple for Valve not bothering to support Mac, as Apple is the one that should be responsible for so many of the things that make it not worth bothering. Apple is the one that failed to make their platform attractive to gamers and is the one that made their shiny new computing architecture that is incompatible with all the existing software. It's quite unfair in my eyes to ask Valve to support a platform that nobody else does.

Maybe the author has a point, maybe Valve will sell out when GabeN retires if he has the company go public, but until that happens I'm unconcerned. This all reads to me as someone using the shiny new word for clicks.

IIRC it's technically proper to still use that title for former presidents, but very few actually do out of justified distaste for the man himself, along with the fact that it's definitely not a good idea to say anything that might imply you think he's still actually the president.

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The rule could create some perverse incentives, such as discouraging some startup founders from taking their companies public.

Honestly good, companies going public creates perverse incentives for those companies to screw over their customers and the economy at large out of a drive for quarterly gains.

Isn't enshittification a process that occurs completely independently of net neutrality existing or not existing?

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You missed a step in that plan of yours of also taking out every single supreme court justice that decided to give the president full immunity at the same time he took out Trump. Anyone willing to do that is clearly both too traitorous to the nation to be allowed to keep their and too stupid for not seeing that coming to be allowed to live and continue to do such damage in the future.

(Disclaimer, not actually advocating for murder, I don't think)

Reality is a fucking parody.

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What country does anon live in, where prison food and housing is free?

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Age of Mythology is one that I very rarely see talked about anywhere, it has a pretty good single player campaign. I also think more people should try out Caesar 3, albeit using one of the more modern fan made patches for reasonable zoom distances and other quality of life features.

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They aren't saying he pays his bills, they're saying there are effectively no consequences for him personally every time he does it. He's not the one footing the bill for these Xitter lawsuits, it's his company.

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I'm an editor for a community wiki that moved off fandom a few years ago to Mireheze. When the recent discussion about Miraheze shutting down happened I briefly inquired about where we would migrate to, expressing my hope to not return to fandom, and was quite thouroghly assured that fandom is not somewhere that would even be considered returning to. I don't think I've had a single positive experience on a fandom wiki ever, or at least not in over 8 years, with issues ranging from intrusive ads, to the comment section pop in making scrolling inconsistent, to even something as simple as it universally looking fucking ugly, I can't wait for people to leave and am actively cheering on its slow death as a website.

This actually made me tear up a bit, knowing there is someone in congress willing to make the effort to properly educate himself on the stuff he's writing and passing laws governing.

You know 16 is the age of consent for well over half the US states as well right? Not defending people that abuse that fact, but that is a very common age to use as the cutoff point.

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She's not the only one that was there. There were other people there that were murdered and other people there that were raped. Just because one was spared from that fate doesn't mean it didn't happen to others.

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The whole stock market is gambling, short selling is just the way to profit on the prediction of a price going down instead of up. Really short selling is one of the least sketchy things the stock market does, because at least it's public how it works.

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Modded Minecraft is the best I can think of.

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Also sounds like you can't turn it back off, once it turns itself on.

I was including the accountants and lawyers in that list, just to be clear. They're all bad if they don't have any idea how the technical side of their business functions.

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Please, anyone who reads this, stop posting links to the mobile version of Wikipedia. It doesn’t switch automatically on PC, and I see it happen all the time. Just take the half a second to remove the “.m” from the beginning of the link, save everyone else from the pain of having to be surprised by it and taking the time to do it themselves.

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They don't just keep track of what videos you watch, they also keep track of what parts of those videos, as well as everything you search for and everything you begin to search for but never actually do. They also keep track of where you are when you watch the video and what device you are watching it on.

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The answer seems fairly obvious to me if they really want to improve search results: blanket ban any domain owned by any company known to engage in blatant SEO spam, let them appeal after 6 months. The fact that isn't done means Google sees profit in allowing SEO spam to exist as long as it doesn't push too many people away.

Oh for fucks sake, now the article itself has a misplaced mobile Wikipedia link and there's nowhere I can quickly see to put my copy paste about it.

copy paste for context:

Please, anyone who reads this, stop posting links to the mobile version of Wikipedia. It doesn’t switch automatically on PC, and I see it happen all the time. Just take the half a second to remove the “.m” from the beginning of the link, save everyone else from the pain of having to be surprised by it and taking the time to do it themselves.

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What even was the argument against the law?

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I'm pretty sure that exists and is just called unlisted, or if you only want them to be available to yourself private.

Unfortunately that depends on the contents of the classified documents, it could be anything from what did the president have for lunch one day to all the details one could ever want on the nation's nuclear weapon capabilities. Even if the president technically can declassify such documents, it is not a good idea to actually do so.

Only half of congress works that way, the other half distributes representatives based on population.

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I'd hope that's covered by the definition of corresponding, though I am neither French nor a legal expert so I can't say for sure.

Libraries are free, open to everyone, and do more than just lend out books.