Shani Louk is still alive, mother reveals to World – 393 points –
Shani Louk is still alive, mother reveals

The mother of Shani Louk, a 22-year-old German national believed to have been kidnapped by Hamas fighters during the militant group's surprise attack on Israel on Saturday, said on Tuesday that her daughter is alive.

Louk, a tattoo artist, was attending the Tribe of Nova music festival in the plains of the Negev Desert near Urim, close to the Gaza Strip, on Saturday when Hamas fighters stormed the event. She's believed to have been seized by the militants and paraded through the streets in the back of a pick-up.


On Tuesday, Louk's family announced they had proof that Louk—who grew up in Israel—was alive. German news website Blick reported that her mother said she was in a hospital in Gaza with serious head injuries.

"We now have more information that Shani is alive," her mother told television channel NTV, adding she received the information from unnamed Palestinian sources.

The mother added that Louk is seriously injured, and asked the German government for help and quick action.


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She's not the only one that was there. There were other people there that were murdered and other people there that were raped. Just because one was spared from that fate doesn't mean it didn't happen to others.

Again no reputable news publication has reported rape. It’s is a very common racist dog whistle to accuse Muslims of rape so I’m asking you not to until you have confirmed evidence.

It is very possible there were rapes committed but it’s disgusting to lie about it to justify stealing Palestinian land and killing Palestinian people.

Edit: wild, 40 downvotes and NOT A SINGLE SOURCE.

How do you feel about the video of her being pulled out of the back of the truck with blood all over her crotch area?

That was a different woman, but the video definitely proves they are raping hostages.

I know that people were saying she was dead because of that footage. But she’s not and that is confirmed.

Now can you please wait on the racist rape accusations until there is a single shred of evidence besides woman-at-scene-of-massacre-has-blood-on-her-in-photo?

In the meantime you should think about the fact that Israel is cutting off power to that hospital.

Not sure why you assume I am supporting either side of this conflict, because I'm not.

Now can you please wait on the racist rape accusations until there is a single shred of evidence besides woman-at-scene-of-massacre-has-blood-on-her-in-photo?

Lol "racist." There's a lot of footage and documentation of them raping during the attack, it's not racist to see a video of a woman with blood all over her crotch area and make the connection that they raped her along with all the other civilians they raped.

In the meantime you should think about why you are defending rape, beheading of children, and massacre of innocent civilians.

It’s been hours and no one has posted proof.

It is racist to insist Muslims are rapists without evidence

It's racist? Muslims/Islam isn't a race...

I dont care to but 3 seconds of googling can answer this for you

Yes Islamophobia can be (and usually is) racist

You can be any race and be muslim. You're using the wrong terminology.

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Is it being racist, or just assuming that terrorists are bad?

Because, and I’m sorry if this is controversial, but terrorists are bad.

Israel is doing settler terrorism but I don’t see anyone accusing them of rape. So the distinction you’re making is about them being Muslim


The IDF does have a rape problem.

Soldiers who rape Palestinian civilians are theoretically punished, but enforcement can be hit or miss.

If white supremacists launched an attack and kidnapped people, then I wouldn’t be calling racism over rape accusations.

These people are animals because of their actions, not their skin colour.

Animals? Hmmmm the whistle is getting louder

Yep, animals.

Same as those behind the Tulsa race massacre.

If you’re only hearing “whistles” then you need to get your hearing checked so you can actually listen to the conversation.

Oh no I dealt with enough anti-Muslim racism after 9/11. You can get blocked ✌️

You are being way too sensitive to the fact that they're Muslim and not the fact that they're terrorists. People are upset that the terrorist killed and raped people.

Yoskovich managed to survive, but a report from Alerta News 24 contains allegations that some women were raped in the rave area of the festival, next to the corpses of their friends.

These are the articles that people are referencing about the rape allegations. This seems to be coming from somebody who was at the festival and survived. Were you at the festival and survived and have a different first-hand take?

I already pointed out that Israel is doing terrorism too. But no one is accusing Israel of mass unconfirmed rapes.

“Muslims are rapists” is a racist dog whistle.

I’m not “sensitive”, I’ve heard this garbage before.

I am not denying that Hamas has ever committed rape.

But until there is any kind of reliable 3rd hand reporting people should not just assume it happened.

No, playing the telephone game is not evidence, it’s literally propaganda.

I didn't see anyone in the above comments saying Muslims are rapist. Obviously deeming an entire group of people to be rapist is not only wrong but blatantly racist. As far as I was reading people were just talking about the reports coming out from the festival attack.

I believe people were talking about the reports coming out from first hand accounts of survivors. If you want to dispute those claims that's fine but you shouldn't go around calling everybody racist because they are discussing the news that they read. I would try to just warn people to be careful of what they are reading because there is going to be a lot of misinformation and fog of war going on.

I get getting angry though I'm sure you have had to deal with some nasty people and comments all your life and that just isn't right. This is a really touchy and controversial topic and it's easy for conversations to turn into yelling.

I believe people were talking about the reports coming out from first hand accounts of survivors.

"First hand reports" that are only being reported by Israeli state media.

I didn’t see anyone in the above comments saying Muslims are rapist.

Yeah no one is gonna come out and say it like that. I'm telling people to check themselves and many people are showing themselves to be acting in bad faith. If that's not you then congrats I'm not calling you racist.

If you want to dispute those claims that’s fine but you shouldn’t go around calling everybody racist because they are discussing the news that they read.

Yeah please don't misrepresent me. I'm not calling people racist for discussing what they read. I'm very happy to have a conversation about it, however the conversation starts and ends with "there is no evidence of this being reported by any reliable 3rd party"

I get getting angry though I’m sure you have had to deal with some nasty people and comments all your life and that just isn’t right. This is a really touchy and controversial topic and it’s easy for conversations to turn into yelling.

I'm not angry but I'm also not gonna sit here and give anyone the benefit of the doubt more than once. Notice how I'm not calling you racist? That's cuz you're not saying anything racist.

PS: I am also not claiming everyone I've blocked today has been racist. There was def one person I didn't even give the chance before I blocked them. Some I block for low quality/dishonesty

No the distinction is there is evidence that suggested these Hamas soldier raped people.

Then post it! It’s been 5 hours. What are you waiting for?

Give me one reputable news publication that claims to have confirmed this from a victim and not just heard about it second hand

Im not posting the video here as it breaks community rules. It is easy to find and it clearly looks like her.

You might have to wake the fuck up and accept that some of the soldiers in Hamas are terrible people capable of terrible things.

It is easy to find and it clearly looks like her.

For like the 5th time that isn’t “evidence” of her being dead and raped. But you know that. You’re being dishonest. Blocked

Someone has some biases

It’s biased to ask for evidence?

It's biased to demand evidence when there's enough evidence out there already, and to be so sensitive to a single commonality you have with them (culture) that it clouds objectivity.

Hamas and IDF have both long documented histories of war crimes, why is it hard to believe the most aggressive attack in recent times would have those components?

The standard of proof you're requesting is what betrays your bias. Nobody so far has wanted to waste their time googling things for you because they know it's likely gonna be an exercise in self-inflicted torture to try to change your mind when a bias is this prominent.

THe StANdARD of pROoF yOU’re rEqUEStIng is Too HiGh.

All I’m asking for is that someone who isn’t a spokesperson of the Israeli state to talk to a single victim and confirm.

"isn't a spokesperson of the Israeli state"

I guess media doesn't count. This is the canal through which your bs will continue. Have fun being irrelevant.

I don't care about your opinion unless you post some evidence contradicting me. I'm just asking for a single media source. Any third party who has verified this.

Just one.





One source or don't even bother responding to me.

There are videos of woman captives with bloody crotches. It doesn't take a doctorate in medicine to figure out the rapists were raping people.

Ohh wow you saw a video online that you have no way to verify the veracity of? Well case closed then Sherlock 🙄

Are you suggesting someone made a fake video featuring someone who looked like the woman in the article? Are you a clown by trade or just on lemmy?

Didn’t even take 5 minutes for someone to shift the goalposts. Fuck off

How did that shift the goalposts? You said it was a racist dog whistle. It appears to be very true in Egypt.

Now you’re just straight up being racist

Wouldn't Wikipedia be the racist one here?

Wikipedia is just stating the facts. You’re the one weaponizing it to insist Muslims are rapists.

I’m not engaging with you anymore. I have nothing to gain from engaging with an open racist

I don't remember insisting Muslims were rapists. That sounds like a lie. Unless you can quote me that is.

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