
6 Post – 667 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

"I'm knittin' like a fuckin electric nan"

I wish we would see some strike actions here in the US around manufacturing and transporting these weapons. Obviously nobody with any political power seems ready to pump the brakes on a genocide, but I wish what's left of our unions would.

What a crock of shit. Don't listen to what they say, just watch what they do.

Hangover is mostly dehydration.

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Love for my family and friends, mostly. Aside from that, spite for the things that want me dead.

On the bright side, liberals would finally oppose the genocide!

"If you hate the Death Star so much, why don't you go live on Alderaan?"

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Boiling the oceans for deepfake porn, scamcoins and worse web search.

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I mean he's definitely on HRT.

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I'm sure Biden and "his team" want to win, but not at any cost. Certainly not at the cost of taxing his donors and using the money to help the working class.

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Everyone thinking this was a business blunder... People got paid a lot of money to kill this site. It served in its own small way, to give workers a bit of power in relation to employers and that was unacceptable.


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Doesn't work because cops look at themselves in the mirror before work and think they look badass.

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I love the idea of an unaccountable spy agency using alpha technology that hallucinates answers with complete confidence /s

Whenever I see someone's computer who doesn't use adblocker it blows my mind. I can't imagine going back to that shit.

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Can't wait to have a stroke because someone put a cryptomining virus on my brainchip.

Wake up call for who? Will the Democrats ever wake up and give their base something to vote for, instead of "hey, the other guys's worse, whaddya gonna do?".

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If anyone is interested, you can train yourself to dream lucidly. There's a bunch of techniques, but they are mostly pretty similar. What worked for me:

Make a habit of (lightly) pinching your nostrils closed, and attempting to breath in through them. Do this whenever you think of it throughout the day. Might take a few weeks before you are consistently doing this habit. If you do it and find that you are able to take a breath, you are dreaming!

The other part is at bed time. While laying in bed, focus on your sense of touch for 10 full breaths, then your sense of hearing for 10 full breaths, then the same for your other senses. Repeat until you fall asleep. This is intended to keep your mind focused on your body as you transition into the dream state.

The best time for actually lucid dreaming is if/when you wake up very early in the morning, and then go back to sleep.

Overall, this is a pretty fucking cool thing that you can do, for free, and you can train yourself to do it regularly. Do whatever you want-- sex, talk with dead loved ones, fly, practice dreaded interactions...

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Decades of US unconditional support for Israeli war crimes.

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Why the hell would anyone (particularly fediverse users) give Facebook the benefit of the doubt? I genuinely can't understand it.

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Federal informant, and still get 22 years?? Congrats on playing yourself, Ricky!

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"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread." -Anatole France

And Biden is prolonging it for political loss lol

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You don't think the military support, and the diplomatic cover for Israel that the US provides at the UN (100% within Biden's prerogative) has any influence on the situation?

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The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

Anatole France

Grind him into protein paste.

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Hard to believe our hover-keyboards used to have wires!

The FBI is never going to save you from rightwing violence.

If it's going through an Israeli checkpoint on the way, it will not reach Gazans. Guaranteed. Same shit happened with the stupid fucking pier. You cannot rely on the perpetrators of genocide to help ameliorate the genocide! This is nothing more than an attempt to soften Biden's image in regards to supporting this genocide. Only dopes will fall for it.

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Do Marxists say that fascism is good for the economy? Fascism is what happens when capitalism runs out of steam. It's like the death throes of capitalism. The ruling class trying to maintain power over a population disenchanted by the realities of capitalism.

We had a map of our delivery area on the wall. Maps like this have an index of street names on one side, with XY coordinates to find them on the map. Before leaving with the pizza, you look at the map (if you weren't familiar with the area) and get an idea how to get there. The longer you work there, the less you need to look at the map.


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Those who make peaceful protest impossible, make violent protest inevitable.

The US ambassador to the UN serves at Reagan's pleasure??

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Get active politically. Even if (especially if) we are all just doomed, we can at least "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable". For me it meant joining up with a group of people doing mutual aid distributing meals and camping supplies to our houseless neighbors.

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"Call for". What does that even mean? Flex those executive muscles.

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This rhymes so hard with US government statements regarding our own bombings of weddings, funerals etc. Terrorists, "military aged men".

"If you hate the death star so much, why don't you go live on Alderaan?"

I'm vegan (24 years) and my wife is not. That doesn't bother me, but I couldn't handle it if she was religious.

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99% of cops make the rest look bad.

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