1 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Someone was peacefully trampled to death, Ashley Babbitt was peacefully shot breaking into the capitol, and those were gallows of peace.

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23 min

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There is no bullshit. they claimed 620 miles in a week and a half off of just solar power. The converter they used is 97% efficient. They just hid the week and a half travel time.

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I still have my Twitter, I'll go check.

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The UK has disputes there, not the US. Either way the aggressor would be Venezuela.

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Im just saying, he hasn't been paying bills and it's the first of the month.

The evidence is they fucking filmed themselves dropping the fuel off.

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It worse than that. According to Vice, they found his Facebook.

Lmfao " Kyiv was a feint" do you really believe that? Dude they lost so many VDV the BBC did a piece on it. To say it was just a distraction is bullshit Russian propaganda. They attacked, failed, then retreated and reinforced the areas they were more successful.

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This isn't all that close to SF. It's about 45 min- 1 hour away. I doubt they are going to alter existing highways that have the comforting title of Blood Alley because of all the fatal crashes.

Public transportation out in this area is basically non-existent. We got some buses, and that's it. The closest BART(Bay Area Rapid Transit aka subway) station to where they are building this is concord about 30 min away, with the ride into the city taking another 45. It's on the cusp of being too far away to commute to the city.

It's being built in a drought area, and the neighboring town has already said we can't help with water.

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I know a lot of people hate it but I wonder if crypto/digital donation would work. All you would need is a separate wallet setup to pay the host every month. Maybe even have a graph/chart showing how much is in the wallet vs how much the monthly bill is.

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The only extract I see below 70% is live rosin, even then it's 65-80%

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Why comment this on a post about Jewish citizens of a non-involved country being attacked? I understand not supporting Israel, but these people under threat aren't a part of this.

Good thing criminals never use cash, otherwise you could call the world economy criminal.

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Nope, S23 Ultra unlocked here, no Facebook on device.

There were some Samsung and google apps but that's it

Make NASA Great Again.

10 lakh is just shy of $14k usd

I wonder how many people this issue has killed.

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I know you can see how much is in a wallet, I would prefer a visualization of amount in the wallet vs how much the server costs.

Yeah, I have the windows open right now and yesterday I wore a sweatshirt. Its usually 110+ right now.


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A mass shooting Emmett Till.

Coming? My guy there are already decapitations, slaughtering civilians in their homes, the music festival massacre, POW executions, rape, idk if it's specifically a war crime, but the whole kidnapped Jewish children in cages.

None. It was entirely solar based. This is their 2nd vehicle smaller and lighter than the camper they made. So 440 ranged is fully charged, otherwise 620 miles in a week and a half off of just solar.

week-and-a-half-long experiment

That was a different woman, but the video definitely proves they are raping hostages.

I can answer your last question. 1776-1970(ish) it was way better to be a mixed person of Native American decent rather than African American. So if you were ethnically ambiguous enough (a large portion of mixed people) you could claim you were mixed with something other than African American.

No resistance? They sieged Chernihiv from February 25-March 31.

You count Bakhmut as a Russian victory? Nobody won Bakhmut, Russian expended a massive ammout of manpower and resources for nothing. The front didn't change in any meaningful way, hell the fact they are struggled so much to reclaim a town they captured in 2014 should tell you how bad things are for Russia. Seriously dude they drafted 300,000 and still the only way they made progress was by throwing prisoners at it.

Also spoiler alert they have been on the offensive this entire time. The only competent people have been removed from power. The one to order defensive lines made and mines laid backed Pringlez. Pringlez is also gone now so yeah I don't really see this offensive playing out any way.

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Why is it such a a leap that a man who has made threats against someone would act violently towards law enforcement?

It wasn't just Biden, I take it you haven't seen his Facebook yet?

“The trenches were full of bodies. The ground was covered in bodies,” said a soldier from the 3rd Brigade known as Billy, a hulking, clean-shaven 24-year-old. “Most were Russians, but some were ours.”

Great-grandfathers watch. It doesn't run anymore but I still love to keep it.

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Dude they have tech that streams directly into their brains. Probably just made a cookie from a scan from one of their game button node things.

Ever since I learned where the manual door release was originally placed, their claims of safety meant nothing to me.

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Reminds me of California and Bay Area related posts. 98% of the people have never even been there and just lie and exaggerate its problems.

Its hard for me to pin this solely on the Republicans when a vast majority of Tesla was built in California, and founded on our subsidies.

Dude took hella money from California then started to talk shit after he left.

Also I miss r/realtesla

Yeah, let's spend money to move offices to a worse location. More dangerous commute, more traffic, worse weather, worse neighboring cities and more air traffic,.

The developers don't need to make it that appealing. It's close enough to San Francisco and Sacramento while also being next to an airbase. The housing demand in the area is already high. They will be filled quickly no matter what. My bigger concern is what happens to Fairfield, I'm not sure if this will have a positive impact and I fear to see what a worse Fairfield would look like.