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Subscribe to !android@lemdro.id, /r/android's new home in the Fediverse!

Visit lemdro.id for a blazingly fast instance!

You're looking for this: https://gui.fediseer.com/instances/censured. Us instance admin can also endorse other instances.

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I hadn't heard of Pebble the Twitter competitor. It just makes me miss the Pebble watches.

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As a Canadian, I appreciate a lot of what the EU does when it comes to consumer protections. Hopefully this one also ends up impacting the rest of us!

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I say keep them coming!

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unlock origin

I prefer uBlock Origin myself.

Although there was the option to purchase Pro as a one-time fee. This one unfortunately only has a subscription option (which I'm not too keen on).

Edit: ljdawson has confirmed there will be an one-time payment options for both Ultra and ad removal!

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It's worth noting that protests are a fundamental part of Reddit culture and a large part of how the site became successful in the first place (waves of activism and migration from Digg over several years).

I honestly don't know how people can tolerate it.

Can I just take a moment to appreciate nitter once again?

We didn't post this one up! I posted on /r/android shortly before bed and felt it would've been in bad taste if we had posted here without discussing with you folks first (I also admittedly slept in, as it's a holiday today for Canada Day Weekend).

I was actually hoping to reach out to you and Mike to see if you're interested in joining our mod team on !android@lemdro.id. We hope to carry forward the same kind of content philosophy from /r/android prior to our lockdowns, namely discussions and items of collective interest, and avoiding specific, technical support questions that can overtake large communities - and think you both align pretty well with our overall emphasis on keeping it civil and cordial.

For a bit of background on the instance, @cole@lemdro.id has been spending quite some time getting lemdro.id setup and optimized for us with a focus on ensuring backend scalability to handle load. The hope was to have an instance where major tech and other subreddits could feel comfortable moving to, without the significant performance issues that could leave folks with bad first impressions (a number of us were around for the waves of migration from Digg to Reddit).

Folks are currently reaching out to their respective mod teams at other large tech subreddits to see if there's interest in joining Lemmy as well. We also have a number of developers with us exploring opportunities to contribute code improvements and fill gaps within the Lemmy ecosystem (e.g., accessibility improvements, moderator tools, fighting spam), with at least one bug fix already contributed to the Lemmy Github!

If you and Mike are interested, please do reach out! It would be great to have you both. Given Lemmy doesn't support group PMs or Modmail, let me know if you want to connect somewhere else - I'm on Telegram, Discord, and Element but would be happy to chat anywhere.

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You're right. Reddit was the same way during the Digg migrations. The first wave took place with the HD DVD code fiasco migration when some people setup their first accounts. It was a couple years later when Digg upset users again that the final big wave occurred. This is a great place for Lemmy as growing pains get worked out and development catches up to much needed moderation functionality.

As Cole and I say in reference to lemdro.id, it's a marathon not a sprint! !android@lemdro.id has also been steadily increasing in active and subscribed users.

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Hezbollah has been involved from South Lebanon since the initial attacks by Hamas. They were launching rockets from Lebanon.

I've heard this is also the case for civilians and officers working for police departments who are responsible for handling evidence related to child abuse. Takes a lot of psychological support, which I'm not sure can ever be enough.

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This has been my feeling lately. The updates aren't exciting and all of the goodies are tucked away as Pixel exclusives or Google-specific services (e.g., Google Photos).

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They also notably ended their dedicated Street View app: https://9to5google.com/2022/11/01/google-street-view-app-shutting-down/.

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Ideally you shouldn't have to compromise. GrapheneOS without Google is an option.

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Especially on beehaw. The quality of discussion is in most cases significantly better than modern Reddit. It all reminds me very much of the earlier days (16 year old reddit account here).

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It seems they're just trying to make it seem intentional when really, they're just struggling now that their Google Cloud contract has expired.

In 2018, Twitter signed a $1 billion contract with Google to host some of its services on the company’s Google Cloud servers. Platformer reports Twitter recently refused to pay the search giant ahead of the contract’s June 30th renewal date. Twitter is reportedly rushing to move as many services off of Google’s infrastructure before the contract expires, but the effort is “running behind schedule,” putting some tools, including Smyte, a platform the company acquired in 2018 to bolster its moderation capabilities, in danger of going offline. Engadget, June 11, 2023

Congrats! You're really giving folks all the options!

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The app hasn't been updated but the Play Store block has indeed been lifted. People were sideloading without issue. Perhaps Google intended for the block to only last until launch to prevent reviewers only.

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This is more like protesting Walmart while shopping there daily. Reddit directly benefits from the continued traffic.

No, don't! He has enough kids.

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Back in my day, Google apps were often among the worst offenders when it came to not following their own design philosophy!

Congratulations to Poland!

You mean it isn't about micro-transaction mobile gaming?!

Adding my voice to the chorus here... adopt from a rescue!

It's worth noting our regular cars have locked down ECU. I had to pay good money to be able to get around it. But I agree it's not great overall and isn't headed in a promising direction.

Have you looked into possible causes for your fatigue, exhaustion, and insomnia? It could be worth some investigation (e.g., blood work, sleep study, ADHD assessment).

Seriously. I inevitably get all of the right-wing questionable sources as recommendations each time.

The problem is when those features don't make it to other devices.

It definitely feels weird, but it could also just be a reaction to the significant criticisms at the time of the purchase and change of ownership.

I guess they weren't working on bugs when they postponed the Android 14 launch to coincide with the Pixel 8 release...

Do they really? I prefer quality over quantity. We don't really need a massive influx of users, just steady growth.

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My answer is: yes

In all seriousness, Connect feels the most complete so far when it comes to the native apps.

Voyager and Photon are web apps, but they are the snappiest and most polished. Voyager has an overall solid interface that probably beats all of the current apps available in terms of usability. Photon offers a very consistent interface and is still the only one with mod functionality.

Infinity and Thunder seem very promising due to the focus on customization

Sync was my go-to all for Reddit. It has an overall interface I'm most familiar with and what I consider the best design. It's still in a very early alpha state with some basic functionality missing (e.g., submitting posts) but I'm very much looking forward to seeing progress made here.

I miss the days of exciting updates. The only thing that seems at all noteworthy to me, as someone who doesn't use the stock launcher, is the font change.

You might have mentioned this already but what launcher are you using on your S23U, @FragmentedChicken@lemdro.id?

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I found this interesting in the comments:

Hmm, Raspberry Pi Ltd. joins RISC-V group (Jan 2019). Raspberry Pi Ltd. releases Rpi5 with a unified Rpi1 I/O chip (Oct 2023) freeing them from being tied to a particular SoC family. ARM Ltd. invests in Raspberry Pi Ltd. (Nov 2023). Hmmm...... Really seems like a "here's some cash, stay ARM."

Can you imagine the marketing impact of a RISC-V RPi board after all these years of it being ARM based? Sure, the number of boards effected isn't huge, but it's the marketing impact of losing a flagship product that needs to be considered.

Source: https://www.anandtech.com/comments/21120/arm-acquires-minority-stake-in-raspberry-pi/790281

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Here's your link attached directly! Credit: xkcd.

They're probably referring to their DNS ad and malicious domain filter.

Thanks for sharing! Just a heads up that we typically ask that the original source be posted (in this case, the release from Google at https://blog.google/products/android/nearby-share-windows-android/). If you don't mind editing the submission, it'd be much appreciated! On Lemmy, we can update both the title and link :).

Edit: this was actually already shared it seems! https://lemdro.id/post/121569

I'd personally wait until they actually follow through.

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