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Joined 12 months ago

I bought jelly and the age restriction went off. The clerk came and I had my ID out to check. We both had a laugh

In the usa the poor don't really have anywhere to charge these cars even if they were cheap enough to afford.

It is impossible to compete with a less than five minute fill up for 300+ miles range.

Not to mention that reports place charging on public charges to be more costly than gas.

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I mean go and watch true blood or read the books ots based off of ?

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Hey, some houses have really nice vagina topiaries in Staten island

Could just add in sensible term limits of like 10-20 years. Also not allow them to own stock

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You realize that parking garages do not allow you to plug your car into random sockets and most don't have sockets anywhere near the cars

Mist people who own a home or are Lucky enough to love some where that has chargers they can use you mean.

Cheap laptops. When you buy a quality / smilingly priced windows laptop they can last as long as a Mac book

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I replaced my surface pronwith a surface pro 9. So went from February 2013 to Nov 2022. Worked well for me sll that time.

Surface pro 9 won't get replaced until the 30s

Just don't buy cheap shit

14 more...

They aren't going to disallow the usage. They are just going to stop using the old hardware and deploy new generations of hardware on that frequency


It's poor planing and over spending that is the issue. People who lease cars are on an endless cycle of never owning anything and always laying a premium.

Just actually buy a car you can actually afford.monthly payments on and drive the car into the ground. Every car in have owned has made it at least a decade and a 150k miles. Once you are done paying off take what the monthly payment would be and out it into two banks account split 20/80. Woth the 80% being towards a new car and the 20% being for repairs.

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My brother in law and sister in law. They have two brand new leases and a house they can't afford and have been borrowing money from my in laws to keep afloat.

Lots of people over spend this way. I had a friend who was making $700 a month payments on a used Mercedes suv as a new teacher.

Lots of people over spend on dumb shit.

Every half a decade or so since windows 95 I have tried Linux and I have come to the same conclusion each time. I rather use windows 95.

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Murder is against the law in western countries but of someone tries to kill you, you can kill them in self defense.

So yea of someone is committing war crimes against you, you can fo ahead and fight back to get them to stop

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Well the surface pro 2013 launched with windows 8 amd you camnupgrade for free to windows 10 that ends support in 2025. So that is 12 years of support. You cam modify the windows 11 installer to install on a surface pro also

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There is simply less need for more compute power for the average user. Even additinal.festures like screen size and resolution or video and photo quality are harder and harder to show actual differences. So people hold onto devices for longer and longer.

Was reading about one 49 year old who raped a 14 year old and just got probation. So women still get away with much worse than men.

Happens in America everything there is a draft. Happens I. South Korea and a bunch of other countries. Men don't matter to society unless they are rich

13 more...

Depend s in what you define poor. There is a huge segment of the population thay own leases vehicles that don't own a home

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And so if you aren't a home owner then the ev refuling is shit.

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Fun time pizza was better in every way.

There isn't single living thing on this planet that won't fight woth others of its kind. Cats fight cats, ants fight ants and so on and so forth. I am sire the aliens would be doing the same shit.

6 more...

Just go into jersey or any surrounding staye and buy the printer and head back to New york

Same ahit that makes nice girls / femcels. Just toxic propaganda repeated over and over again woth the aim of making a person believe its never thier fault and always someone elses.

Can't wait to be rid of Taylor swift music

Dunno, Google is up there too

Buy what you can afford.

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Only place it works fine for me is steam deck. Otherwise I just use windows unless I have to service a Linux machine at work.

And femcels

That was almost 20 years ago. Was that the last election

Odyssey, kick , rumble etc all need apps on motr devices

11 more...

Um Randy

Making cement is not hard. Find some sea shells or limestone and crush them up, add heat.

Do you need me to come fix your stove hinge ?

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Well in one night Tijuana would be a smoking crater.

You can do everything roght but your neighbors might not. I have family that lost thier home a few years ago in a fire and have moved to San Fran now

I doubt it's just a singular reason they are forcing return to office.

It's likely property value, micro managing , reducing head count and so on all play a role in jt

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Yea, 300-400 miles would be okay imo. However it takes me five minutes to fill my Gass tank and in that time everyone could go and pee and we can be on the road again. Roght now it's like 40 minutes for am 80% charge on these cars. Also every few miles there is a gas station. Who knows how long inhale to drove to get to a charger.

I think instead of ev tax credits that largely benefit the wealthy they should have spent that rebate money rolling out rv charging stations. To be honest I think we need at least a 2:1 ratio of ev chargers to current gas pumps and more likely a 4-1 ratio for this stuff to really take oft.

The less well of typically do bot own thier own homes.

More to the point people who rent in apartment complexes or own condos can't just have a new breaker put in at thier condo or apartment complex. Some places have large parking lots and would require a lot of work to wire all the spaces woth thier own chargers. Also while it's simple for you to get a 240v breaker put into your electrical box, what about an apartment complex that has a 100 cars ? It can require expensive work to support that much power drain and most people will commute during the day. That means all the load will happen after 6pm and before 9am.

Also in the mean time what do you do of you don't own your own home? Buy an ev and hope the complex you are renting at will put in a charger or two ? What about all the hoa fighting adding chargers and so on.

Like I saod this will affect the less well off.

Of course they can and they are doing it. They are going to destroy Gaza block by block until everyone has fled or is killed and there is nothing but rubble to go back too. Then Isreal will just take over the land and move in.

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Sure I do, its better than linux

It's a tale as old as time. The other alternative is every few years Hamas attacks Isreal and they carpet bomb Gaza for a few days or weeks.