Wake-up Call: Democrats could easily lose the White House and Senate next year

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 589 points –
Democrats could easily lose the White House and Senate next year

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Wake up call for who? Will the Democrats ever wake up and give their base something to vote for, instead of "hey, the other guys's worse, whaddya gonna do?".

What the hell are you talking about???

The dems have absolutely given us things to vote for: infrastructure act, record low unemployment, union support with the pres visiting the picket line for the first time ever, we have the best inflation rate across all of the G7.

Yeah it’s not enough but that’s on the contrarians more than anything else.

The fuck you talking about

Mmmm, no. I heard that Biden and his ultra-centrist party have done nothing to stop deforestation in the Messia region of Mozambique. I'd rather have Trump and vote my conscience than allow globalists like Biden to ruin the Earth.

(just in case... /s)

Haha. Perfectly captures the tune of many Democratic voters. It's the nature of it though. Isn't it? The Democrats are broad coalition of like-minded but not monolithic people. The Republicans are a hive mind, cultivated and fed fat on a strict diet of outrage and propaganda media by the billionaire class.

America is becoming increasingly radicalized on both ends, the leftists must side with the center-right neoliberal while the fascists get to vote for fascists.

It isn't surprising to see disappointment from leftists, even if they still absolutely should vote for the lesser of two evils.

Then they promised billions of dollars of orphan killing aid to Israel, because they just can't resist being neoliberals.

Yes, they're better than a party full of fascists and fundamentalists, but so is a suit full of roadkill and excrement.

That doesn't mean people need to enthusiastically cheer as we hurtle towards oblivion.

Has any new aid been passed for Israel? I thought it was tied to Ukraine funding, which I know hasn't passed.

Sure the rail road workers loved bidens support lol


“Biden deserves a lot of the credit for achieving this goal for us,” Russo said. “He and his team continued to work behind the scenes to get all of rail labor a fair agreement for paid sick leave.”


Whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout

How dare people disagree! What idiots, right?

Disagreeing is obviously fine, but playing cherry pick whataboutism games isn't that

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I think they do: https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/

I just think the Dems suck at advertising it. Hell, I think Biden is trying for at least some student debt relief.

You aren't wrong, in a way. I'm nearing fifty and Biden is arguably the most progressive president in my lifetime. The problem is, that says more about the quality of presidents in my lifetime than it does about Biden, and with the climate crisis and encroaching global fascism, we don't have anymore time to wait. The Democrats are doing more, now, because pressure from the left has convinced them that they have to, but the leadership is still dragging their feet in defense of corporate profits as much as they can. The fact that they are doing more doesn't mean it's time to lower the pressure - it means the pressure is working, and we need to dial it up.

I don't really agree with you, but even if I did... "advertising it" is a big part of politics! It's called messaging, and it's important. You have to get people excited to vote for you. They need to feel like you're fighting for them. If you can't manage that, then don't blame people for not voting for you.

Yeah, but there's a couple things wrong. First, the Dems are trying to DO things, which is exceedingly difficult with a Republican Congress that can't even agree on a speaker.

But also, DOING things just doesn't get that much attention.

Fixing the threatening hyper-inflation after the PPP was pretty damn important, but they obviously can't advertise that because there are side effects. Our economy is returning to being based on real shit rather than make believe Venture Capital bullshit. That's a painful process, and of course the rich and corporations refuse to feel any of the pain (at least immediately). They're attempting to pawn all the pain off onto the working class, partly in the hope that they'll get more corporate tax cuts to "stimulate the economy".

They're getting more EVs made in America. The significant tax credit for EVs require that most of the car be made here.

They're fixing our crumbling bridges and roads. That doesn't get much attention, and if it does it'll be a part they've failed to address.

Amtrak is building out passenger rail lines that are actually relevant to me. It's not building metro systems in several medium US cities that need it, but it's a start.

You know a way that's much, much easier to get attention? Maybe the Dems should just pick a minority and spout fear and hate. That really plays much better with the public. Just put up a loud mouth who every other day spouts such incredibly dumb shit that the news HAS to cover it. That's a winning messaging strategy.

I can't afford an EV. I can't afford a house. I can't afford gas. I can't afford groceries. I can't afford health insurance-- actually, I can afford the minimum insurance I am required to purchase, but it is basically worthless. This is the kind of shit I don't hear/see much convincing from Democrats. Yes, fuck the fascists in the Republican party. Unfortunately, fascism can look like an 'answer' for these kind of problems. If we don't want people to fall for that trap, we need popular politics coming from the left.

I can’t afford gas. I can’t afford groceries.

What do you expect any president to do about that?

President specifically, nothing. Government and a political party as a whole? Fix the problem.

There's lots of ideas as to how to fix the problem, and though I have my own and have preferences, all that ultimately matters is that every single person in the country has a good place to live, food, and healthcare, and generally speaking, the ability to participate in society as much or as little as they choose.

Maybe voting for fewer Republicans would be a good start.

You want government to fix the problem of you making bad life choices?


every single person in the country has a good place to live, food, and healthcare, and generally speaking, the ability to participate in society as much or as little as they choose.

That you don't understand that this is a ridiculously extreme ask is just unreal to me.

I was trying to encompass a lot of stuff in that phrasing, and I get the impression it came out very poorly.

My meaning is along the lines of including things like the ability to freely reach the necessary places for desired social engagement, access to whatever modern communication and interaction systems there are and so on, without limiting it to current technology or physical structure.

I didn't want to say 'a vehicle and internet' since those may not be necessary depending on other things. Even this explanation doesn't really cover it; there's a bunch of stuff in my head I want the government to be ensuring for us and it would take a huge essay to cover it all.

That's basically the opposite of what I thought you meant, which was that all of those things should be guaranteed and no one should have to work.

Good old written mediums

That is something that should be a goal, but it's an eventual goal, and not something I could reasonably ask of the government today.

I do want those things guaranteed today, but guaranteed in the sense that if someone must work a reasonable amount to obtain them, they can do so without difficulty.

I expect someone running for president to sound like they give a fuck about that, and (once elected) to use their position as the party leader to constantly marshal their forces towards real solutions to those problems.

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They don't suck. They just don't get any help from corporate media or social media.

All corporate media is right wing media.

I also think people cling to the negatives. With student debt relief, everyone was cynical as hell at the time and still attacked the Dems.

Biden wiped the debt. Republicans filed a lawsuit and a Republican judge overturned the order.

Biden used the weakest legal reasoning he had available to cancel a fraction of existing student loan debt even though debt relief advocates were telling him not to. That made it easy to challenge in court.

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He's currently failing to handle the current most pressing international issue in a way that satisfies his voter base, though.

He is, don't think that contradicts anything I've said though. I'm just saying they do more than they let on.

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They give money to run ads for the most insane GOP people so they can have easier opponents, they wanted Trump to win the primary because it would have made the GOP a laughingstock. Problem is over time this emboldens and normalizes this faction, and now it's just this death spiral where they can't change or the other faction will win, it's like this logical inevitability at this point. Dems said it loud and clear in 2016 they will choose a candidate friendly to donors over one that could easy win against Trump.

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