YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers to – 2020 points –
YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers

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Odyssey, kick , rumble etc all need apps on motr devices

Thanks. Now I know kick and rumble exist. Can you share the link please

Well, the content is more focused on the Right rather than center-left to left-wing.

Good reason to invite some of the Left, too!

I'm not sure it's a platform that should be promoted. It is incredibly laden with alt right content, even worse than the stuff YouTube frequently attempts to drive me toward. It's also just another publicly traded company. It's affiliated with that Truth Social stuff as well.

Because those were set up under the idea of 'free peach', not under the idea of 'this neoliberal demonic brood is sucking us dry'.. The others just think that YouTube is leaving money laying around by kicking nazis off. I suggest leaving them alone in their safe space.

Cheers bro

Edit: what the hell?

Sorry, they're the first results on Google if you search "rumble" and "kick" so I figured you'd have already found them πŸ˜….

It's just and Rumble is packed with alt right content though. I always knew it as RT's favourite platform.

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